31 December 2013

Captured Moments of 2013

31 December 2013

Captured Moments of 2013

Hey everyone! If you haven't realized already..... IT IS NEW YEARS EVE!  Yes, it is time to realize that today is the last day of 2013, and in just a few hours, we have to put 2013 in the past and say hello to a new chapter of our lives... 2014!

Since today is last day of 2013, I noticed many different "2013 In Review" on many social medias, and I thought, why not share some of my favourite moments of 2013 in pictures! What I really tried to do was select a moment from each month!

A picture is worth a thousand words, so no captions will be included with some of these pictures.  Let the memories lie within the heart.

Lets begin!










Let be honest here... I don't even remember what happened yesterday...  haha what I did was just select pictures that I have from that month and make use of it for this post. I figured if I took a picture during that month, it must have been an important moment at that time!

What are some of your favourite moments of 2013? If you wrote a post about it, leave the link in my comments! Otherwise leave a comment telling me what you enjoyed the most this year!

Happy New Years Eve!

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30 December 2013

Family Fun

30 December 2013

Family Fun

To end off 2013 right, my family and I went to a party.  It wasn't just a normal party, this was a family party with some of our friends from cadets. This was actually the first time we've done this, but the night was amazing, and I was happy to see my mom just let loose and have some fun with her friends.

I think what made this party more fun was that the parents weren't shit talkers and they themselves were having fun and just allowed us to have fun.  In comparison to the family parties that I've attended, my aunts and uncle judge way too much, which restrains my cousins and to basically stay in the bedroom talking about everything... sober (even though we are legal).

Anyways, the night started off with some wii, and later turned into a pranking fest where everyone pranked me first by giving me shots of salt water while the other legal kids had tequila.  It did not taste good, trust me.  Our night continued with some different wii games, guitar hero and later ending off the night (or starting off our morning) with some movies.

Truthfully I had fun, and it was a good way to end off the year with some close friends that I consider family.

Hopefully you all had great parties to end off the year right with people you love and genuinely enjoy! So the last party of 2013 - success!

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29 December 2013

Typography: My New Hobby #3

29 December 2013

Typography: My New Hobby #3

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28 December 2013

Something I've Learned

28 December 2013

Something I've Learned

Before 2014 approaches, I think it is important to reflect on lessons I've learnt this year.  Because a year has 365 days, I can honestly say I don't remember all the lessons that I've the hard way.  But in just the past week, I've learnt something so big that I honestly think I should share with everyone.  As you already know, part of Ontario was hit with an ice storm.  As a result, many people across cities lost their power - having no electricity for light and for warmth.

So for me, this Christmas has definitely been the most craziest one I've ever experienced.  And usually Christmas shopping is crazy itself, but this year without power for 3 consecutive days, was something no one expected and therefore, no one was really ready to endure this difficult time.

Experiencing the ice storm first hand, I was honestly scared.  Not being prepared can actually be very scary.  Without light, it is obviously dark... which makes things more terrifying because you can't see anything which just allows your mind to wonder.

Driving back to my home the first night the power went out felt like a scene from The Purge.  The entire neighbourhood was pitch black.  The only source of light was from the moon, and that still wasn't enough to make me feel safe. Being inside my home that night, was even more scary. I didn't know if someone had broken in and was hiding somewhere... it was odd because the home is the most safest place you can be.  But without light to see my way, it was honestly so scary going upstairs to my room or looking through my closet to get some of my clothing.

I realized, without the our sight, and without light to actually see, I felt very alone. I was so alone I started to become confused and just angry.  Looking at the street just a block away, the building there had light.  I guess it was because of the back up power generator, but it just got me frustrated.  Why us? Like why must this happen to us?  - That was all I kept thinking.

Then on Christmas Eve, just a few hours before the midnight mass at my church, our power came back on.  It was honestly the best feeling in my life to just turn on the lights and just feel safe.  Although it took about 2 days to warm up our home, I didn't mind... I just felt happy and secure knowing I have the power back.

Going to church that evening, I expected it to be the same as every other midnight mass.  The church filled with people whom I never seen on a regular Sunday, a lot of alter servers, and just people everywhere talking.  But walking into that church, it was.. empty.  Listening to my Priest homily was so uplifting.   Listening to my priests' homily made me realize something... Although I experienced a 3 day period without any power, I was never alone... God was always there with me.

