31 December 2015

Farewell 2015!

31 December 2015

Farewell 2015!

Where do I even begin with 2015? 
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Going through my photos saved on my laptop, I had  no idea at how many photos I had. And, each one just reminded me all the things I did this year! However, as I sat in front of my laptop going through the majority of the photos, I was really trying my best remember whether or not these events actually took place in 2015.  I guess if I didn't have those photos from January to August, I probably wouldn't have remembered all the events I took part in during those month! 

As I said, I have a lot of picture. And, the pictures I chose for the collage I created above do not do justice for the year I had. 

I can honestly say that this past year was eventful! And, I say that with a lot of pride. Never have I ever stepped out of my comfort zone as much as I did in the past year, and I wouldn't change any of it. Not only did I learn a lot about myself, I learnt a lot of others; and it amazes me how one year of new perspectives can change just about everything!

I feel more confident in not only myself, but the relationships I have with others.  I learnt more about my likes and dislikes, whether it is about food, objects, or even people.  I also learnt how to see things in a positive light with a positive attitude. Whether it was through methods or activities I tried out on my own, or through relaxation, I learnt a lot.

The one thing of 2015 that stood out to me was my relationships with others. Whether it was through good or bad circumstances, I learned who was there and who wasn't. And, I definitely took notes, and will be carrying those notes forward to 2016.

I want 2016 to be adventures and spontaneous as 2015 was. But, I also want 2016 to be more about me. I'm growing up and will be graduating from university in just a few short months. I want to still have my share of fun, but also my share of the real world when it comes to responsibilities and being on my own. And, if 2016 is the year for me to be on my own, I hope it will be a successful year with as little struggle as possible.

2015 gave me positivity, and I hope to bring all of that forward into 2016. 

Thanks for everything. Cheers, 2015!
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30 December 2015

The New Year Tag!

30 December 2015

The New Year Tag!

2016... Oh, how you are coming so much more quicker than I anticipated. As I sit here in front of my laptop, I'm wondering how on Earth I got this far. I try to reflect on 2015, and an explosion of different events play in my mind. 2015 was definitely different, and I'm both nervous and excited to see what 2016 has in store for me.
So, as the past few days I've been playing catch up on reading some of my favourite blogs, I've noticed a few blogger playing around with the New Year tag. And, I thought why not! This would be great form of way of reflecting on 2015. So, without further ado, Here's my take on the New Year tag!

What is one of your favourite moments from last year?
Ooo, I have too many to choose from! I can honestly say that this has been the most adventurous year for me, so choosing one of my favourite moments is definitely hard. But, if I had to choose, I think my favourite memory is definitely my entire summer, from roads trips to beach, to relaxing at home, to spending time with friends and family, I honestly cannot wait for the next summer to come! 

What was one New Year's resolution you accomplished?
I think out of all the goals I created for myself, my blogging goals have been the most successful. I've been blogging more consistently the past month (except for this months), and I'm actually improving when it comes to responding back to comments, and commenting on others blog! 

Three words to describe last year?
Adventurous, Spontaneous, Emotional

Favourite song from last year? 
WILDEST DREAM - Taylor Swift

Something you are looking forward to this coming year?
Both yes and no... hard to explain both the worries and the excitement I have for 2016. 

What did last year teach you?
It might sound like a cliche, but last year taught me who is there for me during times of need.

What was your most worn clothing item of last year?
TIGHTS --> I have these reebok tights that I constantly wore all of last year, it just fits so perfectly and looks great with any shirt I pair them with.

If you had to sum up your year in one word what would it be?

What are you hoping more for of this coming year? 
I am hoping for more positivity in my life - whether it is through my thoughts, actions, and words, but, I also am hoping the same from those around me. I want to have a more positive outlook on life.

What are you hoping for less of this year?

What is your upcoming resolution for the New Year?
I have a few a lot. I'm thinking of making an entire post devoted to resolutions in January! So, stick around for that!

Are you excited for 2016?

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29 December 2015

How I Spent My Christmas!

