03 July 2014

Moving Out of my Comfort Zone

Hey guys! It is day 3 of Blog Everyday in July Challenge with Juliette, Allie, and Faith! and I am so pumped that I have participated daily thus far! Let's hope I can keep this up for the remainder of the month!

JULY 3rd: Getting Uncomfortable in 2014 - What have you done out of your comfort zone this year?
This prompt really got me to reflect upon what I've done for the last 6 months... and I have to admit, it was really hard figuring out if there was anything I did that made me go out of my own comfort zone. 'Cause you see, I am a very reserved person, and I like to stick to what I know, or what is planned... so I guess that is my comfort zone and I started to think about where I branched out from here. Then it hit me.
I started to hit the gym!
Working out was such a foreign concept to me at first, so when I started going to the gym, I went with a friend, and the environment was completely out of my comfort zone. My first time at the gym, I literally used the elliptical for a good hour, and then laid on a mat on my phone looking for workouts. But, now I've learnt to make the gym my home, and I've actually become so comfortable to even take selfies in the change room when others are around! 

I got a job!
My whole life (19 years), I've depended on my parents money... They gave me money to shop, buy things for myself, and most importantly, they sent me to school. Now that my sister has decided to live on residence in another city to attend university, I made the decision to help my parents out and get a job to help pay for school. This was totally out of my comfort zone, and boy do I enjoy working with new people and just having a mini community with the other employees!

I donated 15" to Cancer!
I loved the way I looked with long hair, but just a few months ago, I randomly decided that it was time to share what I love with others, and although I was worried about my look with short hair, I decided to donate my hair to cancer. I've never done anything like this before, and quite frankly, I think I will definitely be doing this again in the near future!

I started spending more time with our family friends!
My sister is currently in the Air Cadet Program, and she has friends whose parents started talking to each other (I hope you understand so far), and our families just likes to hang out with each other and do activities with each other. I used to make excuses to avoid spending time with the, but then I was like what the heck, and I decided to go out of my comfort zone and engage with new people... and turns out they are actually really fun people, whom I consider family!

Blog about my Life!
Last but not least, I've gone out of my comfort zone and actually shared my life with people I don't know on my blog. It is something I've never thought would ever happen, but It has, and now there are a lot of people out there who know little details about my life! It is just crazy how much I've gone out of my comfort zone!

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