31 December 2014

Captured Moments of 2014

31 December 2014

Captured Moments of 2014

IT IS NEW YEARS EVE! I cannot believe today is literally the last day of 2014. In just 24 hours, it will be 2015, and everyone is going to try to be the new them (as well as I!). But anyways, yesterday's blog post made me realize how quickly 2014 passed.  

I was actually looking at the post I created last year (2013) and I was actually glad I created that post. There were many pictures I posted that I didn't even realize happened 1 year ago. It seems soo long, and it is crazy to see what has changed/stayed the same. So, this year I decided to do another photo bomb of my favourite and most memorable moments of each month of 2014! 

Yes... some months will have more pictures than others, but I will really try to stick to two per month!


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30 December 2014

TAG: 2014 in Review

30 December 2014

TAG: 2014 in Review

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I found this tag on tumblr, and I decided to participate and share it with you all here on the blogging atmosphere. Simply bold what applies to you, and I took it one step further and just added a quick description beside few of the bolded items!

Since the start of 2014, I have:

  • Gotten a new piercing. I actually got my cartilage pierced in the summer!
  • Dyed my hair. Got ombre just a week ago!
  • End a relationship. Well, I ended a friendship... that should count.
  • Started a new relationship. Yup, I made some really great friends this year.
  • Been on a long car journey.  
  • Passed an exam. Of course! Failing is no option for me.
  • Cried on someone's shoulder.
  • Had a massive fight with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Received flowers. 
  • Had a Valentine.
  • Written a letter using pen and paper. 
  • Gone to see a therapist. 
  • Been prescribed medication by a doctor. 
  • Read a really good book. 
  • Gone to the zoo. 
  • Spent too much money on unnecessary things. 
  • Travelled by train. 
  • Cried over someone. 
  • Spent a day out in the sun getting a tan. 
  • Slammed a door out of frustration.
  • Had an anxiety/panic attack.
  • Had a BBQ. I had A LOT of BBQ this year aha!
  • Gone to the far. 
  • Gone bowling.
  • Seen a film at the cinema in 3D.
  • Gone on a date.
  • Helped someone home after they'd had too much to drink. 
  • Stayed up all night. Multiple purposes actually, school, a party here and there.
  • Talked on the phone for over 2 hours. 
  • Supported someone who'd received bad news.
  • Watched some kind of live sporting event. 
  • Read an entire book in one day. 
  • Bought a DVD the day it was released.
  • Eaten McDonald's more than four times a single week.
  • Cried as a result of exam stress. Stress of exam is actually exhausting.
  • Met some incredible new people.
  • Fallen backwards off chair. 
  • Broken my glasses. 
  • Cried over someone in my past. 
  • Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet. 
  • Thrown up. 
  • Cried over a film. I'm so emotional, I'll cry over every film!
  • Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-significant other.
  • Been in a relationship for a year or longer. I'm on my 4th year :)
  • Been ice skating.
  • Seen a musical or play. 
  • Travelled out of my state or country. 
  • Swum (in a pool). 
  • Swum (in the ocean). 
  • Been in a hospital (to visit someone). It was actually the first week of 2014.
  • Fallen down the stairs. 
  • Discovered something new about myself.  

If you decided to participate in this tag, I would love to see your responses. Link up below :) 

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29 December 2014

My Christmas Recap

29 December 2014

My Christmas Recap

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It is the weekend after Christmas, and boy did was it a great Christmas! This year, I wanted to give more to others rather than receiving. And because I feel like I already have everything I could ever want since I've been able to afford things on my own, I didn't really have any idea what I wanted whenever anyone would ask me what I wanted for Christmas. Anyways, so this year, I actually put a lot of thought into other people's gift.

My sister and I put our money together and got our parents a spa package. Can I just say, we did not realize spa packages would be soo expensive, especially the couples package. So, theres a warning to anyone trying to get anyone a spa package as a gift, make sure you save A LOT to purchase it! We got our family friends very personal gifts rather than just the chocolate gifts we would usually purchase for the entire family. Then, for us cousins, we decided to buy each other gifts during boxing day sales and exchange them when we see each other for our family New Years party.

