30 June 2014

Weekly Wishes #22

30 June 2014

Weekly Wishes #22

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Happy Monday bloggers! I am done school (for the next two weeks) and I am excited to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Week's Wishes Recap
    Like I said in that mini/awkward introduction... I AM DONE THE FIRST HALF OF SUMMER SCHOOL! wohoo! I was able to study for both of my test, although I feel like I was prepared for one more than the other. Other than studying... maintaining my room was absolutely hard.. Penelope has me going crazy in my own room!
    This Week's Wishes
    1. Blog everyday! Since I do not have school for the next 2 weeks, my goal is to blog at least once a day! So in order for me to do that... I got to also plan and create my posts ahead of time. Wish me luck on this one!
    2. Maintain my clean room. I haven't had my room this clean for more than a week! Whatever I am doing, I want to keep it up so that I am not finding myself cleaning my room every other day!
    3. Save money to buy Penelope a bigger cage! I love my bunny, but she is getting bigger and bigger everyday! I think its time to bless her with a new home and buy her a much bigger cage to lay in! She cute and all lying in my closet, but I think its time she has her own space to relax in.
    4. Just have fun! I don't have any school to worry about, and I want to be doing something with friends everyday! With maybe just one day off for relaxation. 
    These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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    29 June 2014

    Silent Sunday #27

    29 June 2014

    Silent Sunday #27

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    Social Sunday #5

    Social Sunday #5

    Happy Sunday everyone! It has honestly been months since I've last participated in this link up, and last night I randomly decided why not re-link  with Ashley and Neely for Social Sundays! Click HERE if you're also interested in participating in today's social. 

    Here are this weeks questions! 
    1. What was your college major? Did you ever change majors?
    I'm currently doing a double major in Psychology and Anthropology. I've been changing my second major until I've finally fell in love with anthropology!

    2. What is the best purchase you've made lately?
    I got my repurchase of my Shine-Free Fit Me Foundation Stick!!!! I absolutely love this foundation. 
    image via

    3. What is something silly we don't know about you and go... 
    Lol silly? ... I am not a party girl, but I love to have fun!

    4. What is your favourite Holiday?
    Hmm... I don't have a specific favourite Holiday... but I love the ones that give me a long weekend!

    5. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
    I always check my phone!

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    26 June 2014

    She's All Grown Up!

    26 June 2014

    She's All Grown Up!

    Last night, my sister officially graduate 4 years of high school.  On top of receiving her high school diploma, she also received a 4-Year Honour Roll Certification, her Specialist High School Major - SPORT certificate, Core French Certificate, and will be receiving her IB Diploma in July! I am honestly so proud of my little sister for making it and doing so well on top of everything else!

    I really hope that she will continue her successes into university for the next four years without us physically being by her side ... yes, she is moving away for her university experience. She is a strong and intelligent woman in the making, and I cannot wait to see what the world has in store for her. 

    Now, please enjoy some of my favourite pictures from last night! Congratulation Ashley! and congrats to all other graduate who are end and about to begin another chapter of their lives!

    Yay to every who made it! #2014Graduation 
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    25 June 2014

    Confessions: World Cup Got Me Mad

    25 June 2014

    Confessions: World Cup Got Me Mad

    Confessions of a Blogaholic
    Well hello there fellow bloggers! Today is Wednesday, and I decided to finally take part in this blog link-up after discovering about it a loooooong time ago. Today I am linking up for the first time with Bella from Dateless in Dallas with her weekly link-up of confessions.

    The World Cup Got Me Mad
    Here's the thing... I like playing in sports, but I'm not the best. I like watching other people play, but I really don't care who wins. So believe it or not when I say this, but I've actually been watching most of the World Cup matches with my dad.  His excitement and anger towards some of the players is actually very entertaining, so why not spend 90 minutes or so with him to get a good laugh, and well just spend time with him. 

    Ever since the World Cup doesn't allow replays for the refs to see some of the plays, the refs have been calling some of the absolute WORST calls, that even got me mad. Like I said... I really don't care who wins or whatever,  but still..... I just don't understand why a ref would give a penalty out if they aren't even sure what happened!

    Let me give you an extremely short break down of one of yesterday's game: Greece vs. Ivory Coast. So, in the first half, Andreas Samaris (#22) fromGreece scores a goal... In the second half, Wilfried Bony (#12) from Ivory Coast, makes a beautiful shot to tie the game. There are only a few minutes left of the game, and player Sameras somehow fell and the ref allowed for a penalty shot.  Everyone is like... "urggg omg why".  Then they show this replay:

    How in the world did the ref think a player from Ivory Coast actually pushed him over... he's not even close to Sameras - he tripped from his own feet.  However, this call from the ref allowed a penalty shot, where it was just one-on-one with the goalie and him... and he scores.

