05 May 2016

May Goals!

April flew by so quickly! It was a very busy month, but I feel like it was worth it! The majority of the month I was at home or at the library studying for my exams. Although I was fortunate enough to enrol in classes that didn't have exams, I didn't have that many exams to study for. But, I did have a lot of essays and assignments to write. I think those are what took up the majority of my time. Oh, then when I was done my exams, you'd think I was laying in bed catching up on sleep -- but, nope. Instead I was busy trying to take as many shifts as I could at work to make the money I lost due to exams. 

So, yeah. April was really busy, and I will admit... I was really neglecting the blog. When I was looking over my blog, it feel so empty -- like no life. And, that made me sad. Like I mentioned in yesterday's post, I decided it was the right time to launch my new blog name + look to spark things up on here! Hopefully, this will motivate me a little more for May! 

Some of your favourite posts from April:
April Goals Revisited:
  1. Study, study, study
  2. Ace my exams!
  3. Don't Touch the credit card -- haha this is crossed half way because I used it literally three times this month, one as a means to pay for my phone bill! 
  4. Stay healthy.
  5. Pre-plan, schedule and post.
May Goals!
1. Work, Work, Work.
Yes, sing Rihanna's song while reading my first goal. This is probably going to be my main goal this summer. I want to work and make money. A lot of money to spend on myself, and more money to save for school, especially for expensive books. So, yes, my goal this month is take as many extra shifts as I can, and whenever someone tries to give their shift away, I will try my best to take it! Money is definitely on my mind. 

2. Take pictures.
I notice that I don't much photos lately. My goal this month is find the beauty of life and capture it. Capture anything that makes me happy, anything that looks pretty, or anything that looks instal-worthy. I want to capture it all! 

3. Walk more. 
Walking is the best form of exercise. I want to make it goal to walk to work at least once this month. According to google maps, a normal 5 minute drive is approximately a 30 minute walk. Not bad for some daily exercise if you ask me!

4. Study. 
I know what you're thinking... Study for what? Didn't you just say you finished school? Yes, I did finish school. I now just need to study for an entrance exam... some good old chemistry, biology and math. Definitely need to brush up on a few things before just writing the exam just like that! Wish me luck!

5. Don't touch the credit card.
Like I mentioned, I am getting better at this over the months. Hopefully this month I will resort to using my credit card less than 5 times.  

What are your May goals? Do you share any of mine?

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