30 October 2014

10 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Me!

30 October 2014

10 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Me!

1. Yes, I am a mixed baby! Believe it or not, my mother is from the Philippines and my father is from Sri Lanka, making me half Filipina and half Tamil! (Just wanted to put this out there because people usually think I'm Spanish or even First Native!)
Can you tell????
2. I lie about my height. In fact, my height on my drivers liscence is about 2 inches off! I'm actually 5'1 believe it or not! You can definitely call me shortie if it pleases you.

3. I grew up with asthma! I say grew up because it is no longer a frequent thing anymore. Yup, I used to use the puffers, and even the tunnel that helped guided the air into my mouth properly. Then as technology changed, so did my form of medication, and I even had this cool thing that was called a disc. I had to suck in powder (sounds weird), but hey, must have worked if I no longer use them :)

4. I am currently a junior black belt in karate. Yeah! I started practising at the age of 5 and continued a looooooong practice until 16 where I received my junior black. Why did I stop? I guess you could say I lost some interest because I was apart of so many things at the time. I'm actually planning on starting it back up and get my black belt!

5. Speaking of karate, I broke my arm once in a sparing match with one of the other higher black belts. I guess he was going a little harder than usual on me because I haven't been to practice regularly. And then he kicked me as I was blocking and like I cried because of the pain. But, never did I ever thought I broke my arm! (This was also a reason I took a break from karate!)

6. I'm actually mean (apparently). According to others, I get really mean when someone pisses me off. I'm not sure if this is something to be proud of or not. I think it is because I am no longer a push over... I'm someone who will stand up for myself now!

7. I never smoked anything and I probably won't ever. I never found anything appealing about smoking. I didn't need any educational talks about what smoking can do to you, I just never had an interest. I guess it stems from all my uncles who used to smoke around us kids... one of the reasons why I got asthma in the first place.

8. I'm the biggest animal lover you'll ever meet! I love animals, and I will literally go play with an animal that is passing by for an animal. They are just too darn adorable! I really think I'll end up being one of those crazy cat lady's, but instead of cats, my own zoo of animals!

9. I am seriously afraid of masks! Ask anyone who thought they were funny "testing" this out. I am scared shitless. and literally if you were there for the times my so-called "friends" (I say this with no harm) to scare the life out of me, you would have also seen me in a fetal position crying. I find them scary, and I think its mostly because you don't know who the heck is behind that mask! And worst, you don't know what their motivations are! (this is why I refuse to go to any fear fest/screemers/halloween haunt events!)  BE CAREFUL ON HALLOWEEN GUYS!

10. I MET SELENA GOMEZ! And she told me she was in love with my hair! (Back then I had REALLLYY long and beautiful hair). Sorry, this still gets me sooo excited, I absolutely love her!

Sooooo, I hope this broke the ice between us a bit! Haha! Have a great Wednesday 
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28 October 2014

My Superstitions!

28 October 2014

My Superstitions!

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I usually tell people I'm not superstitions. In fact, I usually question others about their superstitions!  So, I sat down and really thought about what I'm superstitious about, and hey I guess I do have some! I decided to share them with you! Ready??

1. Breaking a mirror will bring you bad luck - maybe not 7 years of bad luck, but yes bad things will probably happen that same day or over the next few days.

2. I believe that the #1 and #4 are my lucky numbers, and #8 isn't!

3. If a black cat crosses your path, you better make sure you go another way. I'm not sure why I believe this, but it may have something to do with hearing this over and over again when I was younger!

4. I used to believed that making wishes on 11:11 is very special and will come true. I don't anymore (but I think that's because I always miss 11:11).

5. See a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck! (especially if head side is up!)

6. Walking under an open ladder is disastrous!
7. I believe walking into a room with your right foot FIRST will bring you good luck (this is something every time I walk into my test/exam room!)

8. Knocking on wood (3 times to be exact) will prevent bad things from happening (I usually use my head if there is no nearby wood).

9. Wishing upon shooting stars! - I saw 3 shooting stars my entire life, and I was only able to make a proper wish on the first one. Trust me, it came true.

10. If you're talking to someone or a group of people, and out of no where it goes quiet, an angel passed by. If its quiet for about 1 minute, Jesus stopped by to say hello! - but the silence is completely random and not forced.

Do you share some of the same superstitions as me?  What are some of your superstitions that are not mentioned on my list? Let me know!

