30 March 2015

April edition: Weekly Wishes #56

30 March 2015

April edition: Weekly Wishes #56

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Month's Wishes
Wow... March has gone by sooo quickly..! I remember at the beginning of the month, my sister and I were in the midst of planning on what we would be doing for her birthday. Then, all of a sudden, 3 weeks passed and it was her birthday. Then here we are... APRIL (well, technically it is tomorrow, but still)! Last month's goals was a bust. I cannot lie. IF there was a goal I wanted completed, I did so with half of my ability... Sooo, we can say that March was a lazy month, and this month I should not, and will not have any excuses any more. 
This Months Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  This month, I want to focus on my stomach. I want a flatter stomach as summer is quickly approaching. I want my stomach region to look slimmer when I am in my 2 piece swim suits! 
  2. Eat smarter. If I am serious about losing a certain amount of weight, in a certain amount of time, I need to stick to this. Instead of quickly transitioning into a diet, I think I'm going to try eating smaller portions, and smaller meals more, rather than the 3 standards meals.
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Convert Drafts to Posts. I notice I have A LOT of draft posts... some finished, some unfinished. So, I want to try to spice them up a bit to post! 
  5. Socialize more! I haven't been keeping up with comments on my blog, and I feel so bad! This month, I am going to make more of an effort to actually respond to the new, and even the old ones! 
  6. Work more. Okay, so because this semester of school is almost over and summer school will be starting in May, I want this month to somewhat be devoted to work, and making some money to save for my final year in university (starting in September). I plan to open my availability up, since I literally have only 3 exams, all of which are on the same week. So the rest of the month, I want to work.
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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29 March 2015

Silent Sunday #52

29 March 2015

Silent Sunday #52

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27 March 2015

Right Click, and Paste

27 March 2015

Right Click, and Paste

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Today, I am participating in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. I've been meaning to participate in her weekly linkups, but I somehow always find myself a little too late when it came to selecting a prompt, and actually writing it out. This time, I don't have any excuses, and I chose to open a blank blog post, then right click and paste. 

Here is what I pasted:

I know what you're probably thinking, "woah, that's a lot of dollars." Well, you're right. But, trust me, you are looking at this number wrong.

Here's the story: 

This past weekend was my sister's 19th birthday. And, the sister that I am, I decided, along with Jay and my cousin Neisha, to help her throw a BIG party. Like why not right? She'll be legal, and it just gives everyone an excuse to drink and just be with one another. So, thats what we did. Unfortunately, our planning and preparing kind of sucked. In fact, I did MOST of the shopping of everything the day before and the day of... 

So, as you could image, my credit card was crying for those two days. Because I haven't had this particular credit card for too long, my credit limit was only $2000. And, because the online statements do not update and show my purchases quickly, $1,160.00 actually indicates my available credit. So, I copied that number to subtract it from 2000 on a calculator, totalling to me owing $390.00.... joy. 

But, thank goodness I wasn't the only one spending money. When we all put our credit card totals together, we found out the party was literally almost $1000. What we spend money on to make it this much is a mixture of everything... renting the house for a day, buying all the alcohol, buying snacks, the amount of pizza kept ordering that night, everything just accumulated. 

But, hey. It was my sister's 19th birthday. Like go big or go home right? And, we went BIG, and it was just overall worth it. We've definitely set a new standard for parties in our social circle. I'm just happy my sister had just a great time as much as everyone had! 

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24 March 2015

When You Can't Remember What Happened

24 March 2015

When You Can't Remember What Happened

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Have you ever been to a party where the next day, all you can remember was just how much a good time you were having? Then, all of a sudden people starting bringing up bit of pieces of what you remember, and then all together you guys created a consensus of what happened? 

Well, this past weekend we threw my little sister a party for her 19th birthday. She was legal, so you already know people were drinking like no tomorrow. In fact, I think the star of the party wasn't my sister, but it was the jungle juice Jay and I made. 'Cos the moment people came to the house, the first thing we gave them was that strong mixture of alcohol, and everyone was in a new state of mind in such an instant. 

