02 September 2016

September Goals!

Hello, friends! 

It is Friday. It is the second day of August. And, this weekend is going to be a long weekend! After tonight's shift, I get to come home and sleep the night away, and even enjoy a couple more hours of sleep in the morning. You already know that I will be sleeping in this weekend. I've been exhausted this week, and I just really need to catch up on my sleep. 

But, before thinking about tomorrow, let's focus on today (kind of!) Today is day 2 of the blogtember challenge, and here I am, posting again! Yay, 2/2! 

Fri., Sept 2: Share a list of your current goals.

Since it is August, I decided to share my August goals with you all! 

August Goals Revisited
  1. Don't touch the credit card. Ooppps. But, at least I used it only 5 times this month! Thats an improvement if you ask me.
  2. Work
  3. Keep active
  4. Blog more
  5. Watch less netflix, and read more. Yes, I am actually impressed with myself that I didn't watch a lot anything on netflix!!
This Month's Goals
Why am I so bad at this?? Whether it is a text message, Facebook message, or even blog comments, I seem to have such a bad habit of reading messages and then telling myself, oh I'll just reply later. Later never happens. My goal this month is to reply the moment after I read a message. This goes for blog comments as well... Definitely need to get back to a lot of your comments... sorry

2. Read a book
I'm not sure how August flew by without me reading a single book... It just seems odd. I know I'm a slow reader, but I usually read at least 2 books a month... I just don't know how I started reading a book at the beginning of the month, and just never got around to finishing it. This month, the goal is to simply read one book. Haha, this should be simple! I'm really not that busy.

3. Complete more than half of blogtember prompts!
If you didn't already know, I decided to participate in Bailey's 3rd annual blogtember blogging challenge! For the entire month of September, my main goal is to participate in at least half of the given prompts! In previous years I participated, but not for the entire month. With a little bit of planning, I really think this time will be different!

4. Hit the gym
This month, my gym membership has most definitely got its money's use. Not only did I use my membership perks to hit the gym more often during the week, but also worked out in different locations of the city! I loved the change of vibe, and this month I really want to continue this momentum. 

5. Take photos
This month, I want to take more photos! My camera roll is full of pictures of my work schedule... and Penelope of course. I need to change that. Maybe I can take a photo a day, whether it is my view of the day, or a selfie, I just want to take more photos this month! Especially of pretty things.

What are your September goals?

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