01 June 2015

June Edition: Monthly Wishes

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Am I the only one who finds it weird that in a blink of an eye, the month is already over? Like, it now June, and I'm a nervous wreck because I feel like I'm wasting my days on doing.. well nothing. This month, I'm going to make more of an effort to enjoy this summer, regardless of what the weather brings us! So, it is the first day of June; let the month begin! 

Last Month's Wishes
Last month I had of goals...and to be honest, I kinda, didn't get them all accomplished. Opps. But, its a new month, and it is time to take it more seriously since it is now summer.  Here are my goals for the month!

This Month's Wishes
  1. Get a summer body. I have less than 2 weeks to continue to get this summer body I need for my friend's wasaga beach trip. Time to get cracking at this diet and exercise plan. 
  2. Blog more. Last month, I was doing pretty well, until the last two weeks where, I kind of just disappeared. Time to plan, and prepare posts ahead of time to post!
  3. Make and save money. This month is about making and saving money. Hopefully, I can continue to get a lot of shift this summer to make the money I am in need of. 
  4. Have fun. I want to make sure that this summer is the best summer ever. I want to go our as much as I can, but also stay in and relax. I'll probably make a to-do summer list for the summer, and share it with you guys!  
These are my goals for June! Wish me luck!

Have a great Monday, xo
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  1. Cheers to getting summer ready and saving money!
    Summer is always the most expensive season for me due to the increased amount of Starbucks, summer clothes and summer/back-to-school sales :( hopefully more time in the gym would cut back on some spending

  2. Hooray for exercise plans! I have grand plans of my own (if the weather cooperates!). Yay winter -__- Can't wait to see you blogging more!
