12 May 2015

My Favourite Blogging Tools

background image via

Hi guys! I'll just get straight into today's post instead of creating an introductory paragraph. By the title, and from the main picture for this post, today I will be sharing some of my favourite blogging tools! (these are not present in any particular order).

I love bloglovin'! When I first started blogging, I usually used the old google blog search in order to find blogs that were more of my taste. Eventually, I found bloglovin' and honestly it made blogging, and finding blogs of similar taste so much easier. I love how I am able organize blog and posts into groups of my liking. 

Although, I've heard great things about Feedly, especially where people prefer feedly over bloglovin'... so, I'm definitely going to give that a try.

This is an online editing website I used for pretty much all of my blog main pictures. It is very simple to use since they've pretty much have a lot of ready made template already available. All you would simply do is select a template, change the background to your liking, and then the text, font, colour, etc. 
There are times where I find myself not using my own photos for some of my blog posts. And, due to copyright of a lot of pictures on google, I used to find myself in a rut when finding good quality photos to use. When I stumbled on unsplash, I was amazed at the HDR quality of the photo, with the added bonus of them being free without attribution! So, if your ever in need of a quick and free photo for you blog, unsplash is definitely the way to go!

I love evernote! It is honestly a huge part of my daily life, and without it, I'm sure my life would just be a hot mess. It is basically a digital notebook, and I just love how pretty I can organize my thoughts, ideas and plans. The best part is that my ideas and thoughts can be synced between my iPhone and other devices I've used. This is definetly a must have if you have yet to download this app!

Do you like some of these tools listed above? Are there any I should try? Let me know in the comments below!
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Found Love. Now What?

I'm linking up with the Blog Everyday in May challenge hosted by Belinda at Found Love Now What. Check out the prompts for the month! (click HERE)! & click HERE to see my posts for the challenge!


  1. I love Bloglovin' too, especially as I am no way a computer whiz and I love how straightforward it is!

  2. exactly! it is simple and organized, and just an easier way to find other blogs!