1 John 4:8: "God is Love"
NOTE: image is copywriter to the owner of I Write About You
My priest kept talking about the verse "God is Love."  And it just made this entire ice storm experience mean something more to me.  No matter much struggle we go through, no matter how alone we feel, he is always with us.  Whether it through the visible act of being the light that allows us to see what is in front of us, or the absence of light to show us where our hearts and mind should focus on.  It is through his love for us that shows that he is forgiving, loving, generous, tolerant and patient with us.

There are times where we unfortunately question the bad that are happening to us, and there are even more times where we ask for so much from him.  We take for granted the love and the things that God gives for us.  We don't realize that God lives among every single one of us.  With that being said, the ways that we treat others, especially ourselves is the way we are directly treated our God. It is always important to believe and trust the things that happen to us.  There is always a lesson to be learnt or to be relearnt.

As for me, this Christmas I learned through God's love that I am truly thankful for the family that I have.  Our cousins and aunts took us in graciously when they found out we had no power.  They gave us a place to stay with warmth, and food to eat.  That's something I couldn't forget, their love and generosity.  I also learnt that Christmas isn't about the gifts... I usually stress myself out with just buying the perfect gift for everyone, I forget the true meaning of the holiday.

God is love. And his love is projected from what we say, think or do. It is always important to remember that he is there for us, especially when we feel most alone. Hopefully this is something I can remember throughout the new year.

I hope you all have/had an amazing last weekend of 2013!

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27 December 2013

700 Mess Dinner

27 December 2013

700 Mess Dinner

On Saturday December 21, 700 David Hornell V.C Squadron had their traditional Mess Dinner.  The Mess Dinner is one of the most important traditions of the Canadian Forces.  So as Air Cadets, it is important to continue most of their traditions.  The Mess Dinner's is probably one of my favourite tradition in the Air Cadet Program.  We do follow the traditional aspects, but also have fun during the dinner time.

Last year, as the Warrant Officer First Class, I had the honour of sitting at the head table with the important guests.  This year, because I retired just last month, I was invited as a guest to participate in this tradition as my sister had the honour of sitting at the head table. 

During the dinner portion of the night, is more of the fun part.  We are all required to follow proper table etiquettes and rules.  If you were caught doing something inappropriate (such as having your elbows on the table), you found yourself doing a fun little "punishment" in front of everyone.  These are usually for fun and not intended to embarrass anyone.  For example, this year some of the punishments included having to model a pink boa across the room and singing in front of everything.  

Later throughout the night, I was surprised by receiving my WO1 ring.  This ring is only given to WO1s of the squadron.  I was also surprised by receiving a beer mug indicating my name and date of my retirement. 

It was an amazing experience being out of the air cadet program, and I had fun as people figured out that the area that I was seated at, was arranged to my liking... Meaning that I told the Mess Committee to put my "fun" friends near me, hehee.

Here are some of the pictures from my night!

The last picture is a photo of all the "chiefs" of 700 David Hornell V.C squadron since the merger between 707 and 700 Squadrons.  If you noticed, in the last few years, the squadron has been taken over by women, with the exception of 1 male!

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26 December 2013

My Favourite Christmas Gift

26 December 2013

My Favourite Christmas Gift

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas experience, I know I had a great one this year! For the first time in a long time, we were lucky enough to have a white christmas.  Yes, it snowed yesterday! Which is amazing because the last time I remember it snowing on Christmas was when I was younger, so it was great to experience it once more!

Since yesterday was Christmas, I think it's appropriate for me to talk about all the gifts that I received this year.  In particular, I will be talking about my favourite gift that I received!

My favourite gift this year has to definitely be from Jay.  When he first gave me the gift, it was in a People's Jewellers bag... which already got me excited! It has to be jewellery, I thought! Looking inside the bag, I see something wrapped.  You have to give credit to Jays wrapping skills... you can't see it, but he literally wrapped the entire box with 6 layers of wrapping paper, and used electrical tape. It took me a very long time to open it up.

Voila! He got me a panda necklace from Peoples Jewellery.  The amazing part is that I find this gift to be so sentimental! He combined jewellery (a gift any girl will be happy to receive) and my favourite animal in the entire world! I love it and it is just too beautiful.  He also got the lifetime warranty as the black part of the panda are black diamonds.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I hope everyone partied like no tomorrow. I know I did, that's why I didn't make a post until now! 


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25 December 2013

Blogmas Day 25: Merry Christmas!

25 December 2013

Blogmas Day 25: Merry Christmas!

It is officially day 25 of blogmas! For those of you who have been reading my blog throughout the past month, I want to personally thank you all! Without you guys, I wouldn't have the motivation to blog.  So thank you to all!

I will make this quick and short as I know we are all too excited to eat, party and open up all the gifts we received! I am particularly excited to see what Jay got me! So tomorrow expect a post of my favourite gifts I received this year!!