    This must have to be the most undeserving win ever... and it was just a heart breaking loss for Ivory Coast who you can tell were really desperate to go on to the next round for to compete the semi-finals...

    And it wasn't just me who was mad and sadden by this controversial call... everyone on twitter was just too upset and creating up their own theories about why the ref called (some people obviously said Greece paid the refs). But, who knows... I know is that if I was one of the player from Ivory Coast, and I decided to watch that game... I would be even more upset. 

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    23 June 2014

    Weekly Wishes #21

    23 June 2014

    Weekly Wishes #21

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    Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week where I will be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

    Last Week's Wishes Recap
      Last week was absolute chaos! I ended up finishing both of my essays just last night... I definitely underestimated the amount of time I needed for research. 
      This Week's Wishes
      1. Hit the gym. Since I am in school 4 times a week, my goal is to work out after my classes DAILY. I finish my classes at noon, which gives me loads of time to work out and then go home to do whatever else I need to do. Since I am not scheduled to work during the week, I really have no excuse to not go to the gym sine I am already there. 
      2. Maintain my clean room. I haven't had my room this clean for more than a week! Whatever I am doing, I want to keep it up so that I am not finding myself cleaning my room every other day!
      3. Finish up textbook notes and study sheets for final exams! I have both my summer school exams scheduled on Friday... one in the morning, and the other in the evening (just my luck right?) I need to get my studying started right after I finish my assignments, so getting the textbook reading and study sheets done NOW is critical!
      4. STUDY STUDY STUDY! I have the unfortunate luck to have both exams on Friday? I gotta make sure that I start studying... like now. 
      5. Save money to buy Penelope a bigger cage! I love my bunny, but she is getting bigger and bigger everyday! I think its time to bless her with a new home and buy her a much bigger cage to lay in! She cute and all lying in my closet, but I think its time she has her own space to relax in.
      These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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      22 June 2014

      Silent Sunday #26

      22 June 2014

      Silent Sunday #26

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      The Social Sunday #4

      The Social Sunday #4

      Happy Sunday everyone! It has honestly been months since I've last participated in this link up, and last night I randomly decided why not re-link  with Ashley and Neely for Social Sundays! Click HERE if you're also interested in participating in today's social. 

      Here are this weeks questions! 
      1. What's your favourite scary movie?
      Growing up, I was never a fan of scary movies. But lately, I've been catching up on some movies I missed when I was younger, and I have honestly become a huge fan of the Saw series... I definitely think it could be a scary movie... if I was younger and had no idea about the story line!

      2. What is your favourite weird TV show you think no one else watches?
      This is a hard one since I'm not entirely sure I which TV shows I would classify as weird.... Maybe Dance Moms - I definitely love the story, but I don't think others like to watch it. 

      3. What is the song you can sing all the words to without any music?
      There are a lot!!!! But I got to go with all of Mariah Carey's older songs, and definitely every song from my main men, One Direction. Huge fan of them!

      4. What is your favourite book to read?
      I love any romance novels. Hand one to me, and I'll probably finish the book in a good 5-6 hours!

      5. The one website you vista more time a day than others?
      HA, you'd think I'd say Facebook, which would be a typical answer for anyone... but I would have to say Tumblr. You gotta love all those cute and beautiful pictures with an inspirational/love quote or even cute photos of couples. Tumblr is a great place to escape!

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      21 June 2014

      How to Centre Post Footer in Blogger

      21 June 2014

      How to Centre Post Footer in Blogger

      Hey bloggers, welcome back to another edition of my blog tutorials, click HERE if you're interested in reading my previous posts! Today's post is about centring your post footer in Blogger. This is a very easy tutorial that will literally take seconds!
      From this:

      To this:

      Let's get started!
      STEP 1:
      Go to TEMPLATE then EDIT HTML.
      In the text box, on your key board hold CTRL + F and search for ".post-footer {". You should see something like this:

      .post-footer {
      margin: 20px -2px 0;
      padding: 5px 10px;
      color: $(post.footer.text.color);
      background-color: $(post.footer.background.color);
      border-bottom: 1px solid $(post.footer.border.color);
      line-height: 1.6;
      font-size: 90%;
      STEP 2:
      Add the following code ABOVE the code you just search.
      .post-footer {
      text-align: center;
      And that's it! Save it and you should see your post footer centred! If you want to have your post footer aligned to the right, simply change the word "center" from step 2, to step "right". 
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      20 June 2014

      Last Night I Dreamt About...