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27 October 2014

A Letter to my Younger Self

27 October 2014

A Letter to my Younger Self

Dear Lil Nessa,

You've always been this little cutie waddling around. Don't let anyone bring you down - especially about your weight. Trust me... it becomes an asset later on in life, trust me, you'll be more appreciative about your body later on! Your cheeks, love them as much as you can! Those are literally your money makers which people just adore! It will always makes you look more younger, and makes other second look at you.

Why am I talking about the way you look so much? Because I want to let you know that everything will be okay. You will go through many of the struggles about your weight due to comments here and there, but I need you to not worry. Please don't make the mistake of doing something that will harm you later. You are beautiful and I think this is something you need to remind yourself, especially when your feeling your worst.

You're in elementary school, and you'll meet your best friend Dianne. Keep her close! She's someone you'll want to have for the rest of your life. When she gives you your number, make sure you keep it somewhere so you can call her that day she moves (sorry to spoil that). But, here is a better surprise, you will end up seeing her soon in the future. Are you excited? Me to! I'll just tell you, you'll one day see her in your first year of .... university! So keep her close if you wanna be as close with her as you were before!

Your mom loves to expose you to different things - karate, piano, guitar, voice, gymnastics... literally everything. I won't tell you which one you'll stick to later on, that's up to your likes and interests! But, please I beg of you... learn as much as you can during your piano lessons! You'll love being able to play songs on the piano, but you'll always wished you received more lessons. So please cherish and take every lesson seriously!

I love you, and you are the cutest! Keep up the great work, and don't let anyone bring you down!


19-year-old Nessa!

P.S. You'll forever be one of the shortest in your class! Embrace it! It will be a huge benefit for when you meet that lucky guy! 
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Weekly Wishes #38

Weekly Wishes #38

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Happy Monday bloggers! and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! I hope you all are enjoying the long weekend just as I am! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
Okay, so I pretty much M.I.A last week on my blog. I guess I've been soo busy with school and studying, I just feel like I'm in a world of never ending testing. I swear I had at least a test or two each week. This week I actually have another test, and next week 2 more. It just never ends! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. STUDY STUDY STUDY! I have a test this Thursday for my Human Osteology class. This test is worth 20% of my final mark. So, hopefully this test can help my final mark go up! 
  2. Plan blog prompts. I've been busy with school that I missed last week and a few days of blogging.  I decided to plan (like a to do list format) of blog prompts I would be blogging about everyday. I also hope to write most of them on the weekends so that I am able to stay up with school work, and also keep up with my blog.
  3. Clean my room/ Reorganize. I already started the process of moving things around. I just need the energy now to actually throw things out instead of leaving it in the middle of my room. I feel like once I do so, it will be easier for me to move my cloths around. 
  4. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. Yes, I need to make sure I stick to this plan, and actually hit the gym to lose weight and attain my dream body! Especially since today is Thanksgiving, gotta get rid of all that weight!
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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18 October 2014

Confessions of a 3rd Year Uni Student! - Week #5 and #6

18 October 2014

Confessions of a 3rd Year Uni Student! - Week #5 and #6

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Hey guys! Another week has passed, fairly quickly I should add again. I missed my post for last week which is why the title of this post is both #5 and #6. I actually don't remember how week #5 of school went. All I remember is having two tests, one on Wednesday and the other on Thursday. I thought I did fairly well. But I just got my mark for one of them, and I felt that I did really well... instead I got a 70%. Like I know 70% isn't a bad mark, but I honestly thought that I did better. Now I just gotta wait to get back my other test mark.

This week went by quickly, of course because we just had our Thanksgiving long weekend meaning there was no school Monday. WOHOOO! But regardless... I spend the entire weekend and beginning of the week studying for the bell ringer I had this past Thursday. And might I add how you really need to know you stuff in order to do well on a bell ringer!

It's a human osteology course, so memorizing all the different parts of the cranial skull plus the cranial nerves and what bone articulate with what was part of the test. There were 30 stations, 2 minutes per questions. Like I said, you really had to know your stuff to answer the questions. There were different bones like the occipital bone, frontal bone, parietal bone, frontal bone, sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrimal, inferior nasal conchea, maxillae and others. We had to identify specific parts that were labelled. It was hard.

One part that was really cool was the bonus question. There was a bonus question that consisted of us putting one hand in a mystery box and guess the bone and side it. I thought it was the right maxillae... but my other friends thought it was a zygomatic, or even the left maxillae. I wonder what it really was.

