17 February 2015

A New Look for I Write About You

So, if you guys haven't already noticed, I Write About You has a very new look! I am actually very happy about this new look, that I decided to share it with you all! And, before you scroll all the way to the bottom to see who designed this layout, it was actually me. I self-designd this blog with the the intention of having a more simpler look.

I noticed on some of my favourite bloggers that their blogs have a simply blog layout, which makes it easier to read some of the content. Then, when I would look back onto my blog, I realize there was just too much for me to even appreciate it. So, I'd imaged how other people would react to the bright and many colours my blogged had.

I've actually been wanting to change the blog layout for a while now, and I actually planned to do so next week when I'm off from school. But, I just really wanted to change it. Like, if your read one of my most recent blog tutorials How to Create Your Own Social Media Icons, I did mention that I was planning on changing the layout. So, as I was creating social media icons for that tutorial, I actually found a colour I fell in love with and just decided to sit down and play around!

I am actually not an expert at HTML coding. I am instead a very good google searcher, and actually founded everything I did on my blog on google! So, instead of spending $30.00 on a blog design that I knew I'd probably want to change in a few months or so, I decided to do it myself, just like I've done for the past 3 looks.

Want to do a throw back to see the past layouts I've designed? It's okay, I'm still going to show you! 

I had another blog design from before... I just don't know where I save it. Anyways, this is the new layout, and I am really happy with you. As you can tell from my past layouts, I am clearly a fan of yellow for blog layouts. I think it is just happy and sends out a positive vibe for you all!

So, I hope you enjoy the new and cleaner look for my blog! 
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1 comment:

  1. I've loved all your blog looks but it is nice to keep it fresh. Your colour scheme is perfect x

    Freya's Fashion Chapter
