21 January 2014

Upcoming Vacation Trips

Hello fellow bloggers.  It's day 14 of the Inspire Me Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa and Kristen
Todays topic:
Tuesday, January 21: Do you have any awesome vactions planned for the year? If not, where would be your ideal spot? 
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Click HERE to see the rest of the prompts!
If you know anything about my family, you know we are HUGE travellers.  When my sister and I were younger, our family would literally travel somewhere new at least once a year.  As I started my first year of university last year, and my sister was working diligently studying for her IB exams/labs/tests last year and this year, our family decided to tone down the travelling that we do. 
Never the less, that doesn't mean we don't travel anymore, we just had to minimize our trips so that my sister and I can focus on keeping up with our grades. Because lets face it, when you're on vacation, nothing back home matters. 
Anyways, this year my family is planning TWO trips (that I know of so far).  
In the summer, we are planning on travelling with my Godbrother's family to.... ROME! Their family, as like my family, are really religious, and the parents' goal is to go see the Pope. I personally think that is very exciting, as Rome is somewhere I definitely need to travel to! But this is still in the planning phrase, so let's keep our fingers crossed!

The other trip my dad is planning, is going to Cuba.  He loves it there.  He practically goes there 3 times a year with his boys and they have a blast and he wants my family to experience it.  This has been his plan since time.. and knowing my dad... we're probably going to go next year when he actually sits down and plans properly. 
Well those are somewhat the ideas my family has for our travels this year.  Do you have any vacations planned this year? Let me know! 
Click HERE to link to up today's link up!  And if you're interested in joining in along the fun, tomorrow's topic is:
Wednesday, January 22: What are some personal goals you'd like to work on this year?

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