30 October 2013

Commit to the Lord

As a Roman Catholic, it is safe to say that I am a firm believer of God.  I believe in the faith he has for humanity, and I believe in his faith that he has for me.  Moreover, I believe in the love that he has for all his children, whether you believe in him or not, I know he loves every one of us equally.

As a student, it is easy to get all caught up in school or social life and it is extremely easy to just get stressed out and feel all alone.  Whether you are a student like me, or not, I think we can all relate when I say that sometimes we don't feel loved or no one is here to support us.

Unfortunately, I've been experiencing this feeling every so often that I forgot that God is here to help me.  Like I said, it is so easy to get caught up on other things that may be going on in your life that you tend to forget the simple things.  I'm not trying to say God is simple, I'm saying I think sometimes we take for granted the love and care that God unconditionally provides us with.

For the past couple of weeks, I kept finding myself in a position where I am cramming at the last minute to study for my tests.  I don't know what I do with my time for this to happen, but it just does.  I usually always get mad at myself as it is my fault, but I do study at my best with the time that I do have.  I've been so stressed about my marks going up because I have recently decided that I am going to change my career path.  I have been looking into schools that I am eligible to transfer into, and go straight into the nursing program. Believe me when I say that it is such a stressful process.

But what I've come to realize is that I just need to put my trust in God.  He has a plan for me, and if I am meant to do nursing in the future, then I mean to become a nurse.  In the mean time, I'm not saying that it is okay for you to just sit around waiting for God to answer, NO.

He works in mysterious ways, and what I have learnt in the past few years is that he won't begin to help you until you help yourself.  If you help yourself with having God by your side, he will help you get what you want.

We were all brought into our lives here on earth for a reason.  Whether that is to make a difference in someones life or not, there is a reason why you are here.  Maybe it is to become a doctor who helps cure cancer, or perhaps a priest who is here to spread the word and love of God.

As for me, I am still on that search to why I was brought here on Earth.  All I know is that I want to make a difference in people's lives - especially children.  I just have this passion and so much love for children (whether I know them or not), and I just want to help them in every way possible.

My goal is to one day work at Sick Kids Hospital, and aid to the children there to their every needs in order to help them get better.  That is what I want to do and that is what I am trying to work towards. 
"Commit to the lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3.
Having God by your side will make a huge difference of the success you will endure in your future.  Just a side note, when I say having God by your side I don't mean the act of holding on to a rosary whenever you go to an interview, or praying only 5 minutes before your test (if you don't pray on a regular basis).  I'm talking about you're faith in God.

Anyone can go to church every Sunday and claim that they are a true follower of God.  I think it is about how you act towards one another.  God lives among every one of us.  And how you treat your friend, mother, father, sister, brother or neighbour, is how you are treating God.  If you are disrespecting someone, you are disrespecting God.

Being good to others is having God within you're heart always, and he will reward you for loving him and all his children.

Good luck to everyone out there who is trying to become someone and make their future better.  Hope this encourages you all to love one another and not create problems.  It is in his everlasting love that he will help you get to where you need to be, every time. 

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