Anyways, back to the main point of this blog post. One of the main things people were talking about the next morning was my friend, lets call him Matthew. Unfortunately, he made some terrible decisions, and now he has to lay his bed in it. He says he doesn't remember a thing, but I think he is lying. 

Let me start off with the fact that he has a girlfriend, who was present at the beginning of the party, but soon left. After couple of hours of drinking, apparently he was going around telling some of the girls how he's only with his girlfriend for sexual pleasure... He also told others he was going to break up with her anyways... then proceed to make out with, not just one, but two different girls, at two different times. 

To me, I never saw this, but I know it did happen because theres a video posted on Facebook with him on the floor with a teddy bear telling everyone how he kissed two girls and how he doesn't know their names, and he couldn't care less. 

This put me in a difficult position. Not only was I friends with Matthew for over 7 years, but his girlfriend and I have become close, and she even asked me to keep an eye on him. So what do I do? I told Matthew the next morning, right after I heard a combination of all these stories, and saw pictures and videos, and told him everything I had heard. After I gave him a mini recap, I told him that it was either going to be him to tell his girlfriend, or it was going to be me. HE chose to do it himself... 

But, everything is hear say. I'm not sure what I should believe and what I shouldn't. All, I know is that  if I was in her position, and my signifiant other was making out and talking shit about me to others, I would want someone to let me know - regardless if it is hear-say or not. SO, hopefully I did the right thing in this situation, and not screw anything up between them.
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23 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #56

23 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #56

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  It's spring; and summer is quickly approaching. Need to start getting that summer body! 
  2. Eat smarter. 
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Finish ahead of time. I realize that although I have assignments and midterms in the near future, I should be using this week and the next week wisely to START on them, so I am not stuck with the stress of having to complete everything last minute.
  5. Prep for exams. Exams are quickly approaching... I need to make the most of my "free" time and do some work, rather than just sitting and watching youtube makeup and hair tutorials all day! haha 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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22 March 2015

Silent Sunday #51

22 March 2015

Silent Sunday #51

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18 March 2015

What Did I Just Do?

18 March 2015

What Did I Just Do?

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Today, I am linking up with Vashelle and linking up with Vashelle and Mia for Write it or Die Wednesdays! Today's prompt is the photo below. And, I decided to write a little short story.
"Why... why now? Tell me what I did and I promise I'll be better..."
"Please, talk to me. Everything was going so good up until now. It just doesn't make sense. You and I were getting along just this morning, then all of a sudden you're acting like this... What did I do Brad?  Please..." 
"Just go" 
"I can't. I won't. I shouldn't. I need an explanation please... Like, I know I didn't do anything wrong. Heck, I know I'm the best you've ever have. I was always there for you. I deserve at least an explanation." 
"I can't anymore. It's just not the same"  
"What do you mean? What happened for you to feel like this? Please. I need to know if it was me. I promise I'll do better." 
"Steph, just stop." 
"What do you mean stop? Stop what? Stop trying to make this work? Stop trying to get an explanation? Do you not get it... I love you, and I always will. IF you ever cared about me, you would at least give me the respect to tell me what I did." 
"Look, its nothing so drop it. Just go home. We are both tired. I'll talk to you later." 
"But, I don't want you to go" 
"Just go." 
"But, Brad" 
That's was the last time we spoke. The last thing I remember was seeing tears roll down her delicate looking face. No matter what, she was always beautiful. And, that is something I will most definitely miss the most, along with her smile, her eyes, her cute little nose... She was just so perfect. She left my room without a word, and without looking back. I heard her go down the stairs, and put on her shoes. 

I heard a pause of no movement. It was silent. Just as I was about to go downstairs to take a look, I heard her let out a a big sigh. Then she was out the door, closing the door behind her as quiet as possible. 

I ran to the window and I took a peak.  I saw her pull her hood on top of her head as she walked into the distance. Then in a split second, she turned the corner, and she was gone. I took a seat on my bed and had a feeling I've never felt. My heart dropped to my stomach. 

What did I just do? This girl means everything to me. 
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17 March 2015

"It's Not Your Place"

17 March 2015

"It's Not Your Place"

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"It is not your place" is something I've heard too many times this past weekend. And, honestly, I am fed up with hearing that phrase.

