07 January 2014

Keep This Date In Mind

What a cold morning!

Going straight to the point of today's blog topic, today is day 4 of the Inspire Me blogging challenge hosted by both Showered With Design and Happiness is a Mood Not a Destination!

If you're interested in participating, click HERE to see this month's post topics!

Today's Topic:

Tuesday, January 7: When is your birthday? We'd all lie to send some wishes.
Lisa added a bonus question: What did you do for your last Birthday?

My birthday is..... November 19!

Because my birthday is so late in the year, you would think that I would love the cold.... but I absolutely hate it. So you can just imagine the misery I am currently experiencing in today's cold weather... Which is currently -24 degrees celsius (For my American followers, that's pretty much -11.2 degrees fahrenheit).. its cold.

Anyways, to the bonus question; last year I just did something very low key with the hubby. Nothing to special, but I didn't want anything too big, my uncle passed away that day so I didn't want to make it seem like I didn't care...

But regardless of the circumstances, I had a great day with my number 1, and I genuinely enjoyed my day at school with my friends, and at dinner with the hubby!

My favourite gift I received for my birthday, was the little guy J. got me me.  You've probably seen him around my blog a lot.  We named him MJ.

You can click HERE to see more of what I did for my birthday!

Keep warm on this cold, cold, very cold day!

For those who want to join in tomorrow, here's tomorrow's topic:

Wednesday, January 8: It's no secret w all "Paid it Forward" in 2013, what are some Random Acts of Kindness you'd like to accomplish this year? Heck! make it into another challenge for yourself!

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