26 June 2015

High Park Adventures!

I have a confession to make about this post before I continue.. This post is relatively late. Okay, maybe a month or 2. But, as I was cleaning up some past posts, I actually found this post in my drafts. And, instead of having this post go to waste, I decided to share it with you all! 

This was probably the first time we hung out since the summer, of last year. So, few days prior to actually meeting up, and hanging out, we chose the most random, and surprisingly, only free date that we were ALL available on!  We actually decided to meet up at Dufferin mall because N wanted us to try a shwarma pizza. Because, her brother actually went to high school close by, we decided to wait till he was done school, and asked him to join us. WE realized that he only met up with us only so that he had something to eat. That's our cousin for you. 

The pizza shop was interesting to say the least. High school boys everywhere. Being short and all, it was no surprise that people tend to think that N and I are younger than we really are. So, we weren't really all that surprised when one of the guys asked us how old we were. N, being who she is, actually forgot and decided to age us by 2-3 years. It's all good! It worked out best as they left us alone. 

We then proceeded to high park. When we got there, we all agreed that we chose the worst day to go to High Park. Why? Well, it was the first day the flowers on the trees were budding. So, it was crowded! And, finding a place to park was just worst! We, eventually found a parking, and set off our adventure. We ate our pizza on a nearby bench; then proceeded to walk around and take pictures, just as everyone else around us did. Walking down the park, we discovered a water part that we've never saw until that day. Which is surprising, because we basically grew up playing at High Park when we were younger. 

We actually found our way to the zoo. And, like we were little, we didn't go through the entire thing. Watching the animals behinds fences made us sad; plus they smelled.. IT was a zoo with a lot of buffalo.. 

But overall, we were glad we had a cousins day. It was definitely long over due. Can't wait till we hang out more in the summer!

I just love summer! Cannot wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store for me!
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