30 April 2015

If We Were on a Coffee Date | vol. 1

30 April 2015

If We Were on a Coffee Date | vol. 1

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If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you about my relaxing month. I was actually fortunate enough to have the best exam schedule, allowing me to to pretty much complete all of my (two) exams on the first week of exams. This meant, I got the entire month to relax before summer school starts!

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you how Penelope made me cry. Yes, I cried. Last Tuesday/Wednesday, Penelope involuntarily just stopped eating and drinking. This of course scared the life out of me because, well, she was losing a lot of weight quickly. And, in all honestly, I think it is way to early for her to leave me.

In case you were wondering, she is doing much better. Although she is not eating her rabbit pellets as often. Instead, she is doing a great job eating her veggie greens, her favourite being lettuce, and a bit of her Timothy Hay. 

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you I read a book. Is this not exciting news to you? Well, it is to me! Because of school, I literally do not have time to finish a book, let a lone picking up a book. Crazy, I know. But, I found the cutest book store, and honestly, I bought books. I actually ended up finishing the book, Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner. Which, I should begin writing a book review for...

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you my credit card is crying. I don't know what the heck I've been doing, and thinking, for the last few weeks, but I logged onto my bank account and saw my credit card statement... $410 is what I owe. UHM. Why? I don't know. I really don't. And, thinking about it just makes me cringe... 

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you the latest stress I have regarding school. I am entering my 4th year of university, and everything just seems so more real. This journey will come to an end next year. I am currently stressing about the schedule and courses I will be taking in September. AND, I am stressing about what I am doing after I graduate. 

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you I'm binge watching The Hills. I don't know what came over me, but I decided to rewatch MTV's classic reality show, The Hills. Honestly, it is crazy how much time has past since the finale. Being on season 2, I am realizing that Lauren Conard has the realest of advice... it is crazy how everything she says makes more sense now than ever before!

Hope I'll see you on our next coffee date :)
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28 April 2015

#tbt to Last April!

28 April 2015

#tbt to Last April!

Remember the photo from above? It was actually a Silent Sunday photo I posted on my blog LAST YEAR. Since April has quickly come to its end, I thought it would be a fun idea to choose a photo from last April, and I guess explain it. Talk about whatever memories it brings.  Out of the four pictures I posted on the silent Sunday series in April, I chose this one. 

This photo brings back great memories. 

This photos reminds me of the time when my group of friends had almost all of our university classes together. It was just the 5 of us! Actually, thinking about it now, there was never a class where all 5 of us were together. I think the most would include 4 of us, and there was at least 1 class each of us weren't with when the rest of the group had a class. Complicated? Trust me I know. It became even more complicated as we all got mixed up about which classes we had with whom. 

Anyways, on a random day after on of our class, we decided to take an adventure around the campus. We've had heard about people taking a nature walk on campus, and we were on the hunt to find this trail. So as we walked from one side of the campus to the other, we found ourselves walking on a pathway that actually led its way to a side of the campus I never knew - the deans "house". I put house in quotations because it was as big as a mansion, but I had no idea what the dean really used that mansion for.. 

On our way down this path, we passed by the most beautiful mini pond and bridge. I've only seen a picture or few about this mystery bridge on instagram, and to see it up close was definitely different. For one, if you look back at the picture, the bridge over the pond, is actually so much more smaller than it really it! IF only I took a photo of me standing on it, you could probably see what I am talking about. 

As we continued our walk through the mini forest, we finally found the beginning of the nature walk trail we've heard so much about. Then, as we excited to start this nature walk trail, we looked at the time and realized 2 hours had past, and our next class was about to start. We hauled our butts out of this out of the trail, and was huffing and puffing as we were quick walking in the halls and into the class. 

It was a great day, and we actually decided to go back onto that trail. I don't know about them, but I still haven't gone. Maybe, no I will definitely go on this nature walk some time soon! Preferably before I graduate! 
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27 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #59

27 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #59

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week! Unfortunately, this is the last week of this hosted link up! However, as much as I love the idea behind this linkup, I will most likely continue on a monthly basis for the sake of my mind!

