14 March 2014

Life Lately: 40 Days of Lent

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Happy Friday everyone!

I know I have been somewhat absent when it comes to blogging during the past two weeks, but I have to say, being a full-time student and worker is actually not that easy... I am just exhausted all the time, and don't really have the energy to sit in front of my laptop and blog... So I've been catching up on sleep.  But, since today is Friday, I decided to just briefly talk about something that I totally forgot to blog about last week. 

Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday.  For those of you who are do not know what Ash Wednesday is, it is the first day of Lent, which begins 40 days where many Christians prepare for Easter by either fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline.  Not many Christians participate in Ash Wednesday or Lent, but as a Roman Catholic (which is basically a subset of Christianity), my family and I try our best to participate every year.  And by participating, I mean by choosing to "give up something" for 40 days. 
Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." - Luke 9:23
So what does that mean? The way I interpret this verse is quite simple actually.  40 days of Lent is about self denial, and carrying our cross while following Jesus wherever he may lead us.  This can be done in many ways.  For many of us, it is through our prayful ways, and for others it may be through our loving actions towards ours. 

For 40 days of Len this year, my family and I chose to fast by not eating meat.  This is actually something very big for my family.  You can basically call us carnivores, that's how much meat we eat on the daily.  So giving up meat for 40 days... I thought this would definitely be a challenge.  

But it has just been over a week, and I am actually doing fine.  I had no idea that there would be a wide variety of substitutes to eat other than meat, and I am actually okay with eating and trying new things.  Yes, I have had some temptations to defrost some ground beef to make sheppard's pie or even spaghetti, but somehow... this year I am able to restrain myself. 

I guess there is just a lot that I am hoping for in my life, and I think sacrificing meat for 40 days isn't that hard. I am honestly learning a lot about myself through this entire journey.  Who knew I would honestly have the self restraint to not eat meat even when it is in front of me.
So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. - Daniel 9:3
In hopes of the next 40 days, I am honestly hoping for a change in both my family and I as we come together as one through this journey.  I am hoping for the best, considering the best has yet to come for us.

If you are participating in Lent this year, I would love to hear some of the things you have chose to "give up" for 40 days! Leave a comment below! Have a great weekend!

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