On the test we also were given a tooth. We had to name it (either incisor, canine, premolars, molar), decide if it is a baby tooth or adult tooth, say if it part of the upper teeth or lower teeth, and decide if it is from the left side or right side of the mouth.

Anyways, that was really the highlight of my week. Crazy how a test would be the high light of my week. I guess it is only because I just never had a bell ringer experience like that. Like for half of the test I felt like I did very well whereas the other half I could have done well. WE just have to wait and see for my test marks.

Besides that one test, I've been exhausted. I had work Tuesday morning at 7:30am and later class throughout the evening. So that night, having it be Thanksgiving Monday, I of of course went to bed late. Then Tuesday and Wednesday night I went to bed late because of studying. So yeah, I'm a bit sick. And I'm actually worried. This ebola thing is spreading around very quickly! It is like that movie contagion! Scary stuff guys! 

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17 October 2014

Stop Faking

17 October 2014

Stop Faking

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Today's post reading: Romans 12:1-21 (ESV)
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. - Romans 12:9
I think today's passage speaks a lot more about genuine love. For the past couple of weeks, I've been talking about loving everyone regardless of the way you've been treated by them. But, I think it is important to mention the difference between showing love and pretending to love others.

In the particular verse above, Paul wrote, "Abhor what is evil; hod fast to what is good." This can take a whole different meaning to anyone. But to me, I think Paul is trying to further clarify to us what false love is. False love is evil where it begins and comes from sinful and fake desires towards others.  It came come from a place to show others that you an example of God's child. This type of mind set is absolutely wrong, and needs to be stopped immediately.

The moment we perceive life to show others how Christian we are, ruins the entire meaning and purpose of why Jesus died for us in the first place. By doing so, we are basically making a mockery of His love for us.

In the passage, Paul reminds us that brotherly love continues to be important, especially a key difference between showing and pretending to love others. This idea ties perfectly to our internal love we have for our physical siblings and parents. Yes, of course we may have arguments and fights with them here and there, but that doesn't change the way you love them. We need to embody this internal love and now reflect it onto others. Why? Because we are all children of God. And we need to show our appreciate to Jesus through our actions, thoughts and words towards each other.

This can be hard, but it takes time. Believe me when I say I had my fair share of people who've hurt me in the past. I shown love towards them by simply respecting them and not hurting them back they way I've been hurt. Rather instead, I removed myself from the situation - which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not only am I releasing myself from a bad situation, I am also avoiding the possibility of pretending to love that person if there is ever an interaction.

To love is to comes from within. The moment we begin to pretend to be happy for others, or pretend to care for others is a true reflection of your appreciation for the Lord and all that has happened for us to start a life without sin.  Jesus showed love to all His disciplines and followers. Remember when got down to wash the feet of His disciples and followers? Are we really not able to show the same, if not more?
Today is the 10th day of the 16 day plan in my journey of reading, reflection and responding to what the bible says about love. If you'd like to follow alone, join HERE and perhaps start your own journey! Ready to go on this journey with me? Well then, let's get started!

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14 October 2014

Funniest Memory From My Childhood

14 October 2014

Funniest Memory From My Childhood

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I really had to think long and hard about a funny childhood memory. I went through some of my albums for inspiration, and I have to say I had a few ideas about what I wanted to talk about. Then, I started smiling at the amount of photos I have with my cousins. That's when I realized that the best of my childhood was spending time and creating memories with my cousins. We were absolutely crazy and always wanted to play games back then.

There was one particular game we always played, we called it "Family 101". Looking back, this had to be one of the funniest memories I have with my cousins. This game consisted of my cousin Neisha, Nivesh, my sister Ashley and I going on a family adventure. For some reason we always chose the same destination - walking around in the wilderness. Our mission was to get home. For some reason, every time we played this game, we were always on the bridge.

HAHA, I'm actually laughing like crazy as I'm writing this by the way!

And, like every time we play this game, my sister somehow was the one who always ended up hanging on the bridge! We used to play this part of the game in my aunt's room, and sooo my sister would hang from the bed, while the three of us were trying to get her back on this bridge. I don't know, it was just so funny thinking back because this same exact situation happens to poor Ashley. AHAH.