Other than that, I got a lot of chocolate this year, and I got a few makeup kits that includes makeup brushes and a pouch, I thought that was pretty nice because I tend to break my brushes fairly quickly! Oh, and I made a lot of cash from the aunties and uncles! Which helps me pay off my credit card lol!

This year, I decided to spoil Jay. He usually spoils me with gifts and lunch/dinner. So this year I wanted to really make an effort and make him feel special. He always talks about how he never had a Christmas where his family would spoil him with gifts, and this year I wanted to really change that. So I bought him more than 1 gift, that definitely put a lot of thought into it. I got him a Xbox One, just because his 360 system was starting to slow down and I feel like he needs a good distraction whenever he's stressed out. I also got him that Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare game... I don't really know the game, but he really ended up loving my selection. I also bought him a few crewnecks. I got him a juicer, since he decided to be more healthier and workout more in 2015. And I got him microsoft word/powerpoint/excel for when he starts school! Yup, I gave a lot this year to my main. 

This year, because I got my own job and made my own money, I really didn't mind giving more to those around me. Words sometimes cannot express my feelings, and I think gifts that have a lot of thought behind them shows appreciation. After all, actions do speak louder than words.

I wish I took my pictures. But, when you have so much fun with family and friends, you don't really think about taking pictures. You just want to live in the moment! But, I really do wish I did capture some of those moment! But, its alright, I do have just a few to share with you all! Hope you guys had a great Christmas! 

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24 December 2014

Recap: 700 Mess Dinner

24 December 2014

Recap: 700 Mess Dinner

On Saturday, December 20th, 700 David Hornell V.C. Squadron had their annual mess dinner. If you have no idea about what I am talking about, click HERE to see last years post! If you're feeling too lazy to take a quick look at the short post, I'll just give a brief summary now. The annual mess dinner is one of the most important traditional in the Canadian Forces, and because Air Cadets is somewhat following the same path of the forces (not entirely), of course the air cadet program loves to follow this tradition.

Personally, its one of my favourite traditions, but this year I think it was a little bit different from my point of view. I think it is because I've been out of the program for 1 year now, and all my friends and I already aged out (when you turn 19, you are no longer can be apart of the youth program.. if you want you can return as an officer, or even join the forces). Anyways, there were so many new cadets in the program I've never seen before, and I think it was just amazing they knew who I was.

Because I retired from the program a year ago, this year I was invited as a guest to participate in the tradition. Like last year, my sister sat at the head table with the other officers and guest of honour. I sat in the front with other cadets, with other returning retired guests scattered around.

During dinner, everyone is required to follow proper table etiquettes, like no elbows on the table. This is where the fun part comes in, when someone doesn't follow proper table etiquettes, someone can basically tell the Vice PMC who would tell the PMC, and they can make a punishment. And no, a punishment is not something to be scared of, its something fun - like singing "Barbie Girl" in front of everyone. Its suppose to be fun!

And I can honestly say that this year, the creativity level was higher than ever! Like, I was really impressed with the different fun consequences that was thought up of this year. Some of my favourite was the two cadets who had to reenact the ship scene from Titanic! HAHA it was just too funny. 
It was a great night, and some of the food was great! Here are some pictures you can enjoy, curtsy of the 700 Facebook Page. 

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22 December 2014

Weekly Wishes #45

22 December 2014

Weekly Wishes #45

Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
I'm done my exams, and all I can do is just sleep, sleep, and sleep! I am sooo relaxed out to the point I am bored out of my mind and I just want to go out with friends. Who knew that I'd actually get tired of catching up with sleep? Okay, I think I'm complaining about something I'm probably going to want a lot more of when school starts up again in January. Anyways, back to this week's wishes! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Plan blog prompts. It is December, and I am determined to catch up on all the posting I've missed in November! So, be prepared for that!
  2. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. If I can't go to the gym, then I should be doing some workouts I can do at home (like the 30 day challenges - squats, pushups, etc.) 
  3. FINISH CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. This is self explanatory... (even though I've been putting this on my wish list for the past 3 weeks...)
  4. Wrap Presents. Wrapping presents can be both fun and stressful... I just really got to get my head to do it... soon as Christmas is just a few days away!
  5. Redo my hair. If you follow my personal instagram, you may have already known that I got an ombre done to my hair. I love it an all, but I love it soo much that I wished the bleaching process started a little higher up on my ends... so, I'm thinking of either redoing it myself, or going back to the dresser. 
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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15 December 2014

Weekly Wishes #44

15 December 2014

Weekly Wishes #44

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

It is exam week for me... you know what this means??

