31 December 2016

Buh Bye, 2016!

Is anyone else in disbelief that today is the last day of 2016? I know I am...

Looking back at the fast-paced year, 2016 was really good to me. I usually hate saying goodbye to the years, and with the end of 2016, it is no different. 2017 can go two ways -- it can be just as great as 2016, or slightly worse. I'm hoping 2016 will be just as great, if not better than 2016. 

2016 has taught me to be optimistic, and see the beauty in all things. Oh, and looking back at the year on my Instagram, I've learnt to take great "insta-worthy" photos with just my phone. It took a year's practice, but I think I finally got the hang of it. Yay!

The first half of the year was devoted to school. And, I finally had a great academic school year with the privilege of graduating (on time) at the top school in Canada! That's an accomplishment in itself, and for that, and I forever grateful to my parents for financially helping me with university. I am also extremely proud of myself for this accomplishment.

The second half of the year was devoted to work. Although I had a part-time job, I was basically (almost) working full-time hours. I learnt to work with different people in different environments and in different situations. I learnt to appreciate money, and I learnt to save my money. The second half most definitely helped me learn the value of money.

In 2016, I also read 20 books!! This might not seem much for some people, but for me, it is! During my time in school, I didn't find the time to read books when it comes to reading textbooks and studying for exams. So finally reaching 20 books made me really miss the love I had as a child when sitting back and imaging myself in a new world. 

I have a positive outlook for 2017. I no doubt want the best for myself for the upcoming year, and I have a lot of changes coming my way. Believe it or not, I have already prepared a few blog posts for January (yay me!), and I have a completely new look I will soon reveal, and I will be starting a new academic and career path. 

So, with that said, I want to say thank you 2016, you've been really good to me. I will forever remember this year.

Cheers, 2016! 

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