31 January 2014

Five on Friday

31 January 2014

Five on Friday

Yes! Friday is finally here! This week has been a hectic up with MANY ups and downs... it's crazy how I was even able to get past through all the drama and bs.  Anyways, getting to the good stuff for my stuff!

Today I'm linking up with April, Darci, Natasha and Christina to share some randoms for Five on Friday today!

Last friday, my long time friend Isaac retired from the Air Cadet Program.  I was fortunate enough to be invited by him (which was no surprise as we grew up together for the past 7 years!).  I was so proud of him that night during the ceremony.  I didn't realize how much he as grown into the man that he is today.  It's amazing how the littlest things can have the biggest impact; and him and I meeting just 7 years ago, was just the best experience I could have asked for as we have a strong long-lasting friendship!

I feel so great! I officially started my workout out routine this week! I know... One month later than I wanted to, but hey better late than never right? I started working on my butt first.  I'm not sure why I wanted to, but my but is pretty decent size. Isn't too small, and isn't to big. And I just feel I wanted to make it a little bit more rounder, give it more a shape! 
Jay needed a new phone case for his samsung.  I'm thinking of making him a customized one. I think it would be pretty cool for him to have a picture of us.  But I'm not sure if he would really like using a case like that... I know girls would love it.. not too sure about guys.. especially Jay.  I might just buy him a simple otter. 

Again talking about my workout, but instead of talking about the exercises I did this week, I wanted to talk about how this is the first week that I actually ate healthy all week long. I scheduled my meals so that I'm not just eating whenever I feel like it, and I definitely cut the idea of buying food from school. Everything from now on will be home-made and healthy!

I absolutely love my bed. Heck I'm even writing this post in my bed! It's so warm and all week long I didn't want to leave from my bed to go to school. It is just so comfortable lying here and sleeping and just having to forget and escape from the realities of the world!
Well there you have it! These are just 5 random things that happened during my week! Hope to see your linkup on Five on Friday today! 
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2014 So Far...

2014 So Far...

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It's not only Friday, but is it also the last day of  the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen
Click HERE to see some of my previous posts for this challenge.

Todays topic:
Friday, January 31: Last day of the month! Reflect on how 2014 has been so far.
2014 so far has been both good and day to me.  Let's face it... this is life. It cannot alway be good nor can it always be bad.  But I think learning from your mistakes and the misfortunes makes you into the person you are today. Don't you think?
2014 is definitely nothing like 2013. When I said I wanted to change for the better, I meant it. And I felt so far in this new year, (not so new anymore), I am working towards my goals.  Which is a great feeling! I finally got into the habit of going to the gym regularly, and I am making more of an effort to just have fun with my friends.  I've also been keeping up with my readings, which has been such a great feeling! I don't feel stressed out about being behind as I used to. 
It's the last day of January, and I can only continue to hope for good things for the rest of the months to come.  I'm hoping my positivity will continue to grow onto others around me and continue to be with my thoughts, words and actions.  
So far, I've been trusting God more.  It's weird for me to say that because I've felt like a great Christian following my religion throughout my entire life. And this month, I've learn so much more about my faith than I did during my past years.  It's amazing how the littlest, or even the biggest, experiences can seriously change the outlook one's life. 
I don't want to spend on too much detail talking about the good and bad.  The good is just a great motivator for me to continue my hard work, while the bad is just a reminder to me what I should do differently when put in a similar situation.  
I could only hope for good things to come for the rest of my journey, in hopes of finding me. 
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30 January 2014

Then and Now

30 January 2014

Then and Now

Today I am linking up for the first time with Hayley and Lauren for their weekly Getting to know The Girl Between the Lines blogging link-up. 
This week's topic is: 
"How did you picture this stage of your life when you were younger. How is it the same/different?"
My life is nothing like how I imagined it would be.

When I was younger, I was so excited about growing up.  Just the idea of being on my own, and not having to follow my parents rules while doing my own thing, was so appealing to me.  I seriously thought I would have my whole life together and planned out properly by the time I got into university.  Similarly, picturing myself at the 20 years old was seriously hard for me to imagine.

The plan was always, "Get into and study at University of Toronto, and become a doctor." 
Then reality hit. 