Then, when we made it back to our place from the so called wilderness, a fight would break loose among us. Neisha and I would fight for the 1 telephone to talk to our pretend friends, while Ashley and Nivesh would fight for the last slice of pizza. The funny part was, there was no phone and no pizza slice, but Ashley and Nivesh would take the fighting to a serious level doing body slams on the bed. Just toooo funny of a "Game" that we played.

It's funny. Maybe we were uncreative back then, or really just loved the story line we put ourselves in, but the same thing happened every time we played the game. And it is just hilarious to think back to!
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13 October 2014

Weekly Wishes #37

13 October 2014

Weekly Wishes #37

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Happy Monday bloggers! and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! I hope you all are enjoying the long weekend just as I am! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
Last week went great. I was able to get through 2 test, which I feel I was prepared for both. I finished my assignments, and I am almost done reorganizing my room! The only downfall of last week was how I was super busy, so I literally only blogged twice last week, and didn't a chance to hit the gym. Hopefully this week will be different.
This Week's Wishes
  1. STUDY STUDY STUDY! I have a bell ringer test this week, worth 25% of my grade. I need to study so that I am able to identify different parts of the skull properly in 2 minutes. 
  2. Sleep. Unfortunately, I got sick this weekend due to the lack of sleep. I probably won't be getting a lot of sleep tonight and the week since I have work early tomorrow morning and I'll be studying hard for this Thursdays test. 
  3. Plan blog prompts. Now that I will be busy with school, I decided to plan (like a to do list format) of blog prompts I would be blogging about everyday. I also hope to write most of them on the weekends so that I am able to stay up with school work, and also keep up with my blog.
  4. Clean my room/ Reorganize. I already started the process of moving things around. I just need the energy now to actually throw things out instead of leaving it in the middle of my room. I feel like once I do so, it will be easier for me to move my cloths around. 
  5. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. Yes, I need to make sure I stick to this plan, and actually hit the gym to lose weight and attain my dream body! Especially since today is Thanksgiving, gotta get rid of all that weight!
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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ABC's of Thankfulness

ABC's of Thankfulness

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian bloggers and followers! In honour of such a holiday that might be easily passed due to the delicious family styles of food, I decided to take the time to note what I am especially thankful for today. For today's post, I tried not to name typical things, but things that I don't appreciate as much. Join in if you'd like, I would love to see what you guys are thankful for! So, let's go through the alphabet with things I am thankful for!

I am thankful for my sister Ashley. She is my one and only sister - my best friend. I appreciate her so much more than I ever did since she moved onto campus, it is definitely lonely at home without someone to talk to.

I am thankful for beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I think they are an absolute beautiful site whenever I drive to/from school/work/friends place.

I am thankful for the courage that I had this year to get out of my comfort zone and do things I would usually never do.

I am thankful for my daddy. I love my dad, and I am just thankful that he could be in my life everyday supporting me and encouraging me to always do my best. I am also thankful that he is literally using a lot of his money to help me achieve everything I could have possibly dreamt for. 

I am thankful for the knowledge I am receiving everyday in school receiving an education. Yes, there are days where I feel like school can be a burden, but learning about many new things really changes the way I view things around me. Education is what will provide me more opportunities in the future when it is time to go into the career of my choice.

I am thankful for my family. Yes, we have our ups and downs, but blood is thicker than water. I will always be thankful to have them in my life, every single one of my family members, including my cousins, distant cousins, grandmas, grandpas, everyone. 

I am thankful for the life he has given to me. I am thankful for all the ups and downs I have experienced, it has honestly made me who I am today, and I cannot thank Him enough for being there with me, every step of the way. 

I am truly thankful I have a place to stay safe and warm. It is unfortunate, especially during the holidays where people are unable to stay in a warm place with food to eat. I think my home is something I've definitely been taking for granted.

How can you not be thankful for ice-cream! I swear it is the best thing in the world, especially as comfort food!

I am thankful that Jay has been apart of my life for almost 4 years now. He has been my rock through so many events in my life, I don't even think words can begin to show how thankful I am to have him in my life. He is truly a best friend of mine whom I can rust. 

I am thankful for my kitchen, especially on a day like today. The kitchen allows me to cook all the food that I wanted when I wanted to eat.

I am thankful for everyone in my life, especially those whom I love and love me back. Love really does make the world go round, and I am thankful I am blessed to have such people in my life. 

I am thankful to have a strong and loving mother. She always cares for me, and truly wants the best for me. I love her with my life. 

I am thankful for nature. Nature is actually beautiful and a relaxing scene.