29 December 2015

How I Spent My Christmas!

Oh, hey everyone! I know, you're probably wondering where I've been for the past, what almost 2 weeks? That's my fault, I've been wanting to post on here everyday, and if you see my drafts, I have around 9 half way finished. Not sure what the holidays are doing to me, but I was not in the mood of sitting in front of my laptop upon hours... I know that's not the "right" thing to say, but I'm being honest. It's the holiday, and I am just trying to relax and live it up as much as I can! 

Since Christmas was just a few days ago, I thought I would give you a insight of how I spent my Christmas! It was full of laughter and fun as well as family. It was a great way to spend Christmas, with family!
My family started off the Christmas va-cay by attending my father's work Christmas party. I usually love attending these Christmas parties because I like to see my dad have fun and make jokes with the other managers, and owners of the place. I also love the restaurants/ buffets that are usually chosen for such occasions!

This year we went to an Indian buffet, one in which I've never been to before. The place was quite smaller than I expected, but nevertheless the food was amazing! I never had a variety of Indian food available to me before, but the selection from meats to vegetables to deserts was absolutely delicious!
On Christmas day, the family and I enjoyed our time at a family friend's house. They recently bought themselves a new house, and so we thought it was best fitting for them to host the Christmas party this year, as well as do a combined house warming party. Why not? It's an excuse to party, no?

The day went off great! I got to spend some time with the cousins I haven't spent time with since the school year started, and we ate some amazing food prepared by my aunt. Now that I think about it, I wish I took more photos. But, then I realized that I did take a lot of silly snapchat videos that I shared over my story. I really got to remember to take photos; not just videos!

Anyways, as the evening started to approach, it was time for my family to head off to my aunt's place. Not only was it Christmas, but it was also her birthday! So, we thought it would be best to spend the rest of evening with her and her kids on such an occasion.

This is where things started to get interesting; my little cousin got an Easy Bake for Christmas, and she said she had yet to use it. And, voila! We got the idea to see if Easy Bake really works. And, of course being me, I documented the entire thing through snapchat. I really could have done a vlog-type step-by-step video of what we did; but that wouldn't be as spontaneous!

Guess what? Easy Bake was a success, and although the portion of the size of the cake we made wasn't enough, it was still a fun process to go through with the little ones. They quite enjoyed the cake, and their mom was just as surprised as we were to find the taste of the cake quite edible! So, that was fun.

And, although it may not be seem as the funnest thing to do, I honestly value quality time over quantity time, especially with family. So, I thought Christmas was a really great day, I loved it!

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21 December 2015

That Time I Celebrated My 21st!

21 December 2015

That Time I Celebrated My 21st!

This past weekend, Jay and I celebrated our 21st birthday with our friends, and it was great! Let me set this straight, I know my birthday was literally just a month ago, but because of school and exams for not only me, but for my friends, I made the decision to host a party after everyone's exams. At the same time, it was just a few days afters Jay's, and we just decided to throw one BIG one for the both of us. 

It was fun, and I had an amazing time! Although, hosting a party is completely different from just attending a party. The entire day was a stressful one - from getting house set up, to getting all the foods and drinks ready, to actually having time to do my hair an makeup, and to making sure no BS was happening before, during and after the night. 

But, I had an amazing time, and I really hope that others did just as well! I thought it would be fun for mo to share almost all of my snapchat story that I took during the night.. I mean, I would share my snapschat story, but I do try to keep my blog PG. Also, of the 3 pictures I actually remembered to take with the actual camera app, all I have is the videos and pictures (mostly videos) from my snapchat ahah. 

I mean, at this point, I could talk about all the foods and drinks, and games we played and enjoyed ourselves to, but I really can't because I was pretty much having too much fun to remember anything (hint hint as to what I was really doing). Overall, I had an amazing time, and I probably won't be throwing another party in the near future, but I definitely know what I need to improve on for next time! 

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17 December 2015

The Christmas Tag!

17 December 2015

The Christmas Tag!