I ultimately did end up at the #1 university in Canada, and top 20 university in the world - University of Toronto.  So kudos to me for making it to this university that I've always imagined of attending since elementary school.  But I am currently 19 years old and I am again rethinking my career path.  Becoming a doctor was clearly not in my future as I am definitely no good with maths or chemistry... 

So, here I am now, studying to get my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology and Anthropology, thinking I want to become a speech therapist.  But, again, I'm thinking about reapplying for the nursing program.  See it is very difficult trying to figure out a life of your own... It's all dependent on me and what I am capable and willing to do to get to where I want to be. 

One thing for sure I for sure didn't imagine when I was younger was that I would still be living with my parents.... hmm maybe this was more of a desire growing up.  But nevertheless, I'm a 19 year old jobless full time student... even if I did ended up moving out like I thought I would by now, I would have no way to support myself without my parent's full help.  

I definitely didn't imagine meeting anyone as special as Jay.  Wow was that a HUGE changing moment of my life.  Growing up, I didn't plan about having a boyfriend until after I finish university and have a steady job that will allow me to take care of myself.  Then one day, at a party, everything changed.  Now he's been apart of my life for 3 years.  No way did I even ever see myself so committed to someone else, other than myself.  It was so weird and so life changing that I am actually grateful that I am able to tell others that I have experienced being in love.  

What I've learnt from this blog topic is that I just have to trust myself with the skills I have to become who I want to be.  Yes planning and having aspirations are great and motivational factor, but nothing ever goes exactly as planned.  We just have to prepare for reality, whether it is good or bad, and we have to learn how to recover and move on with it.
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Teasing the Mister

Teasing the Mister

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It is day 22 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen! Just 1 more day left for this challenge. Click HERE to see the rest of the blog prompts!

Todays topic:
Thursday, January 30: Tell us something you always remind you husband/fiancé/boyfriend about. For example, "Happy wife happy life." Let's face it, it's fun to tease them!

I find this topic quite humorous actually. I used to always tell Jay, "Happy wife = happy life" and he would laugh every time and respond, "Car part = happy husband".  Yes... he's one of those kind of guys who just love working on car, especially his own, and just building it and building it while buying all these different car parts and tools.
That's why when it comes to his paydays, I always (jokingly) play with him by reminding him that I like jewellery or that I need a new pair of heels.  It's quite funny actually, because on the Friday mornings he gets paid, he wakes up earlier than usual to check his bank account just to make sure he got paid.  And when he's all excited to buy a car part later that night, I usually just mention, "don't forget I like jewelry to!".  And he would just laugh and say "Sure sweetheart". 
And this teasing I do with him pretty much last all day long! When he would get home from work and he's on his laptop just looking for part on ebay or other sites, I would ask him, "so did you find anything nice for me?" and he would joke around saying "yeah of course; car parts would look nice for my car for you to sit and look gorgeous in". 
Yeah I forgot to mention that he likes to tease me back :)
Haha, what about you guys? Tease your man a lot... let me know! I'm actually curious to see what things you all do to your men.
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29 January 2014

Wordless Wednesday

29 January 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Humpday already? I'm linking up for day 19 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen
I'm also linking up for the first time with Cami for Wordless Wednesday. 

Todays topic:
Wednesday, January 29: Only photos.
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28 January 2014

Worst Gift I've Ever Received

28 January 2014

Worst Gift I've Ever Received

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Good morning everyone! I'm still keeping up with this blog challenge, and I must say, I am pretty proud of myself.  It is day 19 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen

Only a few more days left of January, and 3 more days left for this challenge. Click HERE to see the rest of the blog prompts!

Todays topic:
Tuesday, January 28: The worst gift you've ever received.

When it comes to gift gifting and receiving between my cousins and I, we like to give each other gifts that just make us die with laughter.  So yes there is meaning behind the gifts, but there is usually a joke associated with them.

So I would have to say that the worst gift I've ever received was socks. It was my cousin and sister who gave it to me for my birthday when I was younger.  It was only because that was just the first gift they gave me.  It was just a cover up for the awesome gift they later gave me that night.

What's the worst gift you ever received? Let me know!