      20 June 2014

      Last Night I Dreamt About...

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      Good morning and Happy Friday bloggers! This morning, I woke up from a dream and actually remembered it. I was excited because I love to research dream meanings to see what's going on in my unconscious. I wrote down my dream before I searched online, so that I wouldn't forget the dream.  I decided to share what I found with you! 

      Last night's dream
      The dream started out with a bunch of random people and I at a random place. It looked like a school, but at the same time, it wasn't (does that make sense?) The lady in charge each gave us instructions - we were each assigned to one door, in which behind it was a card listing ingredients we needed in order to cook and prepare a certain dish. 

      At first, it seemed to me like this was a competition, so I opened my door quickly and read the if ingredients for chicken soup. The doors led us to what seems to be a closet. The weird part was, the instruction said to use this steering wheel beside the door to rotate the room around in order to retrieve my ingredients. There were different bags there, and you had look and get ingredient you needed. The lady in charge came to my area and asked if she the amount of chicken I needed was enough, I said yes because it's only chicken soup anyways. 

      I left that closet area and went towards my assigned cooking area. But on the way there, I notice others finished making their dishes, which definetly got me worried. I went to my area and began to organize everything I needed. A few seconds later, my old friend Suneel walked in saying that he's allowed to watch me since he had already finished making his dish. I got nervous and when I started to boil the water and to cut the chicken, I no longer had chicken, but I had fabric. I got mad and went back to the lady in charge who freaked out for messing up my ingredients. Then she destroyed the other dishes others made for this dinner. 

      I later go back to the room and see Penelope playing with this little rabbit I saw a few weeks ago at the pet store. He was so cute so I held him. Then I see Penelope and the other rabbit facing real hand and clapping. Suneel was talking to me something about waiting til after his birthday where him and I would have a sleep over... something like that.

      Then I woke up with Jay and his little brother have slept in my parents house with me. My dad woke up and was very suspicious about Jay being there, and he secretly kept asking me questions. His car was parked outside, but Jay and I went on a little adventure in my car, and then I dropped him off at his place where we both realized that his car was still at my place.  And, instead of going back, he called his friend to drive it over to his place.

      Dream Interpretation: (These interpretations were gathered from Dream Dictionary)
      Cooking: To dream that you are cooking signifies your desire to influence others in such a way so that they will like you or become dependent on you. Alternatively, it represents your nurturing side. You want to be loved. Or the dream could mean that you need to express your creativity. To dream that you have difficulties cooking indicate that you are trying too hard.

      Chicken: To see chickens in your dream symbolize cowardliness and a lack of willpower. The dream may be a pun on being a chicken or chickening out of some situation. Chickens also represent excessive chatter and gossip. Listen closely to what people may be saying about you or what you are saying about others.

      Rabbits: To see a rabbit in your dream signifies luck, magical power, and success. You have a positive outlook on life. Alternatively, rabbits symbolize abundance, warmth, fertility and sexual activity. Perhaps your sex life needs to be kept in check. In particular, to see a white rabbit in your dream symbolizes faithfulness in love. The white rabbit also serves as a guide to steer you toward the right direction. 

      Old Friend: To see friends in your dream signify aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to incorporate and acknowledge. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Alternatively, dreaming of a friend indicates positive news.

      Boyfriend: To see your boyfriend in your dream represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him. 

      Note, that the interpretations I shared aren't the full interpretations from the Dream Dictionary, I just shared what was related to the dream. Have a great Friday!
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      17 June 2014

      Introducing: My New Tumblr

      17 June 2014

      Introducing: My New Tumblr

      Hey bloggers! It has been a while since I've made a faith post, and since I've been busy all day, and probably for the rest of the week, I decided to share my new tumblr page with you all! It is a completely different take from my other tumblr page, She Writes About You. This tumblr page is devoted completely to my faith as I reblog and share spiritual and faithful photos with others. So, if you're on tumblr and feeling the need to look for some spiritual enlightenment, check out it out, My Lord, My Love.
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      16 June 2014

      Weekly Wishes #20

      16 June 2014

      Weekly Wishes #20

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      Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week where I will be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