Exam are finally over for me, and that means I can get back to focusing my attention to my lovely blog that I've been neglecting for almost 2 weeks. Opps :( But, I'm back! And, hopefully, without any distractions I'll be able to keep up to date with this blog, again. So, let's back to today's blog post... The Christmas Tag

1) What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Oh, there are a lot of Christmas movies that I have to watch during the Christmas holidays. So, you can already imagine that selecting one movie would be hard. But, nope, thanks to the help of Netflix and featuring movies on the spotlight section, I realized that I did have an absolute favourite movie since I was younger... Enough of me rambling, my favourite movie is...

2) Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve for Christmas morning?
I mean, its really a mixture of box, technically. Usually on Christmas Eve, my family and I go to church for mass that is schedules to either finish around past 11:30pm, or just before 12:00am.  Sometimes, we just sit in the pews until 12:00am, wish each other and our priest and then head home. From there, we usually just open our presents together. So, that's why I say it's a mixture between Christmas Eve and Christmas morning... 12:00am is technically the morning, but not really.

3) Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I mean, I can pick almost every Christmas memory I was fortunate enough celebrate with my family. I mean others don't really get that sort of luxury. If I really had to pick, then I'd pick the Christmas my family hosted a Christmas party at our house when I was younger. I don't remember the year, but I do remember having so much fun running up and down floors with my cousins, and my sister's godbrothers, and other cousins who I'm not as close with anymore. I mean, it was fun! 

image via
4) Favourite fest food? 
Nothing specific because I will always appreciate good tasting food! But, if it has to relate to Christmas, then I'd pick Christmas desert. Mmmm. You know what I'm talking about... Christmas cookies? YUMMMY.

5) Favourite Christmas Gift? 
Again, this is sooo hard. I've was fortunate enough to receive gift through the many 20 Christmas, I feel like it would be selfish to just pick and choose. Instead, if I have to choose, I think I would pick the time my parents got me my Macbook pro. I mean I think others can agree that this laptop is 10x better than the laptops I've had in the past. 4 years later, I'm still using it. Money well spent on something defiantly useful and fun at the same time!

6) Favourite Christmas scent? 
I love candles! So, I really don't have a Christmas scent; but I do love the scent of vanilla! I think think it smells so sweet. But, other than that, Body Bath and Works have amazing scented candles, and even Christmas smells. LOVE THEM ALL.

7) Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions? 
Not really traditions to be honest. Our Christmas Eves are very low-key and very family oriented. We like to just spend the time together. Nothing too interesting about that ahah.

8) What tops your tree?
HAHA, I wish I had a straight answer for you. We usually change it up whenever we feel like it. It's either an angel we've been using of many years. I think it is absolutely beautiful. But, that beauty hasn't been seen at the top of our Christmas tree this year... I'm thinking she's going to make her appearance on Christmas! 

9) Favourite festive song?

10) What is the best part of Christmas for you?
I mean, I can pick almost every Christmas memory I was fortunate enough celebrate with my family. I mean others don't really get that sort of luxury. If I really had to pick, then I'd pick the Christmas my family hosted a Christmas party at our house when I was younger. I don't remember the year, but I do remember having so much fun running up and down floors with my cousins, and my sister's godbrothers, and other cousins who I'm not as close with anymore. I mean, it was fun! 

THAT WAS FUN! aha, I'm not even lying, this tag actually made me realize what I need to do in order to prep for Christmas day, and hopefully the Christmas party we will be hosting this year! Too excited. But, then there still gifts I have to go out and buy...  

What's your favourite part of Christmas?

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07 December 2015

Christmas Wishlist 2015

07 December 2015

Christmas Wishlist 2015

Christmas is quickly approaching, and a lot of my friends and family are constantly asking me what I want this year. And, my answers seems to go back to, "nothing". But, thinking about it, I feel like I will low-key regret it if I actually don't end up getting anything for Christmas. So, I sat down and really thought about what I want and need, and decided to compile a list! 
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

1. E.L.F. 11 Piece Brush Collection from E.L.F
I'm trying out new products and makeup lines this year, and this includes E.L.F. One of the main reasons for my switch is because they do not test on animals. I'm trying to be more animal friendly with my choices, so this is definitely one of the few of many switches I will be doing!