Unfortunately, a great family friend was involved in a situation that was just stupid and selfish from different dimension. My friend, whom I consider a little brother, was recently caught buying drugs (i.e, weed) on school property, and told the cops and principle that were more in his locker. I did not find out about this until his parents (who are great friends with my parents), invited us over Friday afternoon, along with another family whom we are all great friends with. 

I wasn't present, but his parents conducted an intervention that involved all 3 families, because they really trust us and see us as family, and wanted their son to know that he has support coming from everyone. 

I got there a bit late, and actually ended up missing the intervention. But, when I did arrive, the adults were in one room, and the kids were in another. I was talking to the adults to understand what had happened and how disappointed they were in their son.  They expressed their emotions and feelings about the entire situation. Tears, anger, sadness... a lot of emotions were expressed. 

As for me, I was just shocked; I was heart broken that not only was he stupid enough to do something like that on school property, but I just felt he was stupid enough to get involved in drugs at such a young age. I couldn't believe it, and for once in my life, I was just lost for words. I didn't know what to say to the parents, and I didn't know what I wanted to say to him. 

When I went to the room to where the other kids were; he was laying on the bed sad. My sister was there, and the other family's kids were there to. It was just a serious environment, and they told me that they already gave him the talk, and I could add whatever I felt. 

Skipping forward... 

When we were just hanging out and talking, I realized that this wasn't his first time, and every one had decided they wanted to the parents to think it was. I also found out that there were previous times that he had brought weed into their house without his parents knowledge. And.... he distinctly said that he will be smarter when it comes to buying and hiding... 

At this point, I wanted to leave the room and tell his parents. Why? Because when they were telling me the story earlier, they were telling me that this was his first time trying it, and they are happy they can stop it now. Also, I care about this boy; I see him as my little brother.  I didn't think it was right of me knowing something about him that can possibly ruin his life later on if he actually continues on with this path.... 

Before going to the parents, I actually freaked myself out. I didn't want to cause more problems within their family, nor did I want to lose the trust of him.. So, I'm left here confused. I asked my bf, and he said, "it is not your place"; I asked my sister why she agreed to not tell the parents, and she said, "its not your place". 

Honestly... I don't get it... why isn't it my place? If the parents felt that we were so enough for them to let us know what happened, and be involved in the intervention, then maybe it is my place to say something, especially, if it is only in the greater good of this boy I see as my brother. My intentions is not malicious... of course I don't want him to get into more trouble, but I don't want him to continue on this path of lying to his parents, and taking drugs... 

But, repeatedly people are saying, "its not your place". And, it just confuses me because I know if someone knows something about someone I love - good or bad - I would want to know... 

Knowing this really puts me in a difficult position... because I really do not know what to do. I want to say something because I feel it is right. And I know, if something worse happens in the near future, I would feel responsible for not going with my gut and telling someone to prevent it... 

"it's not your place" honestly just leaves me so confused and doubting me to see my actions as right or wrong... 
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16 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #55

16 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #55

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  This is do or die... Summer is quickly approaches, I really have no other excuses not to hit the gym.
  2. Eat smarter. 
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Convert Drafts to Posts. I notice I have A LOT of draft posts... some finished, some unfinished. So, I want to try to spice them up a bit to post!
  5. Socialize more! I haven't been keeping up with comments on my blog, and I feel so bad! This month, I am going to make more of an effort to actually respond to the new, and even the old ones! 
  6. Finish ahead of time. I realize that although I have assignments and midterms in the near future, I should be using this week and the next week wisely to START on them, so I am not stuck with the stress of having to complete everything last minute. 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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15 March 2015

Silent Sunday #50

15 March 2015

Silent Sunday #50

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10 March 2015


10 March 2015


I don't think you understand how excited (yet sad) I am that Penelope is officially the age of 1! Well, to be honest, when Jay and I first got her, we didn't know when she was exactly born, but 1 year ago today, she was brought into our lovely lives. And, I cannot begin to say how excited I am to have her for this long! I only say that because there were a lot of people who doubted my caring of an animal ability because the amount of time I'm either in school or work, but somehow I did it!

