06 December 2013

Exam Help During the Holidays

Today is day 6 of blogmas, and I am already running out of Christmas themed ideas to blog about. But lucky for you, I have something to talk about today (thankfully).  With only 3 weeks left until Christmas I could only imagine the freedom we are all feeling from school.

I have two exams scheduled on December 14th.  You know what sucks about it the most? It's Jay's birthday. Oh you actually cannot imagine how bad I feel basically missing his birthday due to having to write one exam in the morning, and the other late in the evening.

But if you're anything like me, you probably have yet to start studying for your exams.  I literally have one week left to study everything, so I really need to get my head in the game.  Failure is definitely no option for me since it costs so much money just to take one class.

Anyways, since today is Friday, I thought what better way to help you start off your studying weekend by giving you tips on how to study for your exams during the break!

1. Organize yourself
Take an agenda, doesn't matter where it is from, and write down ALL important upcoming dates on your calendar.  This gives you a full look at what you have for the upcoming month, and gives you a sense of how much time you have between everything that needs to get done.

2. What are your priorities?
On your agenda, it is a great idea to create a list of what your day will consist of.  If you still have a paper due one week before your exam, you may want to think about working on that first, so you don't have to rush a few days before it is due.

3. Keep everything in manageable chunks!
You are the only person who knows how you best study.  If you know you are unable to study no more than 3 chapters in a day, than don't strive to do more than you can.  It will keep pushing your to-do list back, making you stressed as it looks like chaos.  Also, don't cram everything! You're brain needs to time to absorb all the information that you are feeding it with.

4. Pace yourself.
If you really look at your calendar, you will see that you do have time, and it shouldn't all be about studying.  Take the time to relax so you're brain doesn't feel tired with information after information.

5. Don't stress out.
This one can be hard.  Stressing out is what we all tend to do when we feel overwhelmed. By stressing out, you are distracting yourself from studying effectively.  You are only doing a disservice to yourself when you waste time stressing.

6. Push yourself.
I am the biggest hypocrite when I say this, but don't leave things until last minute.  I know it is easy to say, "I'll do it later after I finish watching this", but in all honestly, the more you push things off until later, the harder it will be for you to start studying. The sooner you do things, the sooner they will get done and the sooner you are able to have fun.

I really hoped this help! and if you have any other suggestions for others out there looking for help on how to study for exams during the holidays, leave them in the comment box!

Have a great weekend! Good luck!

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