This Week's Wishes
  1. STUDY! I finished 1/3 exam... I have another one tomorrow, and the last on Thursday. Wish me luck!
  2. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. Yes, I need to make sure I stick to this plan, and actually hit the gym to lose weight and attain my dream body! Also, my birthday is coming up, soooo it would be nice to look great for my birthday weekend! 
  3. FINISH CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Thiand lucs is self explanatory...
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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14 December 2014

Silent Sunday #42

14 December 2014

Silent Sunday #42

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10 December 2014

4 Years Ago...

10 December 2014

4 Years Ago...

Four years ago, I didn't think I'd be where I am today. I am currently in my third year of university, I've accomplished pretty much everything I wanted to accomplish in cadets, I've continued to be the best me I can possibly be. But... today is December 10. Do you know what this day means to me?

4 years ago today, an extremely "shy" boy asked me out. And I use quotation marks around the word shy because well, he wasn't really shy when it came to me. In fact, he was this hilarious guy that everyone was fond about. So, that day he asked me out I was quite shocked to know that he was soon shy that he hung up the phone on me before he could even ask me the question. I eventually pushed him to ask him, and it wasn't the most romantic way or anything, but it didn't have to be. His heart was in the right place, and I think that is all that matters.

Today, I'm here happier than ever with him. Our 4 years together was a short one to be honest. Thinking back, there are so many blurs, yet there are many more great memories. Memories, I must add, that are very well remembered when I go through pictures (so ha! aren't you happy that I took  so many pictures?!) There were also soooo many ups and downs, but I think getting through them all, and together, is what kept us strong.

I don't know what the future holds for the both of us, nor do I want to even think about it. I just want to live everyday with the man I love. I am honestly am in no rush to get hitched, nor do I want to... at the moment. But, still. 4 years... its crazy because sometimes it even seems longer.

What I love the most about the last 4 years, was the person I became. I truly love the person I am today since I've met him. As cheesy as this sounds, he really did change me for good, and for that I am truly thankful to have someone like him in my life. He is definitely one of a kind, and a keeper.

Cheers baby!
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08 December 2014

Weekly Wishes #43

08 December 2014

Weekly Wishes #43

background image via
Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
Last week was hectic! I finished all my essays, I packed, I had a great weekend! Like I am just completely satisfied with last week, and I am just ready for this week and the next few weeks to come! Is anyone else counting down to Christmas? 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Catch up with all my readings. I have THREE exams next week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). Soo, this week is defiantly dedicated to catching up with all my readings!
  2. Create a study sheets. I think when I create a study sheet, most of the information will stick to my head, which will make it easier when it comes to reviewing everything 3 days before the exam! 
  3. STUDY! This is the priority. 
  4. Plan blog prompts. It is December, and I am determined to catch up on all the posting I've missed in November! So, be prepared for that!
  5. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. Yes, I need to make sure I stick to this plan, and actually hit the gym to lose weight and attain my dream body! Also, my birthday is coming up, soooo it would be nice to look great for my birthday weekend! 
  6. FINISH CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. This is self explanatory...
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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04 December 2014

"I Can't Breathe."

04 December 2014

"I Can't Breathe."

I can't breathe.

I think there was a total of 2 times I said these exact words. And from what I can remember, it was just the scariest feeling. I was in a state of panic, and all I could think about what me not being able to breathe! Fortunately, I was lucky to have others around me who cared about my well being and physically helped me.

Unfortunately, this was not the case for Eric Garner. If you some of you guys don't already know, he was killed in July from a chokehold position from an officer. He died after saying, "I can't breathe" 11 times. How do I know this? How does everyone know this? There is a video on youtube. The worst part of this entire situation was the fact that the officer involved was not found guilty.

