26 January 2015

Weekly Wishes #48

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Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!
Last Week's Wishes
I can already hear your applauses when I tell you how I officially and finally went back to the gym! Wohoo! Although, it wasn't the full 4-5 days like I've intended, I went Thursday and Friday, and I really made up for the other days I didn't go. I did a lot of cardio, and strength training. I really like the feeling of being back at the gym, so you already know I am motivated than ever to get back there later this morning! Besides that... I kinda planned a lot of the prompts for last week and this week, so that is going well. Besides those two, I'm behind in everything else, aha what else is new? 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Plan blog prompts. This isn't my priority, but it is something I want to get done to keep my blog active. Common, we all know that one blog we love who isn't active anymore, and we are just constantly refreshing their page to see if there is new content. Okay, maybe that's just me, but I don't want to be that blog!
  2. Hit the gym 4-5 times this week. I was successful for 2 days last week, I am determined to do the 4-5 days I wish to complete this week! Cardio, here I come!
  3. Textbook readings. I'm definitely behind in all my classes when it comes to the textbook readings. I made a schedule prioritizing which chapters I need to complete by when.. hopefully it helps. 
  4. Plan in general. I find that my life is a bit more organized when I have everything planned out. I feel a bit more stressed free when I know I can accomplish something within a planned time frame. I need to get back into the habit of using an agenda to plan ahead, maybe I'll be a little bit more relaxes about everything. 
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

1 comment:

  1. I try and plan my weeks ahead of time so I have lots to do too but be organised with it all x

    Freya's Fashion Chapter