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27 January 2014

Weekly Wishes #1

27 January 2014

Weekly Wishes #1

The Nectar Collective Happy Monday everyone! Today, I'm linking up for the first time with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share your goals and receive some encouragement from others in completing those goals! 

Click the button to join us as this is a weekly link up!

This Week's Wishes
1. Catch up with all my readings. Like I mean I really need to be caught up, and can't be 2 chapters behind... sooner or later 2 chapters will grow into 3, then 4 and I am not putting myself in a position to cram before an upcoming test anymore like last year!

2. I have a job interview today, so I am really hoping I get the job.  If I do, it will be so much better for me as the store is opening literally 5 minutes from place, and I could quit the job that I currently have. 

3. I hope I get accepted to the Nursing Program. This is probably a wish I'm going to be listing until I receive my acceptance letter. Don't get me wrong, I love the psychology program that I am already enrolled in at my current university, but I think I will have more of a future with a nursing diploma.

4. Start reading a book for fun. I love reading, and because school has taken up so much of my time by reading textbook chapters, I really want to make time this week to start reading novels again.

5. Clean my room. I am getting more frustrated as the days past just looking at the arrangement of my room. It's time for a change!

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My Pet Peeve

My Pet Peeve

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Happy Monday everyone! Can you believe how deligent I was to actually keep up with this challenge? It is day 18 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen

Only a few more days left of January, and 4 more days left for this challenge. Click HERE to see the rest of the blog prompts!

Todays topic:
Monday, January 27: The littlest thing can set us off. Right about a pet peeve and try to get creative!
When someone says to me, 
just really takes the cake when it comes to getting inside my head.

I find it so annoying and ignorant for someone who doesn't know what I had to do to get what I received.  And let me tell you, I received a lot of medals, awards, positions, certificates, and opportunity after opportunity because I put so much effort, time and commitment to everything I've ever been apart of. 

If you're anything like me, you'll understand why this is a pet peeve of mine. It is honestly such a shame for people to constantly think that everything is handed to me, because in reality, that never happens.

Like I said, I worked extremely hard and put in a lot of my time and effort to achieve all that I have received in my life.  I put in the effort to get what I want. If anything, I probably worked harder than the person who is complaining because I achieved something that they didn't.  And yes, as selfish as that sounds, I'm actually not.  

If I received an award/opportunity, it is because I tried and worked my butt off just to get it.  There is no need for anyone to ever put someone's achievements down, especially when they don't know how much time and effort they endured just to get what they have. 

And this how my whole life has been.  Dealing with arrogant people who see's the amount of work I do, yet think I receive everything. It's ridiculous, and actually quite offensive to think that my hard work is clearly going unnoticed. 

Sorry to get angry on my blog that is usually positive... this is my pet peeve, and even thinking about the past people who's ever said that to me just sets me off. 

What your pet peeve? Let me know!
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26 January 2014

Social Sunday: Beauty Questions

26 January 2014

Social Sunday: Beauty Questions

Happy Sunday everyone!

 I'm here again linking up with Ashley and Neely for Social Sundays! Click HERE if you're also interested in participating in today's social. 
This week's questions have are related to beauty questions... so lets get started! 

1. How old were you when you started wearing makeup?
The first time I started wearing makeup on a daily basis was grade 9. I used to wear the under eyeliner and mascara. I wasn't good with applying makeup on my own, so I never really attempting adding more makeup on.

2. What are you top 3 favourite beauty products?
My favourite beauty product has to definitely be Professional All-in-One Curved Brush Mascara, Mac Bronzer Power, and Revlon's Lipstick! 

3. What is one makeup produce you don't leave home without?
I don't leave home without my Covergirl powder foundation.  I recently gained my confidence with my natural beauty, so I stopped wearing my mascara and eyeliner on a daily basis.  But with that being said, I don't leave my home without foundation. If I'm not going to wear any eye makeup, I have to make sure my complexion looks great!

4. What is your daily beauty routine?
As you probably already know, I am a full-time university student.  I need all the sleep I can get, so on some mornings I don't have enough time to put on "my face".  So my daily beauty routine is fairly simple:
1. I wash my face with 
2. I moisture my face with Dove's Facial Moisturizer
3. Apply on my Covergirl Powder foundation
4. Touch up my eyebrows
Like I said, it is a fairly simple daily beauty routine.  I'm a simple girl that is learning to embarrass her natural beauty.

