02 May 2014

#bedm - 5 Favourite Posts

Happy Friday bloggers! I am so excited that I can sleep and just relax for the weekend... well just most of it. I have another 7am shift tomorrow morning! So expect a post later during the evening, just like I have posted yesterdays and today's post later than usual. 

Today is the second day of the Blog Everyday in May Challenge hosted by the lovely Elizabeth from Rosalilium. This challenge is actually different, instead of a linkup where you provide a link to your post; you post the link on your twitter, and use the hashtag #BEDM to view other's post! Today's topic is actually perfect as it helps bring up past posts that many of my new blogger followers may have never come across. Today's topic is: "5 Fave Posts - pimp out your favourite posts on your blog".
Below I will provide the title of my favourite post with a little excerpt (something similar as shown under my "Popular Posts" sidebar. At the end of the excerpt I will provide a link for you to select if you choose to check it out. My favourite posts are in no particular order, so hopefully you all enjoy reading!
Tangible Object, Intangible Value
When it comes to gifts, I think it's safe to say that jewellery speaks closely to not only a woman's heart, but her emotional and mental well-being. There are so many meanings and emotions that we associate with any piece of jewelry. It can make any girl smile just by looking and wearing it. I mean, that's how I feel... [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING]

Thankful for You.
Waking up this morning got me thinking, "Thank you God for allowing me to wake up to another day." most people, whether they admit it or not, don't appreciate the lives they have. We all just wake up and perform our daily routines, complain about things here and there, come home and complain some more, then go to bed... However, as I began to realize that I too am guilty of not appreciating my life, I began to live my life differently... [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING]

His Love is Strong
Today is Good Friday. Ironic isn't it? How can we call a day "good" when this was the day Jesus was condemned to death? When this was a day when he died? If you ask me, when a loved one passed away, I never once said it was good. So how is it different with Jesus? Why is it considered Good Friday? Today was the day Jesus died on a cross... for us. I personally think that today is known as "Good Friday" because His death was for our good. [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING]

A Thousand Words
... This photo is actually one of my favourite pictures of my sister and I because we grew up literally doing everything together. We joined all the same extra circular activities, the same teams at school, we went to the same schools; like basically we dominated everything together. We are like the ultimate sisters. If your'e wondering about the uniform, it is our Air Cade uniform that we wear in the Royal Canadian Air Cadet Program. (And no, this isn't a program that sends kids to war). The story behind this picture is different... [CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING]

Silent Sunday

If you're also participating in this challenge, leave your link in the comment so I can also follow along on your blog!!
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