01 September 2014

Weekly Wishes #31

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Happy Monday bloggers! Today is labour day and I am very excited to just stay home and relax. But even then, it is that time of the week to be linking up with Melyssa for Weekly Wishes. This is a great linkup to share weekly goal and receive some encouragement from others who also have wishes/goals for the week!

Last Week's Wishes
Last week was a busy week for me. I thought being done with summer school I'd be able to relax - but that clearly wasn't the case. Last week I wished to be with my family and friends more, and being with them literally everyday is what I got. I was hanging out with everyone on a daily basis doing different things. Who knew I could be this social? aha, kidding. Uhm, there's nothing really much left. Because I was with friends and family, I didn't really get a chance to sleep in and relax like I wanted to, but I am very happy I got the time to spend with them before school starts!

This Week's Wishes
  1. Save money to buy Penelope a bigger cage! I love my bunny and I just love to spoil her. Its time for her to relax in a new and bigger cage. All I have to do is save my money for my little rabbit. I have so far saved up $90 in cash.. hoping to save up a little bit more! I went back to the pet store with the cage I was planning on purchasing, I noticed they raised the price to $115, soooo I still have a little more saving to do! 
  2. Sleep. School starts next Monday for me (yikes!)  So I really gotta sleep as much as I can, because who knows if I'd be able to sleep. 
  3. Plan blog prompts. I would not only like to plan blog prompts ahead of time and also begin to write most of them! I would like to have my blog in use as much as I can before school starts!
  4. Clean my room/ Reorganize. My sister is slowly moving her stuff out as she is preparing to move into the resident life at her new university! I gotta make sure she doesn't take any of my cloths/shoes/makeup - everything. Time to clean up and take ownership of what is really mine!
  5. Plan to meet up with people. I'm not talking about my friends here. I'm selling my textbooks and so this week, I need to plan out a day to meet up with those who want to buy my books - preferably on the same day so that I don't waste my gas going there. But, I'm thinking of meeting up with them when school starts next week... hmm... 
  6. School Errands. Not only do I have to sell my books, I have to plan to pick up my book that I am purchasing from others. That also means I need money in cash to pay them. I also need to pick up my UPass and my Parking Pass very soon. 
  7. Plan out new workout routine. Because I have an entirely new schedule for school, I need to plan out what days and time I will be available to stop by the gym. With that, I need a new workout schedule. I am more serious than ever to lose weight that I am planning to designate a day solely to one part of my body, i.e., Monday could be arms day!
These are my wishes for the week.  If you're participating and happened to hop onto my blog, leave your link so I can leave some encouragement as well! Have a great Monday, xo

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