Over the past year, I really learnt how to care for another being. And, it just amazes me all the time that Penelope is a living animal... An animal who put her trust me to care for her and give her the necessities! She is an animal that I've honestly fell in love with over the past year.

It is honestly hard to explain, but I think other pet owners can somewhat understand when I say that I've truly developed a connection with her! Whenever she acts a certain way, I already know what she wants or what she is trying to express. Like, if she's licking my hand, she's obviously showing her affection towards me, because I'm pretty much the ONLY person she'll lick. Like, there are soo many times where Penelope would just "attack" my sister and mother. I put "attack" in quotations because she's a rabbit... she can't hurt a human, but she's very aggressive towards them, always grunting and running away from them.

I've also learnt that Penelope really does trust me. She likes to follow me around the house; she tends to love sleeping on my bed acting like it is her own. When I come home from school or work, she's just at the top of the stair case waiting for me, and when I get near her, she goes on her back legs. I know this is bad, but SHE LOVES RICE; so whenever I'm eating downstairs, she goes on her back legs and start getting my attention by touching my leg to give her some. Oh, whenever someone else is holding her, she's too scared to jump down onto the ground from high up; but, if she smells my scent close by, she'll direct herself to my direction. And, when I'm close enough, she'll actually jump into my arms.

I can go on, and on about what she does, and what I can interrupt based on her actions. I love animals, and ever since I had the privilege of having her in my life, I've became more of an animal lover! I think I'm very lucky that she actually doesn't chew up on the wires, doesn't pee/poop on my bed, and bite the carpet; which is what I know other rabbits love to do!

Anyways, I could literally writes a seriously about my little bunny; but that might not be as exciting for readers as it is for me who is actually experiencing life with her! So, I decided to share some of my favourite pictures of her over the past year.

Like I said, I could probably make an entire serious about her! And, if you don't think she's adorable, but I'm sorry that's just absurd! Lol, just kidding!
Just as a recap, check out these posts about my lovely rabbits! :) 
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09 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #54

09 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #54

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
HAHA, the start of the month, and I think it is safe to say that I was very unsuccessful pretty much with all of my goals due to reasons beyond my control. Maybe I'll make a post about it explaining why I was pretty much missing on every social media possible. All I can say, is that I must go harder this week! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  If I want to see changes, I have to literally go out and make this. March is going to primary focus on getting my arms smaller in size (make the flags go away!) and get a bigger butt.. because well, I want a bigger butt ahah :) 
  2. Eat smarter. If I am serious about losing a certain amount of weight, in a certain amount of time, I need to stick to this. Instead of quickly transitioning into a diet, I think I'm going to try eating smaller portions, and smaller meals more, rather than the 3 standards meals.
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Convert Drafts to Posts. I notice I have A LOT of draft posts... some finished, some unfinished. So, I want to try to spice them up a bit to post!
  5. Socialize more! I haven't been keeping up with comments on my blog, and I feel so bad! This month, I am going to make more of an effort to actually respond to the new, and even the old ones! 
  6. Finish my paper ahead of time. I have another paper due this Thursday. I feel like I have a good understanding so far; I just want to make sure I finish a head of time, instead of the typical night before. I rather save the night before for just editing, and not worrying about meeting the online submission deadline. 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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03 March 2015

Get to Know Me: A-Z

03 March 2015

Get to Know Me: A-Z

Hey! It's a new month, and I decided to take the time to kinda re-introduce myself to my newer followers! I actually found this blog post from Kendel's blog (click HERE to view the post). I loved the idea behind the post, so I decided to steal it :) Please, feel free to do the same if you like this post!
A. Attached or Single? I am attached to the one and only Jay for 4 years now! No, please don't ask us when the wedding is.. it is definitely not a priority for us at the moment! 
B. Best Friend? Well, I can easily say my best friend is Jay... but, then I would feel guilty. I would have to say my best friend is, Penelope. For those of you who may not know who she is, she is my cutie of a bunny. 