I live in Canada... and what scares me the most about this entire situation was how I didn't even hear about Eric Garner until I saw it on social media. In July, I believe I first read about it on twitter. Then about yesterday's verdict on tumblr, only because I saw vines of protests and people shouting out "I can't breathe." And the video of Eric? Well, I saw that on youtube as well.

Is it just me, or do we live in a world where social media brings everyone information that is not shared through news stations? I find this very odd. And I have nothing against Canada, it is probably because it is a U.S. matter... (as I am sure the States hardly have news about us).. but, I think it should matter as there are constantly reoccurring murders being done by people we are suppose to trust. Like common... you cannot expect me to believe that this is the first incident showing clear racism?

I am not African, nor Jamaican, nor Caribbean and I do not have a dark skin complexion.  And although my line of family (that I know of) has not endured the horrible time of slavery, I am still an understanding person. Heck, having a brown dad who is very dark skinned, and I still see the racism that is going around with the way others treat him. It might not be to the same degree, but the behaviour is still present.

I find it extremely sad how the actions of Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks seem to be just a distant memory in so many countries. I find it disgusting how others still see themselves more superior than others based on skin colour, race, age and sex. And I cannot fathom the fact that if it wasn't for social media, a lot of us would be walking around unaware of the struggles that other people are enduring.

R.I.P Eric Garner #icantbreathe

*** disclaimer: please note that this post is not intended to slander one race, or side with another race. I am simply posting my feelings and response to the Eric Garner case. *** 
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03 December 2014

A Rant About Lazy Students

03 December 2014

A Rant About Lazy Students

As you guys know, I am currently a third year university student. So, as you can imagine, things are definitely starting to get more tougher - in terms of workload, the weight of our tests, oh and the importance of each course for Grad school in the upcoming years. Like, we've all been there, and I think it is safe to say that as we get closer to graduation, the reality of it sets in, and the unknown future scares us.

I don't know about other students, but the unknown future actually motivates me to do much better in school. Why? Well, right now I am all over the place about career options. But, as we will in a competitive society, I feel like as long as I have a high GPA, I will have many available opportunities. With that being said, you would think that others students also have this mind set... but, I guess I was wrong.

This morning, I received an email from some random guy... and when I mean random, I literally don't know this guy. And his email went a little something like this:
Hey Vanessa!
I was wondering if you could possibly send me ANT211 Lectures, 8, 9, and 10 notes. (last 3 lectures) Nov. 13,20,27.
I was also wondering if you could possibly send me PSY345 Lectures 11, 12 and 13 notes. (last 3 lectures) Nov. 12,19,26.
Thank You!
So, when I saw this, I was actually really upset. Why? Because this wasn't the first time this same person has emailed/fb messaged me asking me for notes.  The first time he asked me for notes was for our second midterm when he messaged me asking for notes. I'm not going to lie, I felt bad for him at the time because he told me how he was sick and had to miss a lecture or 2 for both courses. So, I did send him my notes. 

Like, for that same test, a lot of people in the course sent out mass emails to everyone in the course asking for some notes. Because I did it for one person, I decided to share with others. No big deal. It's whatever. But, it kind of annoyed me when I started to recognize names who also sent these emails from other courses of mine. Clearly there was a pattern here. 

Anyways, I usually do give my notes to those who claim they were sick and missed a class. But, this guy literally missed 3 weeks of class and needed my notes? I mean like common, at least tell me you were wayyyyyyy to sick and couldn't go to school for those three weeks. Like why are you depending on my notes. 

And I really didn't like the fact how this guy sent me an email, as if he was demanding me to send him my notes. Like, you really couldn't get your ass out of bed for an 9am class on a Wednesday, then stay late until a 5pm class on Thursday? 

Like, I really think it is ridiculous and selfish of this guy to even ask me for my notes. I drove to school (and I live in a different city), and I made sure I made it to class to take notes for myself. NO where did I sign up to take notes for lazy students. And I know this because the only thing I signed up for in school was to take notes for those with a disability and unable to take notes in class. And even then, that program keeps me and the other student anonymous from each other. 

Whatever, at this point I don't think I will help me... but knowing me, I'll probably end up sending him the notes. I'm nice like that -.-
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