2. Naked Smoky from Urban Decay
I have the Urban Decay 3 palette, and I absolutely loved it! The smoky palette is something I definitely want to try out, especially since I am stating to love the smoky eye looks for when I go out!

3. Paisley Print & Sequin Cocktail Dress from Le Chateau
This is more of a temporary want-- especially for parties this month. But, I still wouldn't mind having it. I think it is absolutely beautiful, and I do not have a black and gold dress.

4. Cedar Street Dot Lacey from Kate Spade
This is more of a want than a need. And, I think Kate Spade wallets are absolutely beautiful. Not exactly sure if it will be an everyday use wallet, but it is definitely catching my eye!

5. Marble Macbook Pro Case

6.  Wooden Samsung Galaxy S6 edge phone case
This just looks so cute. And, the elephant on the case that I chose, just makes me want it even more!

7. Vanilla Snowflake 3-Wick Candle from Bath and Body Works
I actually had this candle before, and it SMELLS amazing from the moment you open the lid. I love it, and I love the smell! And, I just a whole set of candles from Bath and Body Works. The smell is just too good!

I mean, these are items I can eventually buy for myself, but if friends are offering me to buy me gifts why not? ahahaha
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04 December 2015

10 Holiday & End of the Year Blog Post Ideas

04 December 2015

10 Holiday & End of the Year Blog Post Ideas

It's December, and the Holidays are quickly approaching. I don't know about you, but I am seriously VERY excited! I cannot wait to just sit by the fireplace and sipping a good cup of warm almond milk, or even hot chocolate!

If you haven't heard, the other day I announced that I would attempt to do blogmas this year. I soon began to realize that it might be more of a struggle, especially since I want my post to have more of a Christmas/Holiday theme. So, I came up with a list of a few ideas to help get me started, and I decided to share it with you all! 

Here are 10, or maybe a few more, holiday prompts and end of the year prompts!

1. Christmas Wishlist
2. Gift guides for him/her/secret Santa
3. #tb to a white Christmas
4.  City decorations for the holiday!
5.  10 Reasons why you love (or hate) winter! 
6.  Share how you celebrated Christmas  
7. 2015 in review (pictures/favourite moments)
8. Reflect on your 2015 resolutions
9. Farewell letter to 2015
10. Goals for 2016

Have fun with these prompts, and have fun during the last month of 2015!!!

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02 December 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Blogmas!

02 December 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Blogmas!

It's December, and because I already celebrated my birthday, I can officially start getting excited for Christmas! I love Christmas, mostly because of the family time I get to have with the cousins that I don't usually get during the school year. Also, Christmas is a great time to celebrate and just be as relaxed as possible, especially since I will be finished with exams by then. That, itself, is something to celebrate! 

As I was scrolling through twitter and instagram the other day, I realized that there are a lot of bloggers challenging themselves this month; you might have heard of it... blogmas! And, I thought that this would be a fun thing to do as the holiday is approaching, and it would serve as a great distraction from all the stress and studying. 

But, with a twist, I won't only post Christmas-y posts. I'll post likely plan 2-3 Christmas or holiday themed posts per week, and the other days I will continue to blog as normally as possible. #sorrynotsorry. I love Christmas, but I don't think I'll be creative enough to plan and prepare 23 Christmas-y posts :/ So, on days where I have creative blocks, I'll probably be blogging as per usual, especially for those who don't want to read the same holiday posts on every single blog...

I'm excited, aren't you? Let the countdown to Christmas begin! 

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01 December 2015

December Goals!

01 December 2015

December Goals!

I cannot believe it is already December! I know this is such a cliche thing to say, but it literally feels like November was just approaching, and I was planning big things for my birthday. When I look back, I swear my birthday was just yesterday, when in reality it was like, what, almost 2 weeks ago? Time seriously does fly, fast. Okay, enough babbling, I'll just get straight to the point for today's post, aha!