5. What is your favourite hair/makeup product you've discovered in the last year?
I recently saw the Amika Clip Free hair curler. I currently already have a wand hair curler from Conair, and I love it... but I heard such great things about this product.  I do have long hair that is heavy, so the current curler that I have doesnt allow my curlers to last as long as they should. So hopefully this hair curler lives up to its expectations of having curls last all day and all day!
This is definitely a product I will be purchasing shortly.  
That's it! Those were my answers for this weeks Sunday Social.  What are some of your hair/makeup products you've discovered in the last year? I'm actually curious!
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Silent Sunday #7

Silent Sunday #7

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25 January 2014

How to Centre Your Image Header

25 January 2014

How to Centre Your Image Header

This is a blog tutorial showing you how to centre your blogger image like this:

STEP 1: 

Back up your template before making any changes. *Select template, click "backup/restore" at the top right, then select download full template.*


You're still on TEMPLATE, now select CUSTOMIZE.

STEP 3: 

Select advanced, then scroll down and select "Add CSS".


Copy and past this code in the CSS window:

#header-inner img {margin: 0 auto !important;}

#header-inner {text-align:center !important;} /*include this line if you are using Template Designer*/


Press enter and then click "Apply and Save".

That's it! Pretty simple.  Did it help you? Let me know!

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24 January 2014

Five on Friday

24 January 2014

Five on Friday

THE GOOD LIFE BLOGYes! Friday is finally here, and you don't know how excited I am to just sleep until noon again.  Yes as crazy as it sounds, I have been working so diligently with my readings that I am just mentally drained.  Although I have a paper due on Monday, I am just too excited to just relax!

Today I'm linking up for the first time with April, Darci, Natasha and Christina to share some randoms for Five on Friday today!


I had the best customer experience at any fast food place I've ever gone to! On Monday, I went to order some burgers for Jay and I from Five Guys and Burger and Fries, and the cooks enthusiasm was just amazing!  When they called out order numbers, "81" and "82", one of the cooks said to me, "You're so beautiful, I'm going to give you extra fries".  That not the best part - the construction guy picking up order 82 screamed out, "Hey I'm beautiful to! Where's my fries?" Definitely the best part of my week!

The weirdest thing occurred this week.  On my way to school, on presumably one of the coldest days we've experienced, I saw this street light literally dangling by a wire.  It was so windy that the street light was just swinging back and forth.  Truthfully, I was scared to even drive under that, let alone walk under it like many students had to do when walking to the bus stop. Thankfully, it's fixed now.

My biological anthropology class finally got exciting this week! This is why I fell in love with anthropology last year, because of the artifacts and fossils we get to explore and analyze while learning about our evolutionary history. This passion I randomly discovered last year is the reason why I am currently doing a double major in this are! Yay!

This week, I've seem somewhat stay on my schedule.  I finished all the readings (while creating textbook notes) for the chapters I was suppose to read for this week.  I wrote my quiz yesterday, and I started writing the mini assignment due Monday.  I am so proud of myself for actually trying this year!

MJ is my little baby. I love him to death and he just makes me so happy.  Just the other day, this guy was running around so much, that he exhausted himself out! I've seen him just lay in his couch closing his eyes, trying to get comfortable and overall just being quiet.  He was such a good little guy this week!

Well there you have it! These are just 5 random things that happened during my week! Hope to see your linkup on Five on Friday today! 

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23 January 2014

Tangible Object, Intangible Value

23 January 2014

Tangible Object, Intangible Value

When it comes to gifts, I think it's safe to say that jewelry speaks closely to not only a woman's heart, but to her emotional and mental well-being as well. There are many meanings and emotions that we associate with that piece of jewelry... it really can make any girl smile just by looking at it. 
I mean, that's how I feel... Everytime I wear the rings, necklaces or earrings Jay bought for me. I know cheesy, but  I always get this mini slideshow of the happiest and best moments I've shared with him. And, this happens with all the thoughtful gifts he has spoiled me with. 
My something tangible with an intangible value is the ring he gave me three years ago. 

