12 July 2016

Going On A Mini Hike

Remember when I mentioned that I was trying to be more active this month? Well, so far so good! 

It's summer - I want to be one with nature and see beautiful scenery and overall see pretty things. I also want to be more active and lose a bit of weight. So, I hit up google and I somehow ended looking at a few trails close-by. I picked one at random, and bam. Everything was a go. And, we decided to go on a mini hike.

We decided to hit the Hilton Falls trail, and it was absolutely beautiful. I personally did not mind paying an entrance fee, which goes towards the preservation of the conservation. So, I was all for it. The main problem, however, was map reading. I thought I was good at reading maps... turns out I am, I'm just terrible at sense of direction and figuring out wheres North. 

Anyways, my main goal was to see the Falls itself. So, following the yellow trail on the map seemed logical... right? 

Wrong. haha, I think we were following the orange trail because that was the only coloured marker we saw. But, we laughed it off and enjoyed the few and the very BEAUTIFUL breeze. 

This conservation park was absolutely beautiful. There was a lot of natural habitats for a few animals, and although we didn't see too many animals, we did see a few chipmunks who were a little too quick for a quick photo. 

What I loved about the conservation area was the amount of seating areas available. At another trail I went to last month, there was no resting or sitting areas to just sit for just a few moments rest. So, I loved that there was at least the option every few miles (or kilometres... not sure) to sit and take a breather if you needed to. 

I have to say, with the beautiful smell and breeze of the nature, it really did bring back a lot of cadet memories from back in the day. 

My sister was the one who suggested I come to this trail first before any others. She even showed me a few of the pictures she took when she came up here in April. So, I was really excited to go on this hike to the falls to see a beautiful view.

But, as we got closer, and closer... I noticed that the lakes (that were marked) were not filled with as much water like the photos my sister took.

Then it made sense... it has been really hot here in Canada... So, I guess it is possible that the heat evaporated a lot of the water? I'm not exactly sure, when I got to the falls, I was expecting more.

But, to be honest, sitting in the area was surprisingly relaxing. After a few minutes, I didn't mind too much. I was actually just loving the sound of the waterfall.. it was just so... peaceful. Peaceful to listen to, and peaceful to watch. I just wished I could have stayed longer. But, I definitely did not want to stay when it got darker. Some areas had a lot of rocks, and I didn't want to risk injury. 

The entire trail did not take too long to complete. I was worried I wouldn't pull through, but I guess I do have some endurance left in me. It took a total of 1 hour and a half from the car to the falls and back. And, I loved every minute of it. 

I really did. Especially, since hiking with someone is better than going at it alone. Sometimes, you just need that little bit of motivation and fun to get through it.

At the end, my running shoes were a bit dusty from the trail. But, like I said, I really didn't mind at all. I just loved this trail, and it was definitely a great trail to complete. I think I'm going to keep trying different trails in and around the area. Hopefully, this will make cardio a little more fun in my mind! 
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