Last Week's Wishes
This past week... this past week was extremely relaxing! And, when I say I've been relaxing, I really mean I've sat my butt down on the couch, or porch, or laid in bed just watching tv series on Netflix, and just reading a novel. Honestly, I really don't mind because I caught up on all of my sleep, and now I am ready to be more productive this week! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  It's spring; and summer is quickly approaching. Need to start getting that summer body! 
  2. Blog more regularly. I'm sure this happens to a lot of bloggers - just not having the urge to blog about everything. I want to put more of an effort to do so, and in order to do that, it is time for me to go back to planning my posts ahead of time.
  3. Make money. I'm obviously a full-time student with a part-time job. I recently opened up my availability, and hopefully this summer, I'll be able make and save money for the upcoming school year. (The key word is save...)
  4. Read a book. I finished a book this week, took me longer than usual, but I still finished it. Time to read my next novel, something I still need to decide on! 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! And, a HUGE thanks to Melissa for hosting such an amazing link-up! I've definitely made my fair share of new blogger friends through her linkup!

Have a great Monday, xo
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26 April 2015

Silent Sunday #53

26 April 2015

Silent Sunday #53

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23 April 2015

An Update on Penelope

23 April 2015

An Update on Penelope

Penelope has never really gone to the vet before. The only other time was for her nails to get trimmed, as she is very stubborn and won't allow me to do them for her. Ahaha, so I would end up spending at least $20 a month for her nails. I know... there goes my budget for getting my nails done. 

Anyways, when we arrived there, Penelope was absolutely terrified. If you have me on snapchat, you would have probably saw a few videos. She didn't want to jump out of my arms, and she most definitely didn't want the nurses or doctor touching her. You always found her trying to hop back into my arms. 

The doctor told me Penelope's condition was in the serious side of the spectrum... I know, scary right? I tried my best to not show my emotions because at this point, I was just focused on getting her better. 

For those who found themselves on my blog searching up why you bunny isn't eating or drinking; you may want to see a vet immediately. It really could save his/her life. According to the veterinarian,  Penelope's food isn't being digested properly. This is most likely due to not having enough fibre in her diet, or having fur in her stomach since it is fur season. 

To me this makes sense. Penelope has been shedding a lot lately, might have something to do with the weather warming up. And, it is most likely when she licks herself, her fur is being swallowed and ending up in her stomach. And, because bunnies cannot throw up their hairball like cats can, the furl just end up staying in her stomach. 

To accommodate for this, freshly squeezed pineapple juice helps. It has something to do with an enzyme found in pineapple that will help break down the components in her stomach to digest the contents proper. So, I made Penelope pineapple juice, and in an attempt to give her 10mL a day, it is hard. She keeps resisting it, but this is for her own good, so I will be doing my best to give her the 10mL.

Also, she doesn't have enough fibre in her diet. Again, this makes sense. I notice she doesn't eat her Timothy hay, instead relies on her rabbit pellets. Fibre is just as important for rabbits as it is for us.. think of it like that. It will help with their digestive system. The veterinarian also mentioned that it is okay for Penelope to be eating veggie greens... it is better than eating nothing. And at the same time, I should try to give her papaya tablets which seems to help with digestive tracts. 

So, has Penelope been getting better? I believe so. Since we got home from the vet, she's been eating lettuce every hour or so, like I said, it is better than nothing. She hasn't been drinking water, but I think she the lettuce is somehow allowing her to pee. Then, she's been pooping again, small poos, but, she's pooing again. As of now, she is definitely active...

A Summary To Help Your Bunny:
  • PRIORITY: Get your bunny to get FIBRE. This included hay (i.e., Timothy Hay).
  • It is okay for your bunny to eat green veggies.
  • Give your bunny at least 10mL of freshly squeezed pineapple juice daily (not canned).
  • Give your bunny Papaya tablets (whether you have to crush it and feed her from your hand, or mixed it secretly in her food). They need it. 
Hopefully this will help you. Because, unfortunately, situations like this do not end up good for the bunny if you do not help them. 
... but, it is scary. The doctor did mention that her case is on the serious side which makes me sad. I'm not ready to say goodbye. 
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22 April 2015

Tell Me Whats Wrong...

22 April 2015

Tell Me Whats Wrong...

If Penelope could talk, she would tell me whats wrong. 