Last Month's Goals?
Speaking of how fast November went.... my goals last month didn't go so well. My diet? Don't even get me started. Let me tell you how hard Bit is to eat healthy and not crave anything fattening when you're a full-time student staying up all night long to study/write essays/ just catch up. But, maybe it's just an excuse, but I definitely wish it went a few days longer than I did. The whole no touching credit card thing, well, I was doing really well for 2 week, until I had to pay for gas and completely and had my debit in my other wallet.. then, it was just a waterfall effect from there, using my credit card, again. Opps. OH, and blogging? I think I was fairly good with keeping up with my blog last month... right? 
This Month's Goals!

1. STUDY and ACE my exams. 
It's that time of the semester -- exam time. This year, I strategically chose courses that will give me the least number of exams to write this year. Out of the 4 courses I enrolled in, I have 3 exams, which I think is much better than 4. Anywhos, it kind of backfired when I found out that 2 of the exams are a day after the other... so, that will be a challenge. And, the goal is to just start ahead of time, and not do any last minute studying! 

This will be an ongoing goal until I feel that I am able to budget the money I make from work, without having to use the credit card. Like I said in previous posts, I don't want to have to work just to pay off my credit card. I rather work and use that money towards tuition so I wouldn't have so much student loans. 

3. Plan my birthday party. 
I know, it is weird having a birthday party one month after my actual birthday. But, I figured its just the best possible way to host a party without having to worry about exams, and without others having to worry about exams if they attend my party. So, with this goal, I need to plan out what to buy, budget out my money, and invite all my friends. This, of course, I'm going to have to somehow do on the side of my exams. 

4. Buying Christmas gifts! 
Knowing how quickly the days go by, I need to start and finish buying presents for my friends and family. Luckily, I've already purchased a few gifts, which I feel was defiantly smart of me as it means less gifts to buy this month, which my bank account will appreciate! 

5. Take more photos. 
Every so often, I like to transfer photos from my phone onto my laptop, and organize them into smaller albums. Besides having albums that separate photos of family, or friends, or Penelope, or selfies, I have general albums I like to organize in months. My "November" album was lacking in photos compared to the photos I took in the summer. This month, I was to capture beauty in everything I see. 

6. Stay positive 
As a personal goal, I want to end the year right, and start off the New Years with positive vibes. Am I getting too far ahead of myself? But, seriously, positivity in life is what I need, so staying positive is what I will do! 

What are your goals for December?
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27 November 2015

Currently in November

27 November 2015

Currently in November

READING... #girlboss (finally!!)
PLAYING... with lovely Ms. Penelope
WATCHING... youtube at the moment, like old videos uploaded from some of my favourite youtubers ha
TRYING... to finish this post so I can sleep 
COOKING... Marconi pie YUMMY.
EATING... macaroni :):):):):):):)
DRINKING... Water, water, and more water!
CALLING... no one at the moment!
TEXTING...  my cousins group on whataspp. HAHA, currently sharing sales we are excited about for Black Friday and the weekend!
TWEETING... nothing lately... I should get on top of that! 
GOING... to work in the morning, and rest of the weekend
LOVING... life!
HATING... all the essays I've been swamped with
DISCOVERING... Miranda Sings.. I'm obsessed
THINKING... about exams!
FEELING... exhausted!
HOPING (for)... an easier path.
LISTENING (to)... Made in the A.M. album from One Direction 
CELEBRATING... uh.. nothing right now
SMELLING... my vanilla scented candle, mmmm
ORDERING...  From Kate Spade! 
THANKING... God, for everything. 
CONSIDERING... my future.
STARTING... To fall asleep
FINISHING... My essays in order to start studying for exams!
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24 November 2015

Kate Spade SURPRISE Sale!

24 November 2015

Kate Spade SURPRISE Sale!


Hey guys!  The last time I spoke about my most recent Kate Spade purchase, a lot of you were stunned and amazed at how much I spent on my actual purchase! (Read the post HERE) And, surprisingly, I had no idea that there were a lot of you who were unaware about the amazing deals Kate Spade has during their surprise sale!

