05 December 2016

December Goals

Seriously, how is it December already??? I swear, it was like November didn't even happen... But, after revisiting a few of my goals from last month, I clearly killed it! Take a look for yourself. 

November Goals Revisited:
  1. READ 3 BOOKS. Oh, yes I did. I read Girl Up by Laura Bates, Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates, and One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern. 
  2. Beginners Yoga. I mean, I did a few yoga videos from youtube every chance I had... So, I was kinda successful...
  3. Re-watch Gilmore Girls. OH YEA. I re-watched every episode, and with perfect timing. I was able to finish the previous seasons before starting the new Girlmore Girls: A Year in the Life episodes.
  4. Plan something low-key. This goal was related to planning something small, yet fun for my 22nd birthday. And, I did just that.
  5. Save. Oh yeahhhhh. I did this to! Not only did I save up for my tuition, I also saved enough for a new laptop! I put the order in, and it should be available for pickup at the Apple store very soon ;) And, if you were wondering, I did decide to go with a refurbished macbook air!
  6. Start Christmas Shopping. Believe it or not, the only people I have left to buy gifts for are for my parents. And, that's only because my sister and I are putting money together to buy them a gift each this year.... but, it's so hard figuring out what they want or need.... 
This Month's Goals:

1. Work as many hours as I can. I mean, I really have no other choice. I start school next month, and that means working less... which, unfortunately means less money coming in. So, I think it is just smarter for me to get the hours I can now, especially since December is one of the busiest months of the year, and save a lot of my paycheck for the next couple of months. Just so I have my phone bill and other bills covered without the stress.

2. Start preparing for school. There's a lot I have to do:
- Pay the rest of my tuition before first day of classes (so interest isn't added)
- Create my schedule for semester 1 (and figure out new availability for work)
- Buy my textbooks 
- Buy a backpack (I did the whole use a purse for uni, and I think I'm going to stick to a backpack this time around)

3. Enjoy the last month of 2016. It's the most wonderful time of the year. As much as stressful as this month can be, I really do want to enjoy the month as much as I can. I even want to take more pictures this month, just of everything and anything I'm enjoying.

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