04 August 2014

Weekly Wishes #27

Happy Monday bloggers! It is already August, where has the time gone? It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Week's Wishes
Last week went really well. I was able to blog everyday in July, and I am excited for this month to just continue the blogging! I was able to save some money last week for Penelope's cage. Overall, last week I had fun, and I think that is all that matters during my last few weeks of summer! It's always great to have fun with friends and family.
This Week's Wishes
  1. Save money to buy Penelope a bigger cage! I love my bunny and I just love to spoil her. Its time for her to relax in a new and bigger cage. All I have to do is save my money for my little rabbit. 
  2. Start doing research!  I have a paper due at the end of the course, and because essays/papers always require a lot of time for research, I really don't want to spend the night before staying up. It is time to do research.... ASAP!
  3. Write my Paper! My paper is due on Sunday, and I should really get started on it, so I can finish it ahead of time and just relax! 
  4. Textbook notes: I think I am behind in textbook notes for 4 chapters now... I really need to catch up.
  5. Cut my portions in half. I am really determined to lose weight, and I know what I eat, and how often I eat has a lot to do with my weight. My plan for this week is to cut my portions in half. Perhaps this will help my weight drop a little, don't you think?
  6. Run everyday in the morning. Since I don't go to school daily anymore, that means I don't go to the gym daily either. Instead of stressing at home about what I should be doing, I decided to run everyday. I will wake early in the morning and run around the neighbourhood. OR if anything, I'll run around the nice little pond we have near my neighbourhood, OR the high school track near by my place. I clearly have a lot of options, so there is really no excuse as to why I wouldn't be able to run in the morning. 
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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