22 August 2014

God and Love: Part 2

Reading for today's post: John 3:1-21 (ESV)

Today is the 2nd day of the 16 day plan in my journey of reading, reflection and responding to what the bible says about love. If you'd like to follow alone, join HERE and perhaps start your own journey! Ready to go on this journey with me? Well then, let's get started! 

Before I begin what I would like to say, I really think you should all take the time to read the passage John 3:1-21 (ESV). Even if you already know this chapter by heart, still take the time to read it once more as the message becomes more meaningful every time. Have you read it? 

If you've been in a relationship, then you would have known that finding someone special is just half the battle. The rest of the battle is continuing the relationship with all these bumps along the road - trust me, I know... it is definitely a difficult and daunting task. But, have you ever been that girl who wanted your man to put himself over the edge for you? Stand-up for you? Constantly be there for you? If it one thing I've learned from relationships, it is that you can't just depend on one individual 100% of the time. Reality is, they are not depending on you constantly, and have their own lives and problems to deal with as well. 

No, I am not talking smack about Jay, in fact he is a wonderful man to me. I am just speaking from what's really in my heart, and it is to not completely depend on him, but to depend on Him. (Before you get upset Jay) In this passage, there was one particular verse that stood out to me which can really explain what I am trying to say here. It is a famous and well-known verse that many adore and memorize since they were little. It found almost everywhere, a huge symbol that everyone carry's with them:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16 (ESV)
I personally find this scripture extremely important as it is truly to ultimate love story. It is a love that is not just experienced exclusively two individual people, rather God and every single one of us here today. Jesus' actions - selfless actions - was a really a true testament of love. This verse really shed's light onto the selfless motivation He has for humanity, and how far He is willing to go to show us the love and faith he has each and every single one of us.

Why should this verse be important to you? Well, that is definitely hard to answer as we all find our ways to God differently. From my experience, once you realize the love He has for you, it becomes both an unforgettable and an amazing experience with Him. He is love; he has shown love for us way before we were all born. Believing in his love is just the first step to the enteral life he has awaiting for us all. 
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