So, I thought this would be a great time to tell you that Kate Spade is having another Surprise Sale! No, really, they are, and it is just before Black Friday/Cyber Monday. So, you can easily skip the long line ups at the stores on those days, and actually sit at the comfort of you bed and purchase items that are up to 75% off

These are the few items I'm eyeing for either myself, or as a Christmas gift for my mom and sister:

Penn Valley Need // Berkeley Lane Neda 

Southport Avenue Small Jenny // Newbury Lane Cassie

For the simple of ease, sign into the sale with the email you use all the time. That is the email they will use to notify you of future sales the they may have! 

Have you checked out the sale yet? What are some of your favourites?

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Past and Current Aspirations

Past and Current Aspirations

When I was 5 years old, I wanted to be a doctor. In fact, it was the only option I knew that was available to me. Yes... growing up, I had those parents who told I had to become a doctor. Looking back, it was bitter sweet - I was motivated enough to get the grades I needed for school, but... I was also more and more confused when subjects began to get hard, and I was questioning about my path to becoming a doctor.

But, at the age of 5, I though being a doctor was the greatest job ever! And, I have to thank my paediatrician for that. I had such a great experience with doctors because of that amazing man. He made it fun to go to the doctor. And, as much as I hated needles (still kind of do), he did an amazing job distracting me for the 10 seconds of the needle. So, I wanted to be like him. I wanted to do what he did... and I wanted to just have fun with other children while helping them.

However, when I got to high school, and started taking the science courses like biology and chemistry, reality started to set in. My memorization skills in biology was not up to par, and my application skills in chemistry, was literally non-existent. Trust me, I am not exaggerating... chemistry was a nightmare for me, and I realized that it would only get harder in my pathway to become a doctor.

And, thats when my life started to get confusing. But, I mean, that's the process right?

Now, I'm currently in my fourth year of university.  I am doing a double major in psychology and anthropology. I always had a love for psychology; but, because of the different courses I took, I think I love child psychology, but more importantly childhood disorders. I honestly the different disorders interesting, especially their onsets and treatment. Something I am definitely considering in specializing when I apply for grad school.

So, thats the plan! Applying for grad school for clinical psychology after university, and hopefully fulfilling my dream to work with children! But, if grad school doesn't work out (knock on wood), I'll also be applying for nursing. So, if that pathway happens for me, I'll definitely specialize in peds.

Can't you tell I want to have a medical career with children :)

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23 November 2015

My Favourite Hair Product

23 November 2015

My Favourite Hair Product

"How do you get and keep your hair so long?"

"How do you keep your hair so healthy!"

"What hair products do you use!"

These are just the few of the many questions I usually hear on the regular whenever someone see's my hair.  To me, it is normal and I am quite used to it by now! It might be because I love when others fondle over my hair. I truly feel like my hair is a part of me, and is literally part of my identity, so it definitely boosts my self-esteem whenever people compliment it! Is that bad to admit? aha 

Anyways, I decided to share with you my sole-called "secret" hair product I use in my hair. And, I use secret in quotation marks, because most people don't seem to know much about this particular product. In fact, I did not know about it until I one day found it at Winners #winnersfabfinds


My secret is... Coconut Oil! 
More specifically, when it comes to washing my hair, I use the Coconut Oil Natural Oliology Beauty Oils. The benefits are surreal; and the best part of this product is that it is already listed on the package for your convenience. Still not convinced? You can easily google it, and there will be lots of links showing you the benefits of coconut oil! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Or, you can easily try it out yourself, like I have. And, from personal experience, I wouldn't recommend anything else for the hair! Especially since I dyed my hair red just last week (read about that HERE), it is definitely important to keep your hair as healthy and hydrated as possible. So, I'm sticking with coconut oil! 
Like I said at the beginning of this post, I found both the shampoo and conditioner at Winners. If your an American, you can find these products at a TJX location, like Marshals. I bought mine for $24.99 CAD. According to online, it is much more expensive... For example, amazon is selling for $133.40 CAD + shipping. So, I definitely would search around before opting to buying online! 

