05 July 2016

July Goals!

I feel like I constantly say this at the beginning of every month, but I'll say it again... I cannot believe how fast the last month flew! And, look... we are already entering into the 5th day of July, and I am already (kind of, sort of) late with my July goals. 

I feel like a broken record when I say that the past month has been hectic. Will I get to what I've been up to exactly... most likely. But, for now, bare with me. I'm honestly doing my best to get back into my regular blogging schedule. But, for now... let's get to the goals that sets up the rest of the month, shall we?

This Month's Goals

1. Read a book (or two).  
My eyes hurt from all my binge watching on Netflix. I need a change of pace, and I definitely need to give my eyes a rest. I recently found a few books that caught my eye at the library. It's just about choosing which one to read first. But, I will finish one, hopefully two this month! (Gotta keep up with my goal of reading 20 books this year!)

2. Online course. 
Believe it or not, I've been taking an online course after graduating. Why? Well, I want to update my resume. One of my main personal goals throughout the past few months was to leave my part-time job, and get another, preferably in a hospital/clinic setting.  I think gaining experience in the field I soon aspire to work in is important, I am willing to do what it takes. So, taking a medical terminology course and applying for a secretary position in the hospital is the big "what's next" for me. 

From what my mom tells me, once you're in (i.e., working in a union at the hospital), human resources will look internally first before looking for outside candidates when it comes to new job openings. Since the ultimate goal is to become a nurse, and work for a union, I think gaining that connection now will help me later on. 

3. Workout at least 3 times a week.
I've been slacking when it came to the gym last month. I'm not sure what happened exactly. But, I feel like my body is the heaviest it has ever been and I'm not exactly happy with the look of my body. I cannot just sit at home expecting a change. I need to make it happen. Oh, especially since my cousins' wedding is in August. Definitely want to look my best.

4. Bring food to work. 
Sometimes I bring my own food to work... but, then there are other days where I just had no time the night before to prepare anything. I usually end up buying from the same few places near by, and believe me... IT ADDS UP. I'm hoping this month to take it down a notch, and stick to my guns and stop purchasing food for lunch. 

5. Stay positive. 
A lot has been going on lately. And, lately not caring and assume the worst is what I've become good at. When I take a look back at June, I don't have as many amazing and fun memories as I did in the other months. Why? Because I wasn't being positive. This month, a positive outlook on everything (even the bad) is a must. I need to get my happy groove back on. I need to remind myself that there is always something good waiting.

6. Create a vlog. 
I've been pushing this off for months. I really don't have any excuses, especially since the sun is out shining brightly than ever, and the lighting in and outside of my room is on point. Definitely want to make at least one blog per month! 

What are your goals for July?

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