31 July 2014

Blogging Can Be Hard

Today is the last day of the Blog Everyday in July Challenge hosted by Faith, Allie, and Juliette. I am actually glad to say that I've actually completed a challenge! Technically I've conquered this challenge once this post is actually published... but you know what I mean. Today's topic is to share with you why blogging can be hard sometimes.

Like kudos to Carly @ The College Prepster  who literally blogs AT LEAST once a day. I don't know how bloggers like her actually even think of good and meaningful topics to blog about on a daily basis. I have to admit, I'm over here struggling to think about a topic the night before, and still have nothing the morning of.

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After almost a year of blogging, I've experienced days where I just think to myself, "who knew that blogging would actually be this hard?" Looking at today's blog prompt, I really sat down and reflected on days where I just gave up and decided not to blog on a few days. Then, I asked myself why. I came up with two reasons.

1) Creating new blog content
Regardless of what kind of blog you run (i.e., Beauty, lifestyle, travel, etc.) you want to find something that is entertaining to your followers, meaningful, and new. This can be a very difficult task, especially if you're on the uncreative side and tend to google "What to blog about today". Then you are already experiencing the hard work that goes into a blog. 

Truthfully, creating new content can be hard especially if you don't want to sound like you're recycling your old material (which is a definite no). Not only that, trying to blog on a schedule adds more pressure about what to blog about the next day. Just thinking about what to blog itself is just a daunting task... We all go through our writer's block, some more than others. But nevertheless, we all go through this struggle for sure!

2) Time, effort and commitment
Running a blog requires your attention and time. And, if you want to have a successful blog and have a lot of followers like many top blogs, you have to work just as hard as they did. Believe me when I say it does not happen over night. Blogging takes a lot of time when it comes to thinking about a possible blog post, and eventually writing it. As like other, I designed my entire blog template, which took a lot of time and effort. Why did I do it? Because I am committed to making my blog always look it's best and presentable for future and current readers. 

Many bloggers know some of their most commented and viewed work is because of their secret weapon - their effort they've put into their work. 

So, I know these are my weakness when it comes to blogging. As I prompt the 1st birthday of my blog, I really have to take time to think about how to change my strategies in order to continue the process of creating a successful blog. OR, just to at least get more daily readers who actually like to stop by and say hi!

I know I can't be the only one who struggles with blogging. In fact, I know this is how a lot of us feels on most days:
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Why do you find blogging hard? Let me know in the comments below! 

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