Well, there you go! My "secret" favourite hair product! 

Have you used coconut oil before? What's your favourite hair product!

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Disclaimer: I am not a hair specialist, this may not work for everyone, especially since everyone has different types of hair! I am simply sharing a product I've come to love. This is also a good time to mention that this is not a sponsored post. 

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20 November 2015

I Dyed My Hair RED!

20 November 2015

I Dyed My Hair RED!

Do you notice anything different? I think the title of the post pretty much gives it away, and I'm pretty sure the picture above is strikingly different.. But, I'll still tell you because this is such an exciting change. 


I turned 21 yesterday, and I wanted a change. Starting out my 21st year of life with a BAM, and with a new attitude. And, because I always get that my hair is one of my defining features of who I am, I knew that wth a change in my hair, I can have a new fresh outlook on life. 

Wanna know how I did it? Don't worry, I was already planning on letting you know what I did to get this look! 

FIRST OFF: You need to have a colour in mind. I chose red, but I didn't want a red that would make me look like a clown, I wanted to go for a dark wine kind of red. And, thanks to Youtube videos, I found the colour I wanted.... MAGENTA RED. From there, I bought everything I needed all from Sally Beauty. 

There are no directions provided in the boxes, as the boxes are meant for highlighting, the reason why I bought 3 boxes in order to colour my entire head of hair. The rest is really simple. You empty out the dye into a bowl, and with a 1:2 ratio, you fill up the bowl is twice the amount developer. You simply mix all the dye until it is not chunky, and then you proceed to apply the colour on your hair.  And left it in my hair for 30 minutes, and proceeded it to wash out the dye with (somewhat) cold water. 

TA-DA! There you have it. It's actually not that hard. But, if you didn't like my brief description, heres a youtube from SAMANTHA who did a great review and tutorial! 
The weird thing about dying your hair is that is is a different colour in different lightenings! One minute my hair looks like it has ombre, another light it looks like I have purple hair, and in another light it looks like blood red. I like it thought, it is always a surprise!
Hopefully this is a great new change of attitude for me! 
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19 November 2015

21 Things I Miss About Being a Kid!

19 November 2015

21 Things I Miss About Being a Kid!

SO, GUESS WHAT!? Today, is my birthday! And, today I am "celebrating" my 21st birthday! Haha, I feel like I should be more excited about turning/being 21, but I just can't help all the stress that is about to come with being an "adult" and all the things I will be expected to do in the near future. So, I don't really know if I am really happy to turn 21, or I am just sad to be another year older.

Lol, regardless, I thought it would be fun to try to list 21 things I miss about being a kid, in honour of starting out my adult ways of life. Ahah, here we go! 

1. NOT STUDYING (although I found spelling tests to be hard in elementary school)
2. MONKEY BARS! I used to be soo good at this, then, all of a sudden I either lost all my upper body strength, or I got too heavy to lift myself. Regardless, I miss this!
4. SEEING MY SISTER EVERYDAY However, don't tell her I said this..
5. PLAYING SPORTS. Oh, I actually miss being on a school team and just playing volleyball.
6. NOT GOING TO WORK But received money from the parents haha.
7. PRESENTS. Haha, I really don't get much of them now, its either I buy stuff on my own, or I don't.
8. SLEEPING EARLY (and for long hours without a hard time)
9.  RECESS. I found it so fun to run around so freely in the playground with a bunch of my friends !
10. VACATIONS. I did travel a lot when I was a kid. I don't travel as often.. too busy. I would love to drop the books and hit a new place every so often!
11. BEING HAPPY Like genuinely, happy.
12 .HAVING NO PAIN TOLERANCE I was able to do anything without any fear of getting hurt... now, thats all I think about.
14. Not having a cell phone (this coincides with #13)
16. PAYING TAG - Who knew running around so freely and with so much excitement was actually a great form of exercise?
18. NAPS.