I am thankful for onions. I know this may sound weird, but onions adds a great taste to food! MMM, my favourite veggie!

 I am honestly thankful I was able to bring home Penelope. She has truly been a great friend and company through nights when I am alone and with no one to talk to. She really thought me how to put others before myself. 

I am thankful for questions. Why? Questions help you learn a lot, whether it is in the most confusing class, or even about people. Questions allow you to learn different things.

I am thankful for the ability to read. I think reading is one of the most important ways to communicate with others. I am thankful I am able to read and escape in a different world from time to time. 

I am thankful for the stars that I rarely see. I live in the city, so I hardly see the beautiful stars. But on days when I'm not in the city at night, the stars are just a beautiful view. 

I am thankful for technology. Technology is something that is definitely allowed me to do things faster than ever before. 

University of Toronto
UTM is the university that I am currently attending, and I am thankful that I am so fortunate enough to attend a prestigious school and receiving such great education.

I am thankful for vacations. A get away? Count me in!

A way of communicating my thoughts and feelings with other people. I would be extremely frustrated if I was unable to express my feelings without words.

I am thankful for x-rays because these are definitely important. I guess without them, we wouldn't know what is broken in our bodies. (couldn't really think of anything else that started with an x!)

I am thankful for you guys! I have followers who read me daily, and I have new follower who are reading this as we speak (hopefully this is you)! Without you guys, I probably wouldn't have no motivation to continue writing, but you guys are great!

I am thankful for sleep! Sleep is what gives me energy, and boy do I need a dose of energy in my daily life! 
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10 October 2014

The Greatest Love

10 October 2014

The Greatest Love

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Today's post reading: John 15:1-27 (ESV)

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:13
This is the most, if not the the best example of what trust love really is. Jesus has done something for all of us that is a true reflection of loving others. He did this through the act of putting others needs before his own with the intention of love.

There wasn't an alternative motive for him to die on the cross for our sins. He show His love by giving His life for us. We didn't deserve it, especially with all the sins we've all committed. He took on our sins with him on the cross as well and gave the impossible gift. His story was the ultimate "real and costly love". And it was for us.

So, how do we do this in our everyday lives? Well, there is the option of laying on the cross for others... but I think in our society with all the different religions and perspectives on life, it can be seen as something for show in order to prove something, and that's just unnecessary.

I think the best way to share what Jesus has done for us is by thinking about the best possible outcome for others. Have you ever realized the littlest things in life affect someone else's day?  Smiling to somewhere can instantly change their mood from a crappy tired morning person, to a happy person for the rest of the day. So, why can't we do this to others?

So, I say start out by making a difference in others lives through the little things. It makes a huge different on the individuals life. Love goes a long way!
Today is the 9th day of the 16 day plan in my journey of reading, reflection and responding to what the bible says about love. If you'd like to follow alone, join HERE and perhaps start your own journey! Ready to go on this journey with me? Well then, let's get started!

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06 October 2014

Weekly Wishes #36

06 October 2014

Weekly Wishes #36

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Week's Wishes
This past week went by extremely fast. And when I say extremely fast, I literally mean extremely fast. I got a lot done, but then again, I am always feeling behind when it comes to school work. Speaking of work, I need a better handle on balancing school and my part-time job. Gotta pay for future books, and future tuition. 
This Week's Wishes
  1. STUDY STUDY STUDY! I have two tests this week. My exceptionality psych test on Wednesday, and then an Anthro test on Thursday. I would really like to Ace them both, so studying everything NOW, and just going over them again and again over the next few days is ideal. 
  2. Finish my assignments. I have two assignments due this week - one on Tuesday, and the other on Thursday. Gotta get those done, preferably ahead of time!
  3. Sleep. Unfortunately, this week I have the worst schedule for work. One of the days I am working is Tuesday 7:30am - 1:00pm. Whats so bad about that? Well, I have class that evening from 3-5pm, then a practical from 6-7:00pm. Thats why this week is going to suck. 
  4. Plan blog prompts. Now that I will be busy with school, I decided to plan (like a to do list format) of blog prompts I would be blogging about everyday. I also hope to write most of them on the weekends so that I am able to stay up with school work, and also keep up with my blog.
  5. Clean my room/ Reorganize. My sister is slowly moving her stuff out as she is preparing to move into the resident life at her new university! I gotta make sure she doesn't take any of my cloths/shoes/makeup - everything. Time to clean up and take ownership of what is really mine!
  6. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. Yes, I need to make sure I stick to this plan, and actually hit the gym to lose weight and attain my dream body!
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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05 October 2014

