09 March 2015

Weekly Wishes #54

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
HAHA, the start of the month, and I think it is safe to say that I was very unsuccessful pretty much with all of my goals due to reasons beyond my control. Maybe I'll make a post about it explaining why I was pretty much missing on every social media possible. All I can say, is that I must go harder this week! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week.  If I want to see changes, I have to literally go out and make this. March is going to primary focus on getting my arms smaller in size (make the flags go away!) and get a bigger butt.. because well, I want a bigger butt ahah :) 
  2. Eat smarter. If I am serious about losing a certain amount of weight, in a certain amount of time, I need to stick to this. Instead of quickly transitioning into a diet, I think I'm going to try eating smaller portions, and smaller meals more, rather than the 3 standards meals.
  3. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. 
  4. Convert Drafts to Posts. I notice I have A LOT of draft posts... some finished, some unfinished. So, I want to try to spice them up a bit to post!
  5. Socialize more! I haven't been keeping up with comments on my blog, and I feel so bad! This month, I am going to make more of an effort to actually respond to the new, and even the old ones! 
  6. Finish my paper ahead of time. I have another paper due this Thursday. I feel like I have a good understanding so far; I just want to make sure I finish a head of time, instead of the typical night before. I rather save the night before for just editing, and not worrying about meeting the online submission deadline. 
These are my goals/wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo
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  1. Good luck with your goals this week! My monthly goal is to be hitting up the gym 4 to 5 times a week. But mostly focusing on getting to 10k! Hope you have a fabulous week and everything works out!! I love being organized makes you days way more productive!

  2. I hope you are successful in accomplishing your goals for this week. One thing I do to help me with responding to comments is setting aside a day or time of day to do it. I too have a lot of drafts of unfinished posts that I am working on transforming into finish work ready to be shared.

  3. I'm with you on the working out and eating smart goals. Now that spring is rolling in, I'm getting more anxious to get in shape and feel confident. Good luck with your goals!