With all that being said, I guess I am just reluctant to admit that I am an "adult". But, don't get me wrong, being an adult definitely has its perks! 

What do you miss from your childhood? 

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13 November 2015

I Got A Tattoo!

13 November 2015

I Got A Tattoo!

I've been neglecting my blog lately. It's either I come out of no where and publish posts for 5 days straight, or I post once feel like it is sufficient enough for the rest of the week. Personally, I don't like knowing that I didn't publish something meaningful for the day. My day just doesn't feel complete. But, as you could imagine, life is getting in the way, and I am determined to not let it completely stop me from blogging. I love it way too much.

But, luckily for you, I found this (really) OLD post hidden in my drafts. Not sure why I never uploaded it back in September, but I guess, now it is a great time to just publish it for you guys now!

So yea... this is a really late post. SORRY ABOUT THAT :)
To celebrate the sad ending of my summer, the cousin, sister and I decided to hang out downtown and just walk, talk, eat, shop, and everything in between. And, feeling adventurous, I decided right then and there, I wanted to get a tattoo. Not a big tattoo, or anything, I think that would be too much of a commitment. I just wanted something small, and positive, and cute, and something I know I won't regret later on.

So.... I just got a simple outline of a heart on my left wrist. And, I was actually so surprised at how much it didn't hurt, and how much I did not regret it. It was a great experience, and something I do look forward to in the future, when I of course save more money. Who knew even a small tattoo like mine would cost $80 CAD + tax. I didn't. But, that didn't stop me from getting it! And, it also didn't stop my cousin from getting her belly pierced aha!

And, for your entertainment, I decided to share the bits of videos and pictures I took that day and shared on snapchat. P.S. definitely add me on my personal snapchat - oulalanessaa!

Do you have any tattoos? Big or small? What are your favourites?
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09 November 2015

Currently Obsessed: Stocard App

09 November 2015

Currently Obsessed: Stocard App

I don't know how I completely missed this app. It was right in front of me for how long, and I choose NOW to download it and enjoy the benefits? I know, I am completely late. But, I cannot be the only one. So, just in case there are others out there living under a rock (no offence Patrick!) I decided to make a post on my latest app-session! (see what I did there?) 

Anyways, during one of my days offs last week, I decided to catch up on readings a few of my favourite blogs, and found myself on my Cris's blog, who happened to write a blog post about The Best Mobile Apps for Shopping. I was curious to see how she constantly finds the best sales, and then she wrote about the Stocard App. 

Stocard App

Have you ever had those days where you go to a store, and realized, "hey, I can literally save 10% off today with my store membership!" Then, when your about to pay, you realize you left your store card membership in a different wallet? Well, that happens to me like EVERY TIME. And, thats mostly because I literally have 3 different go-to wallets I like to you. And, the only think transfer between wallets is my health card, and drivers licence (and of course my debit). Other than that, I honestly convince myself I wouldn't need anything else. Which is clearly not the case most of the time. 

So what's this app about? 

It is literally an mobile way of carrying ALL of you store membership cards! And, if you don't think this is exciting, think of it like this. We live in a time and place where we cannot go anywhere without our phones. By having all of our store membership cards on our mobile devices, you won't ever have to worry about leaving a card in a different wallet or purse. It is right there, at the convenience of your phone! You just have to make sure you don't lose your phone before purchasing aha. 

The app is actually very easy and simple to use! You can easily add a card to the app by either finding  the store on a list provided, or you can easily type it in yourself. Then, you scan the store card bar code, and TA-DA, you have a virtual copy of your loyalty card/points card right on your phone. 

And, even more fancy, if you tend to keep your location on, there is an option available for the app to remind you to use the loyalty card whenever you walk into that particular store. If you think technology hasn't advanced, then I don't know what to tell you. But, you should defiantly think about adding this app to your phone. SAVING SO MUCH SPACE IN YOUR WALLET is a benefit in itself! 

What are your thoughts on this app?? 

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P.S. This is not a sponsored post. I am genuinely excited about this FREE app that you should be downloading today. 
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