18 July 2014

Five Favourites!

Happy Friday to all my blogger friends! Like the good blogger that I am, I prepared this post days ago, but failed to schedule the post to be uploaded. Because I am feeling very sick today, I just woke up and decided to just post it quickly and go back to sleep since I missed yesterday's prompt! (Please don't hold it against me!) But, if you have no idea what I am talking about, I am linking up with Allie, Juliette, and Faith for the Blog Everyday in July Challenge. Today's prompt is to share five favourites with y'all! 

1. Cousin Time! 

This summer, unlike other summers, my sister, my cousins and I have made more of an effort to spend A LOT of time with each other. That means sleepovers, going out, wasting money... just everything! But, that all doesn't matter because just the car rides alone are the best part of our cousin time. We make a lot of jokes, and we may yell a lot of each other - at the end of the day, we are family and what better way to spend our summer with family. Family = Love. 

2. The colour of blue and the car!

Jay went to the opening of ERFETA (something like that), which is like this huge car meet for the GTA (General Toronto Area). It was hosted in Mississauga or something, but I asked Jay to take pictures for me as I was unable to attend. Anyways, out of all the pictures, this car stood out to me. I really LOVE the colour of the car and the black rims on it. I find something intriguing about this car, and I cannot wait to attend this car meet to meet this car face-to-face soon!

3. This Candid Photo

When hanging out with the cousins early this week, my cousin took this candid photo of me - and I have to admit, this is my favourite candid photo of myself. Not only does my body actually look good, I'm smiling NATURALLY which makes the photo that much more pretty!

4. Love of Water

I took this photo of Lake Shore, located in Toronto. When I went to lake shore, I just thought the colour of the water was absolutely beautiful when the sun was setting. Just a beautiful and relaxing scene. The picture doesn't do justice to the real thing, but I really enjoyed the view!

5. You and I - John Legend (Nobody in the World)

The music video is actually so beautiful. Got me teary-eyed when I first watched it. A beautiful song, which a beautiful message, from a beautiful men to all the beautiful women! I hope you enjoyed this video just as much as I have!

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