06 February 2014

The Liebster Award: Take 2

It's been a while since I did one of these posts, but I am happy to say that I've recently been nominated by the lovely Lisa from Showered With Design! I am so excited and thankful for her to think of me!

The Liebster Award is given by fellow bloggers to new blogs with smaller followings but huge potential; it is a great way to find new blogs as well as support one another.


the rules of the award are as follows:
mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog
answer the eleven questions the asked
nominate eleven other bloggers with a smaller following but a lot of potential
create eleven of your own questions for them to answer
notify your nominees

My answers to Lisa's questions:

1. What is your favourite vacation/getaway spot?
Anywhere that is away from the cold! Yes, I absolutely love the sun, and the heat, and just summer all year round.  I actually love visiting my cousins in San Francisco, California.  We try to go down there as often as we can since my entire moms side of the family is basically there, and so just being with them is all I could ask for. The best kind of vacation depends on the ones whom you spend it with!

2. What is your ideal date night?
My ideal date is very simple - as long as I spend time with Jay and we just have a great time doing what, then that is perfect enough for me.  See I'm a very simple girl, I don't like all the attention on me all the time, so if we end up just going to the movies, and dinner afterwards, I'm actually okay with that. It's all about quality time.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? and why?
First of all, I would live somewhere warm. Well thats the plan I have anyways. But if I could live anywhere in the world, I would honestly live in Paris, France. The first time I went there, I was instantly in love with the scenery and just the beauty that every corner had.

4. What is your favourite TV show that you can't miss a week without watching?
I honestly cannot miss an episode of Pretty Little Liars. Ever since the first season, I've just been hooked into the story line. Although I feel that the show has been going on for a while, I still have the urge to make sure I have my popcorn and chips ready to watch the show, every Tuesday night!

5. Why did you start blogging?
I actually started blogging with the intention of just expressing myself without my friends knowing about it. I just wanted a place to write down about my day, or my experiences and read other's experiences as well. And in doing so, I was hoping that I would somehow find myself

6. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a child, I always wanted to become a paediatrician. I always had a great experiences whenever I went to the doctors, and that they just provided me a safe and fun environment.  So I think its safe to say, based on my great experiences, I knew I wanted to do the same for little babies one day when I grew up.

7. Do you prefer cats or dogs or neither? and why?
I prefer dogs. I find dogs more sociable and more livable when it comes to the owner-pet relationship. I genuinely think that dogs have a soft spot for their family and I think they are such great friends to play around with whenever you're feeling lonely.

8. Have you ever participated in a Random Act of Kindness?
Yes I have! I am proud to say that I've actually done a few in January, and I'm ready to dominant the random act of kindness in February!

9. Who is your favourite celebrity?
My favourite celebrity at the moment has to definitely be Harry Styles. YES, I am very fond of him since the first time I saw One Directions blogs on youtube when they were still on X-Factor UK.  I've been a fan ever since, and although I have yet to see him in person, he is definitely my favourite. No explanation needed.

10. Which one of your posts is your favourite blog post ever?
I personally have two favourite posts, and that's because it has to do with Jay. 
Thankful for You.
Tangible Object, Intangible Value

11. What is the best advice you were given, and by whom?
The best advice I've ever receive has got to be, "Do it for you and for no one else." My dad told me this when I was struggling a few years ago trying to figure out what programs I would be applying for university. He told me that of course he wants me to have a great future, but he also said that at the end of the day, it is the life I am going to be living with.  He told me that one day when he and mother are gone, I am the one still living with what I worked for. So I need to work towards something that I will enjoy and not regret in the future. I love you dad.

I nominate:

Here are my questions for you lovely bloggers:
1. What is your favorite season? Why?
2. If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy?
3. What is one makeup product you don't leave home without?
4. If you could visit/travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. Do you prefer baking or cooking? What your favourite dish to bake/cook?
6. Best day of your life thus far?
7. What do you always have to have in your purse?
8. What is your favorite weekend activity?
9. What accessory can you never leave your home without?
10. Why did you start blogging? and for how long have you been blogging?
11. What are your 3 favorite blogs?

This is actually my second time being nominated, which is pretty exciting. Click HERE to see my first take for the time time I was nominated.
Thanks again Lisa!

Don't forget to link back to my blog with the answers to your questions!
Let me know when you post it! I can't wait to read what your answers!

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