Silent Sunday #41

05 October 2014

Silent Sunday #41

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04 October 2014

My Favourite Instagram Photo

04 October 2014

My Favourite Instagram Photo

Hey guys, today's blog prompt of the Blogtober14 challenges hosted by Helene from Helene in Between and Taylor from The Daily Tay! So today's prompt is to share with you all my favourite photo I posted on instagram. Well, as some of you guys may know, I have two instagrams - one personal, and one dedicated to this blog. So, I decided to share one from each of my instagram!


From my personal instagram: @oulalanessaa

From my blog instagram: @nessasbliss
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Confessions of a 3rd Year Uni Student! - Week #4

Confessions of a 3rd Year Uni Student! - Week #4

It has been 1 month I've been in school, and must I say that the days are going by extremely quick. Like now that I think about it, the other day was just Monday and I was hoping the week wouldn't go by quick. Yet, here we are seconds later sitting in my room thinking what the heck did I even do this week?

I have two test this upcoming week, an exceptionality psych test on Wednesday, and then my anthro test on Thursday. Two completely different subjects, so I'm going to have to definitely study twice as hard than usual to start off the course with a great mark! Okay, so the plan is to study while creating a study sheet at the same time for both my subjects. It might take more than Saturday just to study everything this weekend. As I've been saying, I no longer want to study the night before a test... so I am determined to study as much as I can now days before the midterm. Makes sense? okay.

OH, another thing I wanted to talk about was how yesterday at work, I saw my work schedule for the next two weeks. Dare I say it on the internet? I wasn't too happy. I really should be more smarter when giving my availability hours because I find myself working on a Tuesday from 7am-1pm. Why is this so bad? Well, considering the fact that I have class later that day from 3-5pm, then a tutorial from 6-7pm... It will definitely be a long day. I don't know how people do it... manage both school and a job? And there are even some students who manage 2 jobs. It's crazy, but I commend you all!!

But, I need the money... so I somehow have to make it work, balancing both school, my social life, and now more hours at work. The moment I noticed myself unable to balance everything, I'm definitely going to rethink things about work.
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03 October 2014

One Thing I Can't Live Without

03 October 2014

One Thing I Can't Live Without

Hmm... I really had to sleep while I figured out what my answer would be to this quick. I guess the obvious real answers would be water. Not only am I obsessed with water, but because water is actually used in literally my everyday needs. I need water to clean myself, for drinking, for cooking, and sooo much more. So yea, water is definitely something I wouldn't be able to live without. But, I decided to take a different approach to this blog post.

Something very dear to my heart is family. Whether someone is blood relative to me, or someone I've known for a long time, or someone I truly see as a sister, I see them as family. So to answer this blog prompt, family is something I wouldn't be able to live without. 

My mother and father have gone through so much sacrifice for my sister and I. They have always, and continue, to be apart of my life, thick and thin. I may not show my appreciation as often as I should, but they are the only support system who has been by my side since day one. Moreover, my sister and my cousins are my best friends. We can be literally be our own species, but we are the only people I can honestly have literally gone through ALL the bad shit together, especially the ugly. I love them so much, and I could not ever imagine living a day without them. It even hurts just thinking about it. 

I can go on, and on about some of the very few friends who have been apart of my life, and family since diapers, but I think I'll save a separate post for them. But, I want to take the time to talk about Jay. I have genuine feelings for him, and he does for me as well. He is someone I want to grow old with because I enjoyed the last few years with him. I cannot wait to see what future has in store for us. Going a day without speaking to him is hard enough... living without him would just be a pure nightmare! 

Yes, we've had our fair share of disagreements, but family is all you have at the end of the day. I can have all the friends in the world, but I cannot guarantee that they would have the same amount of loyalty and or care for me like my family. Family is my life, and I cannot image my life without them.

P.S. I included a picture of Penelope, because well... she's my Penelope and the cutest bunny I've ever had. I love her!
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Golden Rule

Golden Rule

Today's post reading: Luke 6:1-49 (ESV)
And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.  - Luke 6:31 (ESV)
Treating others the way I would want to be treated is a value I truly live by. It is a thought that is always in the back of my mind whenever I am talking to others - my loved ones or even my not so loved ones. This verse has a lot of meaning. What stands out the most is the fact that it really makes you think twice before you decide to act, speak or even think in a certain way. 

