25 August 2014

Weekly Wishes #30

Happy Monday bloggers! It is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Week's Wishes
Last week went fairly well! I am extremely close to buying the cage for Penelope (like I legit have almost enough ... in cash!). I've been cutting my portions in half, which I find very helpful in losing weight. I studied, and finished my exam on a high note! Now, I just gotta wait about 2 weeks to get my final mark! 
This Week's Wishes
  1. Save money to buy Penelope a bigger cage! I love my bunny and I just love to spoil her. Its time for her to relax in a new and bigger cage. All I have to do is save my money for my little rabbit. I have so far saved up $90 in cash.. hoping to save up a little bit more! I went back to the pet store with the cage I was planning on purchasing, I noticed they raised the price to $115, soooo I still have a little more saving to do! 
  2. Cut my portions in half. I am really determined to lose weight, and I know what I eat, and how often I eat has a lot to do with my weight. My plan for this week is to cut my portions in half. Perhaps this will help my weight drop a little, don't you think?
  3. Sleep. School is quickly approaching! Better to sleep all that I can now since third of university will definitely be filled with long study days! 
  4. Plan blog prompts. I would not only like to plan blog prompts for the next two weeks before school, but also begin to write most of them! I would like to have my blog in use as much as I can before school starts!
  5. Hang out with everyone! I need to find time to hang out with everyone as much as possible before school starts. Because we all know how I am the moment school starts - yes, I am very studious! And because this year and next year will basically help determine whether or not I'm going to Grad school, so yes, school is very important. 
  6. Buy all my textbooks. Well, not really purchase anything at the moment. This week is all about finding people who are willing to sell their books to me at a cheaper price than the book store, WITH possibly the addition of past tests/notes they have to offer. 
  7. Clean my room/ Reorganize. My sister is slowly moving her stuff out as she is preparing to move into the resident life at her new university! I gotta make sure she doesn't take any of my cloths/shoes/makeup - everything. Time to clean up and take ownership of what is really mine!
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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