30 September 2015

If We Were on a Coffee Date | vol. 5

Can't believe the month is already over - like, over, over. Tomorrow we start the month of October, and that means a WHOLE lot of tests and essays and exams to prepare and schedule for. But, let's not dwell of the future studies... I wanna talk about this month!

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you about Neisha's birthday! Just this past weekend, my  main cousin turned 21! And, we partied hard for her. Hmm.. I would make a blog post about it, but I really don't remember taking any photos at all! It was all videos for snapchat.. and half of it was just nonsense I don't remember taking... This is exactly why I wouldn't make a blog post about it aha!

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you about how I participated in the blog-tember challenge. I can truthfully say that blog-tember was a success! (well, almost).  I mean, I participated in this challenge more than I thought I was capable of. Reaching towards the end of the month, however, I did find myself struggling to keep up with school work, so I went missing for like 6 days... But, besides that, I am genuinely surprised I completed the challenge!

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you about some of my favourite prompts from the month! I'll just casually list out 5 of my favourite prompts from the month! For your convenience, I've also linked up my post that went with the prompt :)

1. Create a collage or mood board that describes your blog. (my post!)
2. Write a letter to 16-year-old you. (my letter) 
3.  Record a VLOG! It can be about anything you'd like (here's mine!)
4. A favourite quote/expression and how it has impacted you. (my favourite quote..
5. Get creative! Sketch, paint, dance, play music, whatever then give us a glimpse. (here's my work!) 

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you how I found bunch of daily reads! Which, I am really happy about. Most of my daily reads (don't want to name anyone specific) don't blog on the daily anymore. So, I feel very empty on my Saturday mornings having not much to read. But, now...  because of this challenge, I've defiantly found something to read again :) Yay!

If we were on a coffee date, I'd probably order another coffee.. or two. I really need it. And, I'm just swarmed with school stuff. As much as I don't want to think about it... I do have to prepare for the upcoming weeks of tests and other "fun" stuff.
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