Personally, it makes me want to put myself in other people's shoes. I'll admit it, whenever I am mad/angry at someone, I tend to show that anger through the act of ignoring and not acknowledging the other person. I know, it is catty, but that is how I deal with things/people - choosing not to deal with it/him/her directly. (It is something I'm definitely working on). But, whenever I am feeling the sort of the same treatment from someone else, this verse really comes to mind. 

Being a female, I've had my fair share of emotional pain. Whether it was being on the other end of a rumour, or having really rude and hurtful things said to me, like you all, I've experienced it. How has it changed me? Well, it changed the way I want to deal with others. For one, I don't deliberately say hurtful things to others, because like I said, I know words hurts. 

But this of course does not happen over night. It takes time to learn from your past and to use it as a positive experience to affect the present and future. So, what's one way to show love to others who we really don't get a long with? I say the first thing is respect. Think about it... We don't like feeling small and unimportant. I think a smile goes a long way and can even change the course of a person's life. 

Start by saying hello and smiling to others. Show respect to others. How will others show respect to you if you are guarding yourself if negativing and an unwillingness to open up. Be friendly with your thoughts, words and actions. Actions speaks LOUDER than words. Your actions show you who you really are, and if you acting negatively towards other pushes other ways and you won't get that chance to build something new. 

It is a one day process, and not a very easy one. But, showing love to others will bring more positivity into your life - which is something you'll definitely be looking forward to every time you wake up!

Smile beautiful its the weekend! 
Today is the 8th day of the 16 day plan in my journey of reading, reflection and responding to what the bible says about love. If you'd like to follow alone, join HERE and perhaps start your own journey! Ready to go on this journey with me? Well then, let's get started!
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02 October 2014

My Dream Job When I was Younger

02 October 2014

My Dream Job When I was Younger

When I was younger, I wasn't really exposed to that many jobs.. or so I thought. So growing up, I've gone through the many stages of switching between what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be a teacher, a dentist, a veterinarian, a doctor, a pilot, a policewoman... and the list goes on and on. But, I think it is fair to say, the majority of my life I wanted to go into the medical field. So, growing up I had my dreams set up to become a doctor, a paediatrician to be exact.

But then high school happened and reality unfortunately sat in. My marks weren't high enough in both chemistry and math to allow me to get into the Life Sciences (or Health Sciences) programs in university (which is the first path to becoming a doctor). So, I had to actually change my ways and choose a different career path because let's face it... sciences aren't even my thing, especially chemistry urgg the struggle is real.

I was fortunate enough to get into university - in fact I'm in my third year doing a double major in psychology and anthropology. At the moment, I'm a full-time student just exploring my option, which can be both good or bad. Good because I'm venturing out to really see what interests me and possibly find careers based on my likes, rather than my parents wants. Bad because I feel like I am just coasting through my classes without a motivation to become something more.

I loved working with kids, and I still do. Working with kids with disabilities or even cancer would just be an absolute dream come true for me. But, one step at a time to getting there!
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01 October 2014

If I Won The Lottery...

01 October 2014

If I Won The Lottery...

I’m not one who usually enjoys playing the lotto. I think it is soo stressful, especially when playing in a group and you have to remember whose turn it is to purchase the ticket, who owes how much, or how to split $5 winnings. I just find the entire thing stressful. If you ask me, I rather play those scratch games like LIFE or crosswords. Something easy like those.

Nevertheless, Jay and I still like to image what we would do if either one of us won the lottery. And, just like everyone else, of course I have major plans!

If I won the lottery:
  • Invest my money in the bank
  • Pay off my parents house
  • Pay off my parents debts
  • Pay off all of Ashley, Jays’ and my school debt
  • Buy myself a little house, that I will later be able to afford, even after the lotto winnings are gone
  • Send some money back home to my grandma
  • (Finally) buy myself my own car – either an eclipse or an rsx
  • Give money to Neisha family
  • TRAVEL THE WORLD: yes, I’ve been to many places, but it would be nice to just get away for the year with my closest people; most likely Jay, Neisha and Ash.
  • Donate to Princess Margret Cancer Research

I wrote this list in class, so I am sure I’ll be adding more to the list above once I realized what I forgot. What would you do if you won the lottery? Let me know!

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