27 July 2015

Weekend Recap: Momma's Birthday!

This past weekend was definitely an interesting one! Not only was it extremely hot, to the point where I actually did not want to leave my nice cool home, but the momma bear has officially turned 55 years old! It kinda makes me sad, seeing my mom get older and older... it makes you realize that its good to spend as much time as you can with your parents. That is why, this past weekend, my family and I went out of our way to just make her feel special! 

Saturday was her birthday - so, we decided to take her to Mandarin buffet! She absolutely loves anything buffet, she thinks its the best way to get your money's worth. Plus, we knew that she wanted that photo the Mandarin staff takes when "surprising" the birthday guest with a cake/cupcake. That was fun, and absolutely just great to spend time with the family - just the 4 of us. 
That night however, my mom wanted to stay in at home instead of going out. Because she will be leaving for a vacation trip in just a few days, she decided that she should really finish up her packing. And, she allowed me to spend the night at Jay's brother's 26th birthday BBQ. I kind of felt bad, like my mom was testing me to see if I would really leave, but she assured me that she was okay with it. That BBQ... well, if I am being honest here, I would have rather stayed home with my mom. I did not enjoy myself... well, for the most part. 
Sunday, again we decided to take her out to Chako - a Korean grill house where you, believe it or not, cook or own meat! I thought it was a great experience overall! It is definitely something I would love to come back to with friends. Afterwards, we went shopping at a Premium Outlet Mall. They had high end stores - like Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Coach, etc - in the mall... for an OUTLET price. It was fun. We shopped till I literally dropped into a bench on the side. 
We came home, and it was just low-key great. Spent the rest of the night indoors. I really have to say, quality time with my parents trumps all. Happy 55th mother dearest <3 div="">
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