06 April 2015

Weekly Wishes #57

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  It's spring; and summer is quickly approaching. Need to start getting that summer body! 
  2. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  3. Prep for exams. Exams are quickly approaching... I need to make the most of my "free" time and do some work, rather than just sitting and watching youtube makeup and hair tutorials all day! haha 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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  1. All good things! I am kicking off a fitness challenge on my blog this week and there will be a giveaway, come check it out later this week if you are needing extra inspiration for your fitness goals! It will be all about the positivity! :)

    Good luck on everything! Life is always more manageable for me when I have a plan too!

  2. It is amazing how a little planning makes things go so much smoother!! I have been creating calendar events to remind me of the things I need to accomplish in a week! Good luck with your goals!!

  3. I love these weekly wishes posts! Great motivation! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award because I really like your blog. You can view it here :) http://cherriesandperfume.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/the-liebster-award.html

    -Sophie xo