This was a surprise to all his friends as it was to me.  He was the type of guy who was never comfortable with showing his emotional and vulnerable side in front of others. Like him, I was also scared of the idea opening up because I was was afraid of getting hurt.
This gift means the world to me.  Not only is this ring the first ring he gave to me, but his intentions behind this gift is worth so much more to me. He wanted to show me that he was ready to just let the past stay in the past as we move forward in our lives together.

This ring also symbolizes the commitment we will have for each other, especially through the ups and downs of our relationship. So, by him giving me this ring, shows me his willingness to show his vulnerable side by trusting. And, by me wearing this ring everyday is reminding him that not only I am going to stay committed and loyal with him throughout our journey together, but I too am trusting him to not hurt me.
Like I said, I wear this ring everyday.  It is a way of expressing the love and joy that I share with my best friend.  This is the intangible value no one fully realizes when they just see this tangible object on my finger.  The value lies within not only my heart, but his as well. My ring that he gave to me three years ago, is the symbol of us not giving up on each other. 

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My Baby MJ

My Baby MJ

Hello fellow bloggers.  It's day 16 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen
Todays topic:
Thursday, January 23: Many new babies have been introduced into the blogging world in the last year. Tell us about one of the funniest moments you've had with them.
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When I saw this topic, I immediately thought to myself, "well what on earth am I suppose to blog about?"  I have no child, I am still a 19 year old student still trying to figure things out with my own life, let alone bring a new one into this world.  Then I thought, instead of not participating in today's challenge, I'll be a little creative with my answer. 
This is my baby, MJ. Yes he's a rabbit, but I take care of him like he's part of our family.  If you recall, I first blogged about him back in November as The NEW Addition.  Needless to say, he's still a baby to Jay and I, and it is safe to express that MJ is definitely getting comfortable with us. 
The funniest moments I have with this little guy is that whenever he is hungry (even though he just ate), he will scurry to where we keep his food, as he makes an attempt to create a hole in the bag.  And when he makes a hole, he would literally fall inside the bag just eating away. He is too adorable! Like he would literally go out of his way just to find the bag, just jumping and climbing everywhere and anything just get him soon food!
Any funny moments with your babies? Don't forget to link up!
Tomorrow's topic:
Friday, January 24: Share some new trends/makeup/online shops you've found recently and include a few photos!
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22 January 2014

Some Personal Goals

22 January 2014

Some Personal Goals

Hello fellow bloggers.  It's day 14 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen
Todays topic:
Wednesday, January 22: What are some personal goals you'd like to work on this year?
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I think this is a great blog topic as it has already been 22 days since 2014, and I'm pretty most of you out there have either forgotten your New Years resolutions, or like me... just got lazy a little to early.  So I'm going to take this post as seriously as possible as I mention someone of my more personal goals for this year.
Personal Goals:  
  • Continue to keep up/ stay ahead of the readings for all my classes - this has actually made learning and listening in class so much easier for me this semester.  Just got to continue and keep this up, and my GPA will continue to increase as I reach my goal!
  • Workout, workout, workout.  This is something I say all the time, and I think to make myself push myself more, I'm going to have to blog about my fitness progress as a motivator.  Summer is quickly approaching, and I want to strut my stuff at the beach with all the confidence in the world. 
  • Writing more.  This one is a little different... As our technology continues to grow, I find myself always typing everything. All of elementary school and high school, everyone always complimented on how beautiful my handwriting is.  I don't want to lose that skill. So I will practice writing some more, and maybe start writing poetry again.
  • Read more. I love to read, I really do. I am so in love with the idea of just escaping from reality and reading about the life of another person. So, that means I have to balance out textbook readings for my classes and leisure reading.
  • Live everyday on the positive side. I need to live my life the best I can everyday and with everyone. I want to live a life without any regrets. 
So these are just some of the few personal goals I have from the top of my head. I'm sure when I'm not even thinking about this topic, I'll have a whole new set of list with lots of goals. What are some of your personal goals?  Don't forget to link up!

If you're interested in joining in tomorrow's topic, here's the prompt:
Thursday, January 23: many new babies have been introduced into the blogging world in the last year. Tell us about one of the funniest moments you've had with them.

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So What Wednesdays!

So What Wednesdays!

