21 December 2015

That Time I Celebrated My 21st!

This past weekend, Jay and I celebrated our 21st birthday with our friends, and it was great! Let me set this straight, I know my birthday was literally just a month ago, but because of school and exams for not only me, but for my friends, I made the decision to host a party after everyone's exams. At the same time, it was just a few days afters Jay's, and we just decided to throw one BIG one for the both of us. 

It was fun, and I had an amazing time! Although, hosting a party is completely different from just attending a party. The entire day was a stressful one - from getting house set up, to getting all the foods and drinks ready, to actually having time to do my hair an makeup, and to making sure no BS was happening before, during and after the night. 

But, I had an amazing time, and I really hope that others did just as well! I thought it would be fun for mo to share almost all of my snapchat story that I took during the night.. I mean, I would share my snapschat story, but I do try to keep my blog PG. Also, of the 3 pictures I actually remembered to take with the actual camera app, all I have is the videos and pictures (mostly videos) from my snapchat ahah. 

I mean, at this point, I could talk about all the foods and drinks, and games we played and enjoyed ourselves to, but I really can't because I was pretty much having too much fun to remember anything (hint hint as to what I was really doing). Overall, I had an amazing time, and I probably won't be throwing another party in the near future, but I definitely know what I need to improve on for next time! 

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