C. Cake or Pie? CAKE! I love cake... I all the flavours to, in case you were wondering!

D. Day of Choice? I love Fridays. It is the end of the school week, and I guess what. I don't have classes on Fridays, so that means it is the start to my 3-day weekend! How can you not love that?
E. Essential Item? Oh.... this is a hard one. I would have to say my phone. I literally cannot go anywhere without it. I often even find myself bringing it with me to the bathroom. I don't know, it is weird, but technology has become so efficient, it is so to like a safety blanket now. 
F. Favourite Colour? I love the colour pink. I can't really explain why, but I really do love that colour!
G. Gummy Bears or Worms? To be honest, neither. I've never been a fan of gummy bears or gym worms... it just makes me sicks.. the texture of it when I chew. I just don't like em. 
H. Home Town? I am a city girl! I was born and raised in the busy city of Toronto!  
I. Indulgence? A picture is with a thousand words... 
J. January or July? JULY. I love summer, and I can no longer stand the cold. You would totally understand living in Canada, where our winters are probably worse than the coldest day you've ever experienced. 
K. Kids? None! Am I am happy about that! I want to focus on me, getting into a steady career, and making a steady income before I even think about bringing children into our world. 
L. Life is not complete without...? My friends and family. They are the ones who I can honestly say helped me become who I am today. Without them, I would be lost and just lonely. 

M. Memory you cherish? I cherish a lot of them. I think one memory I will forever cherish is an important event that happened on May 18, 2011. Let's just leave it at that... 
N. Number of brothers/sisters? I have one little sister, who isn't really so little. She's actually 1 year and 4 months younger than me; but if you ever see us face to face, some people actually think she's the elder one of us two! 

O. Oranges or Apples? I actually love apples, especially green ones! 
P. Pet Peeves? I hate when people I know someone is lying to me, and they continue to lie to my face. I dislike when people interrupt me when I am talking. I also don't like when people drag their feet when they are walking. 
Q. Quotes? "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
R. Reasons to Smile? I think life itself is a reason to smile. I have the privilege waking up another day, and being here on earth with my loved ones. That is definitely something to smile about. 
S. Season of Choice? SUMMER. I do not mind how hot/humid it will get... I refuse to be in the cold. I can't do it no more. Canada is just getting to cold for my comfort.
T. Tea or Coffee? Hi, my name is Vanessa, and I am addicted to coffee. You can almost guarantee to always find a cup of coffee in my hands. If I don't, then I'm probably waiting in line at Starbucks or Tim Hortons ordering another cup. 
U. Unknown facts about me? Although I am the shiest person you'll ever meet, I am so much confidence and this sassiness that people tend to be surprised about. 
V. Vegetable? I actually like onions. Not on its own of course, but I just love the flavour it adds to dishes I cook and eat! 
W. Worst Habit? Urg... its actually embarrassing but biting my nails. I've actually haven't bitten my nails since January.. so, I am doing really well for breaking this habit!
X. X-Ray or Ultra-Sound? I've had x-rays done before - for my spine, my ulna, my ankles. 
Y. Your Favourite Trip? Back in December, the crew and I went to Niagara Falls for the weekend, and I must admit... being with them made it my favourite! 
Z. Zodiac sign? I am a scorpio! 
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02 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #53

02 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #53

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Month's Wishes
February has come and go so quickly! I literally remember yesterday creating a goals list for the month, and now here I am revisiting that list to see if I actually accomplished anything! I mentioned blogging 4 times a week, and I can say I definitely accomplished this! Tying into one of my other goal, planning in general, I found it easier for me to keep up with my blog post, and actually writing a lot of them a head of time! 
This Months Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  If I want to see changes, I have to literally go out and make this. 
  2. Eat smarter. If I am serious about losing a certain amount of weight, in a certain amount of time, I need to stick to this. Instead of quickly transitioning into a diet, I think I'm going to try eating smaller portions, and smaller meals more, rather than the 3 standards meals.
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Convert Drafts to Posts. I notice I have A LOT of draft posts... some finished, some unfinished. So, I want to try to spice them up a bit to post! 
  5. Socialize more! I haven't been keeping up with comments on my blog, and I feel so bad! This month, I am going to make more of an effort to actually respond to the new, and even the old ones! 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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01 March 2015

Silent Sunday #49

01 March 2015

Silent Sunday #49

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