It's crazy how much of a connection I built with Penelope over the past year. Like I've mentioned time and time again, she's more than just a bunny to me, and definitely more than just another pet. She's soo much more friendlier than other bunnies I know, and she most obviously loves me more than anyone else in the family. 

Whenever my sister would hold Penelope in her arms, she would literally leap into my arms whenever I would pass by. She loves to lay on my bed, especially beside my pillow near my face whenever it is time for me to take a nap. She especially loves to lick my hands, arms, and sometimes legs, as if she was trying to groom me. So, I think it is safe to say she is definitely different from other rabbits. 

Recently, I've noticed she's been in a funk. Seeing her food and water bowl makes me worried. She has''t touched... for 2 days now. I also noticed the weight she's been losing. So, in an attempt to make sure she eats something, I tried to give her a carrot (her favourite), and she would just direct her head to another direction. I tried giving her a piece of celery.. that was successful, but after four bites, she was done. This was not like her. 

I'm leaving shortly to go to the vet to see what is wrong with her. I've done research, and from what I read on google, and blogs, I am scared and now more than ever in a rush to go see the vet. Online searches doesn't seem good, and quite honestly, I'm quite not ready for Penelope to leave me... its waaay too early. 

If Penelope could talk, she would tell me what's wrong so I can help her... or least give her what she wants to eat. 

Do you get sad whenever you know something is wrong with your pet? But, you have no idea what they want or need
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21 April 2015

A Letter | To Say I Love You

21 April 2015

A Letter | To Say I Love You

Dear Jay, 

There are 3 words I never thought I would say.

I mean, I've said them before, but I didn't feel as great when I say them to you. 

I used to be that girl who was sociable and talked to anyone who was friendly. I usually sticked with the group of friends I had, and I usually only branched out of my comfort zone when someone was there next to me to hold my hand. I never volunteered to be first for anything, in fact, I usually got that chill of anxiety when it was my turn to answer a question in class. I never liked talking about myself. In fact, I avoided every question and instead reverted it the question to someone else. I was never confident in my looks. And, I was never good to myself... 

Then came you. 

The moment you came into my life, everything changed. From the way I see others to the way I see life. Everything changed.

It was your smile that caught my attention. I never knew how genuine a smile can really be. Smiles to me were usually friends, yeah, but I mean, there was always a hidden desire behind them. Yours, seemed too good to be true. Your smile was just... beautiful. 

All I could think about is that I must have done a lot of good things in my past. How else would I explain to others the reason for having you in my life? Especially for the past 4 years and counting... 

You're the real deal. What we have is the real thing. I would know, because I've been through a lot of crazy-cheating relationships, and you have as well. But, somehow, here we are. Not wanting to live through the bad, and not wanting each other to experience anything like that ever again. 

Because of your love, care, and encouragement, you changed me for the better. I've actually started to have confidence in myself, and love myself again. Because of you, I was able to get through my biggest fears and move on from my ugly past. Because of you, I love life again - something, I'd never thought would ever happen again. 

You've treated me much better than a queen, and honestly, I cannot ask for anything more. You're my best friend. You're my love. You're my everything. You're my ride or die. 

I love you bubba.
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The Letter Link-up | Mr. Thomas & Me
I'm linking up with The Letter Link-Up hosted by Amber at Mr. Thomas & Me. Check out the other letters written for the monthly link-up (click HERE)! 

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20 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #58

20 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #58

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Week's Wishes
Last week I must say has been really successful. With having all of my exams crammed in last week, I was able to finish them all better than I expected. Considering how much "motivation" I had to study, I think it is fair to say that I am just happy it is over. 
I pretty much have 1 month until summer school starts, so this week, and the upcoming weeks, I definitely have set full of goals I am hoping to accomplish them, especially since summer is quickly approaching! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  It's spring; and summer is quickly approaching. Need to start getting that summer body! 
  2. Run. I want to become a "runner". So, I went online and found an 8-week plan to become a runner who can run 2 miles. This is definitely a start, and that means today, I start off with 2 mins walking, 1 min running, for a total of 30 minutes!
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Blog regularly. I've missed a lot of blogging days this month because my attention was mostly on school and studying for upcoming exams. I personally like to have my blog up to date, instead of the 1 every month or so... This week, I definitely want to start and creating draft post for the upcoming days/weeks!
  5. Make money. I'm obviously a full-time student with a part-time job. I recently opened up my availability, and hopefully this summer, I'll be able make and save money for the upcoming school year. (The key word is save...)
  6. Read a book. Last week, I mentioned how I went to a cute used book store and bought few books (click HERE to read that post). I started reading a book, and I haven't read a novel in a while. So, I am excited to read this book, and most importantly, finish it! 
P.S. in case you were wondering, I'm reading the "chick-lit" novel called, Then Came You written by Jennifer Weiner. Have you read it? Thoughts? 