      Last Week's Wishes Recap
        Last week was so hectic, I personally don't remember whether or not I accomplished last week's wishes... I don't want to ramble on, but here are this week's wishes! 
        This Week's Wishes
        1. Hit the gym. Since I am in school 4 times a week, my goal is to work out after my classes DAILY. I finish my classes at noon, which gives me loads of time to work out and then go home to do whatever else I need to do. Since I am not scheduled to work during the week, I really have no excuse to not go to the gym sine I am already there. 
        2. Cut the carbs out of my diet. This has actually gotten hard and hard for me... especially with the people I hang out with! I love me some rice, and I think it is time for me to start this diet ALL over again since I failed... for the past few weeks -.-
        3. Maintain my clean room. I haven't had my room this clean for more than a week! Whatever I am doing, I want to keep it up so that I am not finding myself cleaning my room every other day!
        4. Start and finish my assignments. I have two assignments due next Monday. My goal is to finish one of them (preferably the social development assignment) on Friday, so that I have the weekend to work on my forensics assignment and the weekend to edit my social development one... let's hope I get this one done for sure!
        5. Finish up textbook notes and study sheets for final exams! I have both my summer school exams scheduled on Friday... one in the morning, and the other in the evening (just my luck right?) I need to get my studying started right after I finish my assignments, so getting the textbook reading and study sheets done NOW is critical!
        These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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        15 June 2014

        Silent Sunday #25

        15 June 2014

        Silent Sunday #25

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        12 June 2014

        Life Lately According to my iPhone

        12 June 2014

        Life Lately According to my iPhone

        Life has been hectic lately, and I thought instead of having another post-less day, I might as well share some of the photos that have been lingering on my phone. Perhaps this will show you all how busy I have been for the past few days/weeks. I've been so busy, I wish I had taken more pictures to share with you all..

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        10 June 2014

        Violence is Violence

        10 June 2014

        Violence is Violence

        Yesterday, my forensic psychology class discussed a serious topic - Domestic Abuse and Violence. The class was so much more mellow than usual since this is an actual serious topic that many individuals are living with today. What gets me the most is that fact that there are so many individuals (especially women) who feel like they cannot and shouldn't escape as they genuinely feel that their life would be in danger if they even attempted to leave.

        During the lecture, the prof kept ensuring us that women aren't the only ones who experience domestic abuse and violence - a lot of men and children do to. But, unfortunately it isn't well known as it isn't reported as often. Hearing this got me thinking of this social experiment video I came across on Facebook a few days ago. 
        Dare I be the one to say it? I am deeply ashamed at how society perceives situations like domestic violence. Although the video is a social experiment, we can really see the reaction of others when confronted with such a situation. I am very happy that there were people who were willing to help the woman out when the man got physical, but I am very disgusted with the laughters and staring when it  came to the man experiencing the violence. 

        The underlying message here is that violence is violence. Regardless if it is a man abusing a woman, or woman abusing a man, or spouses abusing each other, taking about the issue and bringing awareness if just the first step.
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        09 June 2014

        Weekly Wishes #19

        09 June 2014

        Weekly Wishes #19

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        Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week where I will be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

        Last Week's Wishes Recap
          Last week, I accomplished a lot! I was able to create study sheet for the two tests I have this week, I also got a lot of sleep, I successfully helped my sister get ready for prom and I bought a very cute outfit for yesterday's event (which I should definitely make a post about later this week). It was a great week last week, and I cannot wait for this week to be over!
          This Week's Wishes
          1. Hit the gym. Since I am in school 4 times a week, my goal is to work out after my classes DAILY. I finish my classes at noon, which gives me loads of time to work out and then go home to do whatever else I need to do. Since I am not scheduled to work during the week, I really have no excuse to not go to the gym sine I am already there. 
          2. Cut the carbs out of my diet. Yes... I am an asian girl who loves my rice, so it will definitely be hard for me to cut out carbs from my diet. But I am determine to shed pounds; and if changing what I eat and how much I eat and exercising will help, then I will try my best to accomplish this!
          3. Clean my room. My room is constantly getting messy after I clean it, and last I failed to leave time during the week to clean. I need to make a game plan to make sure I keep it clean longer than just 2 days. Maybe I should just put things away right away instead of just piling it up on my table... that's a good plan lol.  
          4. STUDY! This week I once again have two consecutive midterms for the summer courses I am taking. One on Tuesday, and the other on Wednesday... oh boy do I have a lot to study.
          5. Start on my assignments. After my last test, which is on Wednesday, my plan is to get started on BOTH my assignments and hopefully finish it by the beginning of next week since next week I really should start studying for exams... summer school has me going crazy!
          These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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