Life After I Dew
I can't believe it's Wednesday already! This cold week is going by really fast! Today I am linking up with Shannon  for So What Wednesday!

This week I'm saying so what if: 
  • I've been looking like a marshmallow at school. It's cold outside, and I really do not want to risk get sick.. or worst, frost bite!
  • I was so happy on Monday. It's been a long time coming, and I deserve to smile and spoil myself every so often.
  • I've been sleeping in 30 extra minute still. It's hard going to bed early lately... 
  • I am just wishing to experience one normal day - stress free and drama free
  • I haven't made my decision yet about going back to the squadron and returning as an officer.  I literally just retired from the cadet program and need my break before joining back right away.
  • I've been ignoring everyone's phone calls and text messages. I just need to be alone as I am clearly going through rough times right now. 
  • there's an anthro quiz tomorrow and I'm too lazy to study for it.
  • I have no idea what I am going to do with my life. I am just a confused blogging student.
  • I am tired and just exhausted with everything

    What are some of your So What's for this week! Click HERE to link up and share your SO WHATS!
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    21 January 2014

    Upcoming Vacation Trips

    21 January 2014

    Upcoming Vacation Trips

    Hello fellow bloggers.  It's day 14 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen
    Todays topic:
    Tuesday, January 21: Do you have any awesome vactions planned for the year? If not, where would be your ideal spot? 
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    If you know anything about my family, you know we are HUGE travellers.  When my sister and I were younger, our family would literally travel somewhere new at least once a year.  As I started my first year of university last year, and my sister was working diligently studying for her IB exams/labs/tests last year and this year, our family decided to tone down the travelling that we do. 
    Never the less, that doesn't mean we don't travel anymore, we just had to minimize our trips so that my sister and I can focus on keeping up with our grades. Because lets face it, when you're on vacation, nothing back home matters. 
    Anyways, this year my family is planning TWO trips (that I know of so far).  
    In the summer, we are planning on travelling with my Godbrother's family to.... ROME! Their family, as like my family, are really religious, and the parents' goal is to go see the Pope. I personally think that is very exciting, as Rome is somewhere I definitely need to travel to! But this is still in the planning phrase, so let's keep our fingers crossed!

    The other trip my dad is planning, is going to Cuba.  He loves it there.  He practically goes there 3 times a year with his boys and they have a blast and he wants my family to experience it.  This has been his plan since time.. and knowing my dad... we're probably going to go next year when he actually sits down and plans properly. 
    Well those are somewhat the ideas my family has for our travels this year.  Do you have any vacations planned this year? Let me know! 
    Click HERE to link to up today's link up!  And if you're interested in joining in along the fun, tomorrow's topic is:
    Wednesday, January 22: What are some personal goals you'd like to work on this year?

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    20 January 2014

    Struggling in First Year

    20 January 2014

    Struggling in First Year

    Happy Monday everyone! 
    Welcome back to day 13 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen! Todays topic:
    Monday, January 20: Write about a struggle you overcame in 2013 
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    Struggle.. struggle.. struggle.  Hmm today's topic seems to be hard, not because I didn't struggle with anything throughout the entire, but because I have to choose ONE. But there are a few instances that I can easily remember as those situations stick out rather quite well.

    Last year, I was struggling with confidence.  Being in first year of university, I wanted to make friends so that I would feel comfortable, but I didn't have the courage to put myself out there.  Basically, I kept sticking with the 2 friends that I knew going into the same university as me.

    Then I thought about it... I can't be hiding behind these same friends for the next four years.  I need to learn how to branch out on my own, make my own set of friends and become better with opening up.

    I think it is safe to say that I was the first from my small group of friends branching out. Little did I know, by doing so, I was able to make different friends from my different classes.  I, of course, introduced these few new friends, to my other friends, and then voila, a new group of us.

    Of course, by the time second year started (in September), I had classes with some of these friends, and made new ones along the way. This is all because I went out of my comfort zone and made the effort to make the friends I have today.

    Is there a struggle you over came in 2013? Let me know! Or Click HERE to link up!

    Join in tomorrows prompt:
    Tuesday, January 21: Do you have any awesome vacations planned for the year? If not, where would be your ideals spot?
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