Have a great and safe day today! Party hard with your families and PLEASE do not drink and drive! 

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Holidays to you all!

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24 December 2013

The Liebster Award

24 December 2013

The Liebster Award

Good morning everyone!

It's day 24 of blogmas, but most importantly, it is Christmas Eve! I'm actually so excited to open all the gifts friends and family got me, and I am even more excited to just spend a day with my family!

Anyways, today's post is a little different from what I normally post.  The lovely Katie May has recently nominated me for The Liebster Award!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, as I was, The Liebster Award is for people who have 200 or less followers on their blog to help let readers get to know more about the blogger and to help the blogger gain more followers. Here are the few rules that need to be followed:
  • Link back to the nominator 
  • State 11 Facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 qustions given to you
  • Nominate 5-10 New Bloggers with less than 200 followers
  • Give those nominated 11 new questions
Let's begin!

11 Facts About Myself:

1. I am a confused student currently majoring in Psychology and Anthropology at University of Toronto
2. I have a huge obsession of drinking from a newly opened water bottle (like I literally don't drink from the water bottle I previously opened like 30 minutes ago)
3. My hair is naturally straight and long 
4. I am a huge fan of the colour pink (which explains my macbook cover and iPhone case)
5. I love eating ethnic foods!
6. I dislike the cold
7. The relationship I am currently in, is my longest one
8. I am currently hungry
9. I am 5'1 
10. My favourite kind of chocolate is Ferrero Rocher
11. I am a huge Harry Style lover!

11 Questions Katie May asks:

1. Favourite Social Media
My absolute favourite social media is Instagram! It's something I go on everyday, including the moment I wake up. -> @oulalanessaa is my instagram if you were wondering!

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
In 5 years, I see myself hopefully graduating from university with a nursing degree.  Right now I am currently trying to switch into the nursing program, so I honestly am hoping for this. 
In 10 years, I see myself out of my parents house hopefully having a steady career as a nurse, and hopefully engaged, or if not married already. 

3. Do you believe in Karma?
YES! I am a huge advocate of Karma.  I definitely believe in what goes around comes around, and if you do something shitty, you better expect something worst to happen to you. 
Trust me, just ask one of my cousins who decided to betray my sister Ashley, my cousin Neisha and I by snaking us to our entire family in Canada, and family back home.  Although this event happened around 3 years ago, their karma is hitting them pretty badly now. 

4. Must have winter wardrobe item?
It has to be my boots!!! It is a no no to go out in the winter (especially when there is snow outside) and ruin your shoes in the snow or the salt you are stepping on.  It is especially not the best feeling having snow go inside your shoe and I just hate that feeling of wearing wet socks!

5. Favourite food to eat?
My favourite food to eat is both spaghetti and lasagna.  OH my! Just even thinking about it makes me want to eat some right now.  I think its because of the meet and cheeses! I love cheese!

6. What is the last book you read?
The last book I read is called Righteous Dopefiend from Philippe Bourgois and Jeffrey Schonberg.  I actually wrote about this, so if you're interested click here to read what I wrote about this book! 

7. What advice would you give to the younger you?
Don't put your trust in others easily.  There are people out there who will use your secrets against you because they are either jealous or tired of your successes.  Figure out who you're true friends are quickly because it is better to be with a few GREAT and RELIABLE friends than with a lot of fake bitches. 

8. If you could go back to any day in your life, which day would it be?
This one is a hard one... I think I would go back to this one summer (I think 2 years ago) where I did something that will definitely hurt my best friend if he ever found out. It is something I truly regret, and I would just go back and not do the stupidness I did, just so I don't have to live with this lie and secret. 

9. Favourite Season?
SUMMER - no snow, no cold, my hair doesn't frizzle. It's the best. 

10. Who are you favourite bloggers?

11. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I was going through rough times where I didn't know how to express my feelings.  Yes Jay is always there for me, but there are some things that he just doesn't understand... so it's hard.  So I decided to create a private blog writing about my feelings.. something like a diary.  Then the more I blogged, the more blogs I started following and I decided to create a more positive blog to express my positivity more than the negative in my life...

I nominate.... 

My questions for you are:
1. What inspires you to blog?
2. Who is your inspiration?
3. Can you speak another language?
4. Is there a principle/rule you live your life by?
5. What is your weakness?
6. Besides blogging, what do you to with your spare time?
7. What is your biggest achievement?
8. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
9. What is your dream job?
10. What is currently your favourite song?
11. Any regrets?

Hope you all participate! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!

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