14 October 2014

Funniest Memory From My Childhood

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I really had to think long and hard about a funny childhood memory. I went through some of my albums for inspiration, and I have to say I had a few ideas about what I wanted to talk about. Then, I started smiling at the amount of photos I have with my cousins. That's when I realized that the best of my childhood was spending time and creating memories with my cousins. We were absolutely crazy and always wanted to play games back then.

There was one particular game we always played, we called it "Family 101". Looking back, this had to be one of the funniest memories I have with my cousins. This game consisted of my cousin Neisha, Nivesh, my sister Ashley and I going on a family adventure. For some reason we always chose the same destination - walking around in the wilderness. Our mission was to get home. For some reason, every time we played this game, we were always on the bridge.

HAHA, I'm actually laughing like crazy as I'm writing this by the way!

And, like every time we play this game, my sister somehow was the one who always ended up hanging on the bridge! We used to play this part of the game in my aunt's room, and sooo my sister would hang from the bed, while the three of us were trying to get her back on this bridge. I don't know, it was just so funny thinking back because this same exact situation happens to poor Ashley. AHAH.

Then, when we made it back to our place from the so called wilderness, a fight would break loose among us. Neisha and I would fight for the 1 telephone to talk to our pretend friends, while Ashley and Nivesh would fight for the last slice of pizza. The funny part was, there was no phone and no pizza slice, but Ashley and Nivesh would take the fighting to a serious level doing body slams on the bed. Just toooo funny of a "Game" that we played.

It's funny. Maybe we were uncreative back then, or really just loved the story line we put ourselves in, but the same thing happened every time we played the game. And it is just hilarious to think back to!


  1. Sometimes games just work the same way every time when you're little! Like us, when we used to play "house", it always ended the SAME way and we'd always play the SAME people. :)

  2. ahhah! yes! But, it is still aways fun! :)

  3. I'm sorry, but made up games were the best. My future kids are definitely going to be forced to get outside and use their imaginations!!! Loved your story!!!

  4. ahaha! Yes, I have to agree with you about forcing future children to use everything but technology! Thanks for visiting! :)

  5. My cousins and I would always go play in the woods and get in fights too. :)

  6. hash good to know there are others like us! :)
