10 June 2015

Lately + Random Thoughts

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Lately, I've been absent on the blog. I know it sucks just as much for me as it does for you. Truth time? I really do want to come on here and blog about the amazing things I've been doing. But, I can't. Because well, I haven't done anything too amazing as of yet. I've been in school, and school is, you know, school. Requiring my time and attention. 

However, I have taken a step back and actually start reading again. If you haven't noticed, a few days ago I read my first John Green book, Paper Towns. And it was honestly just lovely. I really liked it. Now, continuing on my John Green book marathon, I read The Fault in Our Stars. Do I really have to say anymore? I decided to write a book review on that later, and schedule to post it in a few weeks or so (got to spread out my content). Currently, I'm reading my third John Green book, An Abundance of Katherines. And, instead of sharing how I feel about it, as I will eventually write a review on it, so far... it's boring. Sorry! 

Besides all of that, I have been on my blog. Obviously not blogging, but I've been here fixing a few a lot of my posts. Mainly changing the first main picture I would be using at the top of each blog post. With all the "spare time" I've had, I came across blog posts that really brought light into my eyes. And, it is about copyrighted pictures, and how some bloggers were actually sued for using a photo they didn't even know was not usable. Crazy stuff.

So, in all of that, I of course got scared because half of the photos I used were from google. So, I went through my entire archive (and I'm not even close to being done), and either removing a photo, or replacing it with a free stock photo. Because hey, a blog post always looks better with a photo. I mean, I could always take my own photos, but sometimes I can't take a "blog worthy" photo. It takes time and processing, and this summer it will definitely be a goal of mine to master. 

Hmm.. I think that's all for going on in my life. I am heading up to Wasaga beach this weekend for a friend's birthday. That should be fun. I will most definitely be taking pictures at the beach, if it doesn't rain. But, the forecast, as of today, says it will, and I'm praying with my entire heart and soul for it not to rain. I wanna go to the beach!!! 

Oh! And I'm thinking about switching phone companies AND switching to an android. But, thats a story for another blog post, if I'm brave enough to go through with it! 
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