19 June 2015

What's Been Taking Up My Time

It is no secret that I've been either present for a good 2-3 days here on my blog or just gone for an entire week. It's insane, I know. Believe me that not writing anything on my blog kills me just as much as wanting to write about something, without having to write about nothing. Does that even makes sense?

It isn't a surprise either that my absence might have something to do with the fact that I have a bunch of other things to maintain. I really don't know how others do it... having a full-time career, being a full-time mom/dad, and maintaining, regularly, a blog. I'm over here struggling with my part-time everything else. 

SCHOOL: Yes, even though it is summer, I decided to continue my studies into the summer session, in order to have a lighter course load for my last year doing my bachelors. However, although I am considered a part-time student for the summer, the speed of the classes require me to actually study and keep up with the readings like a regular full-time schedule. Things move quickly in summer school, so I need to do my best to keep up. 

WORK: I am still a part-timer at my retail job at Winners. It is fun to work, and then see my paycheck. But, lately, the hours are horrible. For example, this week my only scheduled shift is today from 9:30am -2:00pm... that's 4 hours and a half. Next week, I'm only scheduled to work on Saturday for 6 hours. I'm telling you, these hours aren't cutting it, and so I'm here jumping at the first chance I get whenever they need someone to come into work last minute, or if a friend is trying to give away a shift. 

JAY: I feel like if I list him on here, I'm complaining about him "taking up my time". To clear the air, he's not. Lately, I actually enjoy his company more than ever, so whenever there is a chance, when we are both available, to just hang out or chill, I jump at the chance at it. He's my best friend, and sometimes I just need to vent with him.

OTNB: The third season just came out a week ago, and although I started later than others, I finally just finished it. And needless to say, I am sad. I kinda wish there were more episodes to watch and waste my time over.. but, hey, the ending was very satisfying.

READING: I don't what came over me, but I somehow was able to finish 3 books in less than a week. This is way more "fun" reading I've done over the past couple of years, due to the amount of textbook readings I had for school. I'm currently reading Finding Alaska by John Green. It's definitely an interesting one, so you already know I won't put it down until it is done.

Besides those... I really can't think of any others. But, I'm sure by the time this post is posted (I scheduled it ahead of time because I'm busy), I'll probably end up having to add few more things that have been keeping me busy.
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