02 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #53

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Month's Wishes
February has come and go so quickly! I literally remember yesterday creating a goals list for the month, and now here I am revisiting that list to see if I actually accomplished anything! I mentioned blogging 4 times a week, and I can say I definitely accomplished this! Tying into one of my other goal, planning in general, I found it easier for me to keep up with my blog post, and actually writing a lot of them a head of time! 
This Months Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  If I want to see changes, I have to literally go out and make this. 
  2. Eat smarter. If I am serious about losing a certain amount of weight, in a certain amount of time, I need to stick to this. Instead of quickly transitioning into a diet, I think I'm going to try eating smaller portions, and smaller meals more, rather than the 3 standards meals.
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Convert Drafts to Posts. I notice I have A LOT of draft posts... some finished, some unfinished. So, I want to try to spice them up a bit to post! 
  5. Socialize more! I haven't been keeping up with comments on my blog, and I feel so bad! This month, I am going to make more of an effort to actually respond to the new, and even the old ones! 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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