12 September 2016

Three Books

This past summer, I think it's fair to say that I definitely caught up on a lot of reading that I didn't get to do during the school year. I don't know how a lot of you manage your time so well! I read a lot of your blogs and I realized that a lot of you have full-time jobs, and some are full-time students who all seem to still have time to read. Maybe because I tend to leave a lot of my school work last minute, I don't have the time to read?

But, with graduating from school and all, I've had such a rush of energy. I was finally able to pick up a book, lay on my bed and just ignore my netlfix account. I'm being serious. I'm technically paying for my little cousins, sister, and parents to watch netflix with my account.

Back to books...

Let's quickly talk about what I read, what I'm currently reading, and what I want to read. Three books (hence the title). Let's go.

What I read...
Where Rainbows Ends by Cecelia Ahern
What a BEAUTIFUL read! I absolutely loved being able to read the journey between Rosie and Alex friendship from ages 5 to 50!! The writing style throughout the novel was in the style of emails, letters and IM messages. And, I think this is what grabbed and kept my attention throughout the entire read. There were a few times I wanted to hurt them both for being so blind... but, that's for you to read and find out why!

What I currently reading...
Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
I've read many great reviews about this book. Plus, it has been sitting on my shelf for a while being neglected. So far, I'm really liking it! Maybe I'll write a review when I'm done.

What I want to read...
Girl Up by Laura Bates
I've never read a feminist based book before. I've never even really thought about doing so either until I read this amazing book review(ish) on Sarah Eliza. It was actually a guest post, but still a good read. She presented her favourite 5 feminist reads, and I decided to start this reading exploration with Girl Up!

What are your thoughts? Any books I should be reading? 

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