22 June 2016

A New Summer Look!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a professionalPlease note that all hair types are different; what may not work for me may work for you, and what may work for me may not work for you.

Remember a couple months ago I dyed my hair red? And, then back to brown?

Well, if you aren't already following me on instagram, then, you really should! My instagram game is improving and I'm actually learning the art of taking (somewhat) pretty pictures for my insta-page. But, besides me shamelessly advertising my insta... what I really meant to say was that a couple days ago, I revealed the new look I created for myself.

Yes, I decided to skip the hair salon and time dyed bleached my hair! I won't lie to you, the idea seemed adventurous at first. But, once I started applying the bleach, I was hella nervous! However, the end results amazed me!

Like I said, I was actually so nervous bleaching my hair on my own! I did a bit of research beforehand, but my excitement took over and I just ended up convincing myself I needed a change - especially before grad. I guess I'm a great convincer because that very same day of watching 1.5 hours of youtube videos, I went straight to Sally's and bought everything I needed. 

What You Need (a.k.a What I Used):
The bleaching process wasn't too hard. It is like applying box dye, but applying the bleach fast or risk damage. Thanks to the help of my lovely mother, she actually applied the bleach on my hair AND wrapped the different sections in tin foil. 

Her help was a HUGE because I already know how slow I was during the other times I dyed my hair on my own. I did not want to leave the bleach on my hair for longer than 40 minutes. I love my hair - so, leaving the bleach in my hair for too long was not an option for me.

NOTE: Leaving bleach in for too long can actually leave your hair feeling over dried and have a straw-like kind of feel to it. I was scared, which was also why I decided to not touch my routes! If I loved the colour my hair turned out, then I'll think about touching my roots with bleach.

Remember how I mentioned I dyed my head of hair red before? Well, thats the other thing I was worried about... I was worried that bleaching my hair would actually cause my hair to go pink. So, I was paying SUPER close attention to the sections of my hair. But, after washing my hair, to my surprise, my hair ended up being a really pretty shade of brown that I never before thought I could pull off!

How did my hair feel? To my amazement, my hair felt HEALTHY. Remember that time I blogged about my favourite hair product? Well, it turns out that months of shampooing and conditioning my hair with coconut oil did wonders! But, that night, I decided to go ahead and drench my hair in coconut oil, just to be safe. I guess I 'm just really impressed with what coconut oil did to my hair.

Any who... the next day, I decided that my "new" look wasn't enough. It didn't give me that WOW factor. When I said I wanted a change, I really wanted a change - a look I never had. So, I got everything together, and decided to bleach my hair again, this time the ends to give it that ombre look.

Note: my research says that you really should wait about 2 weeks before bleaching your hair again!!! I obviously decided not to wait... I'm impatient like that.

So, this time I did everything on my own! And, it wasn't too bad of a process, especially since I was mainly focusing on my ends. I left the bleach in for about 40 minutes, and washed out my hair. And...

BAM.  A new look I was definitely not expecting, but absolutely LOVE. I love how great it turned out, and I wasn't the only one! Others really liked it, but were even more surprised at the fact that I achieved this look on my own! I think I will eventually do another bleaching process, this time including my roots, but that can wait a few more weeks.
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