These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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17 April 2015

A Great Time to Read!

17 April 2015

A Great Time to Read!

As of yesterday at 10:30am, I am free from the stress of exams! With that, I've also completed my third year of university! Boy, people weren't kidding when they say time flies... 

Anyways, with the stress of studying and getting a certain grade on certain courses, the girls and I went to the downtown core after our exam. We planned to meet up with another friend around 1:00pm to catch up. Because we finished our exam a little too early, we actually found ourselves just walking down the street. 

Then, I came across this used bookstore that really caught my attention. I'm not sure what it was, but I knew I just had to go in there to check it out. And to my surprise, this used book store was jut absolutely perfect from the moment you walked into the store. Looking back now, I wish I took pictures, but all I have is their website if you're in Toronto and interested (BMV Books).

I think what shocked me the most was the quality of the books. I mean, 90+% of the books on the shelves as almost as new! The quality and care that the past owners had with these books was just astonishing. On top of that, the prices were just amazing. I don't think I saw a single book over $9.99.

But, because I am free of exams for the next month or so before summer school starts, I decided that it is time to put my laptop aside. Instead, I want to read. I haven't read in so long, I don't mind if I sit all day just reading, and reading, and reading. Besides, the weather is beautiful, and I think a good book will help set up my imagination for the summer!  

A blog post is never complete without pictures.... so, here are just a few pics! 

I'm most definitely going back whenever I get the chance, and whenever I am finished reading these ones. For now, I think I'm going to start with Then Came You. It will be my first "chick-lit", so hopefully this book will be great!

Have you read any of these books? Did you like them? If so, which one should I definitely start with?!
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15 April 2015

Taking A Break from Studying

15 April 2015

Taking A Break from Studying

I've been missing for... well, a while. I know.. I'm sowwy to those who actually keep up with my blog wondering where I've gone! 

It's April, and that means exams. And, I, with the luck that I have, ended up having the majority of my exams on the same week... To be more specific, the first week of exams... which has happened to be this week. So, not only am I swapped with catching up with textbook readings, making a condense study sheet to study from, I unfortunately haven't had time to write something blog worthy. 

Plus, sitting gone my laptop all day and night working on my notes really start to take a toll on my eyes, and I think I'm actually starting to find reasons to not be on my laptop.

Anyways, my sister came back from Hamilton yesterday to be at home with the family. Well, her real reason was that she almost done her meal plan at her school, and because her next exam is in a few days, she decided to come home to feast to our food until it is time for her to go back. 

But, the weather was just so beautiful yesterday. It was sunny, warm, breezy... it gave me a taste of summer and it really made me excited! So, to take a break from all our studying, we decided to take a walk around our neighbourhood, and went to a pond area nearby. It was just beautiful, and I decided to try to be artsy and take photos! 

Studying for exams is obviously a priority for me in order to ace my exams, but I think taking a break, and doing something productive for yourself can actually help you. Instead of going on Facebook for "5 minutes" which turns out to be an hour, why not use that hour to get exercise while enjoying the beautiful weather! 

p.s. I actually used my iPhone to take these photos. In particular, I used the VSCO app, and I am most definitely happy with how they turned out!
What do you do to relieve some of the stress of studying for exams!? 
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06 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #57

06 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #57

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  It's spring; and summer is quickly approaching. Need to start getting that summer body! 
  2. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  3. Prep for exams. Exams are quickly approaching... I need to make the most of my "free" time and do some work, rather than just sitting and watching youtube makeup and hair tutorials all day! haha 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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